❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
A Doll’s House 001 – ACT I – 010
Did you remember to invite Doctor Rank?HELMER.No.But there is no need; as a matter of course he will come to dinner with us.However, I will ask him when he comes in this morning.I have ordered some good wine.Nora, you can’t think how I am looking forward to this evening.NORA.So am I! And how the children will enjoy themselves, Torvald!HELMER.It is splendid to feel that one has a perfectly safe appointment, and a big enough income.It’s delightful to think of, isn’t it?NORA.It’s wonderful!HELMER.Do you remember last Christmas? For a full three weeks beforehand you shut yourself up every evening until long after midnight, making ornaments for the Christmas Tree, and all the other fine things that were to be a surprise to us.It was the dullest three weeks I ever spent!NORA.I didn’t find it dull.HELMER.[smiling].But there was precious little result, Nora.NORA.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Did you remember / to invite / Doctor Rank?
닥터 랭크를 초대하는 것을 기억했나요?
No. / But there is / no need; / as a matter of course / he will come / to dinner with us.
아니요. / 하지만 / 필요 없어요; / 당연히 / 그는 우리와 저녁을 먹으러 / 올 거예요.
However, / I will ask him / when he comes / in this morning.
하지만, / 그가 오늘 아침에 / 올 때 / 물어볼게요.
I have ordered / some good wine.
나는 좋은 와인을 / 주문했어요.
Nora, / you can’t think / how I am looking forward / to this evening.
노라, / 내가 이 저녁을 / 얼마나 기대하고 있는지 / 상상도 못 할 거예요.
So am I! / And how the children / will enjoy themselves, / Torvald!
저도요! / 그리고 아이들이 얼마나 / 즐거워할지, / 토르발드!
It is splendid / to feel / that one / has a perfectly safe appointment, / and a big enough income.
완전히 안전한 약속과 / 충분히 큰 수입을 갖고 있다는 / 느낌을 / 가진다는 것은 / 정말 멋져요.
It’s delightful / to think of, / isn’t it?
생각만 해도 / 기쁠 일이지, / 그렇지 않나요?
It’s wonderful!
정말 멋져요!
Do you remember / last Christmas? / For a full three weeks / beforehand you shut yourself up / every evening / until long after midnight, / making ornaments / for the Christmas Tree, / and all the other fine things / that were to be a surprise to us.
지난 크리스마스를 기억하나요? / 당신은 꼬박 3주 동안 / 매일 저녁 / 자정이 지나도록 / 크리스마스 트리 장식과 / 우리를 놀라게 할 모든 멋진 것들을 / 만들면서 / 자신을 가두었죠.
It was / the dullest / three weeks / I ever spent!
내가 겪어본 / 가장 지루한 / 3주였어요!
I didn’t find it / dull.
난 그것이 / 지루하지 않았어요.
But there was / precious little result, / Nora.
하지만 결과는 / 거의 없었어요, / 노라.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)