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A Doll’s House 001 – ACT I – 008
HELMER.You are an odd little soul.Very like your father.You always find some new way of wheedling money out of me, and, as soon as you have got it, it seems to melt in your hands.You never know where it has gone.Still, one must take you as you are.It is in the blood; for indeed it is true that you can inherit these things, Nora.NORA.Ah, I wish I had inherited many of papa’s qualities.HELMER.And I would not wish you to be anything but just what you are, my sweet little skylark.But, do you know, it strikes me that you are looking rather—what shall I say—rather uneasy today?NORA.Do I?HELMER.You do, really.Look straight at me.NORA.[looks at him].Well?HELMER.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
You are / an odd little soul.
넌 참 이상한 작은 영혼이야.
Very like / your father.
아주 네 아버지를 닮았어.
You always find / some new way / of wheedling money / out of me, / and, as soon as / you have got it, / it seems to melt / in your hands.
넌 항상 나에게서 돈을 졸라내는 새로운 방법을 찾아내고, 돈을 받자마자 손에서 녹아버리는 것 같아.
You never know / where it has gone.
넌 그것이 어디로 갔는지 결코 모른다.
Still, one must take you as you are.
그래도, 사람은 너를 있는 그대로 받아들여야 해.
It is in the blood; / for indeed it is true that / you can inherit / these things, / Nora.
그것은 피 속에 있어; / 너는 진짜로 이런 것들을 / 물려받을 수 있다는 것이 사실이야, / 노라.
Ah, / I wish I had / inherited / many of papa’s qualities.
아, / 나는 많은 아빠의 자질을 / 물려받았으면 좋았을 텐데.
And I would not wish / you to be anything / but just what you are, / my sweet little skylark.
그리고 너가 / 너 자신을 제외한 / 누구도 되기를 바라지 않아, / 나의 작은 달콤한 종다리야.
But, do you know, / it strikes me that / you are looking rather—
하지만, 너는 알아? / 나는 네가 꽤나— / 불안해 보인다는 생각이 들어.
Do I?
You do, really.
정말 그래.
[looks at him]
[그를 바라본다]
what shall I say—rather uneasy today?
무엇이라고 말해야 할까— 오늘 불안해 보인다는.
Look straight at me.
나를 똑바로 봐.
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