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A Doll’s House 001 – ACT I – 006
HELMER.Yes, but you must.Tell me something reasonable that you would particularly like to have.NORA.No, I really can’t think of anything—unless, Torvald—HELMER.Well?NORA.[playing with his coat buttons, and without raising her eyes to his].If you really want to give me something, you might—you might—HELMER.Well, out with it!NORA.[speaking quickly].You might give me money, Torvald.Only just as much as you can afford; and then one of these days I will buy something with it.HELMER.But, Nora—NORA.Oh, do! dear Torvald; please, please do! Then I will wrap it up in beautiful gilt paper and hang it on the Christmas Tree.Wouldn’t that be fun?HELMER.What are little people called that are always wasting money?NORA.Spendthrifts—I know.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Yes, / but you must. / Tell me something reasonable / that you would particularly / like to have.
네, 하지만 꼭 말해줘야 해요. 특별히 갖고 싶은 합리적인 무언가를 말해줘요.
No, / I really can’t think of anything— / unless, / Torvald—
아니에요, 정말 아무것도 생각나지 않아요— / Torvald— / 만약에—
[playing with his coat buttons, / and without raising her eyes / to his].
[그의 외투 단추를 만지며, / 그의 눈을 보지 않고.]
If you really / want to give me something, / you might—you might—
정말 뭔가를 주고 싶다면, / 당신은—할지도 몰라요.
Well, / out with it!
그냥 말해요!
You might / give me money, / Torvald.
당신은 나에게 / 돈을 줄지도 몰라요, / Torvald.
Only just / as much / as you can afford; / and then / one of these days / I will buy / something with it.
당신이 / 감당할 수 있는 만큼만; / 그리고 나중에 / 나는 그것으로 / 무언가를 살 거예요.
But, Nora—
하지만, Nora—
Oh, / do! dear Torvald; / please, / please do! / Then / I will wrap it up / in beautiful gilt paper / and hang it / on the Christmas Tree.
오, 제발요! / Torvald; / 제발, / 제발요! / 그리고 그때 / 나는 그것을 / 아름다운 금박지로 포장하고 / 그것을 매달 거예요 / 크리스마스 트리에.
Wouldn’t / that be fun?
재미있지 않겠어요?
What are little people / called / that are always / wasting money?
항상 돈을 낭비하는 / 작은 사람들을 / 뭐라고 부르죠?
Spendthrifts— / I know.
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