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Grimms Fairy Tales 004 JORINDA AND JORINDEL 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 004 – JORINDA AND JORINDEL – 004

At last the fairy came back and sang with a hoarse voice:

On a sudden Jorindel found himself free.
Then he fell on his knees before the fairy, and prayed her to give him back his dear Jorinda: but she laughed at him, and said he should never see her again; then she went her way.

He prayed, he wept, he sorrowed, but all in vain.
‘Alas!’ he said, ‘what will become of me?’ He could not go back to his own home, so he went to a strange village, and employed himself in keeping sheep.
Many a time did he walk round and round as near to the hated castle as he dared go, but all in vain; he heard or saw nothing of Jorinda.

At last he dreamt one night that he found a beautiful purple flower, and that in the middle of it lay a costly pearl; and he dreamt that he plucked the flower, and went with it in his hand into the castle, and that everything he touched with it was disenchanted, and that there he found his Jorinda again

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At last / the fairy / came back / and sang / with a hoarse voice:

    마침내 요정이 돌아와 쉰 목소리로 노래를 불렀다.

  2. ⦁ fairy: 요정
    – The fairy waved her magic wand. (요정이 마법 지팡이를 흔들었다.)

    ⦁ hoarse: 쉰 목소리의
    – She spoke in a hoarse whisper. (그녀는 쉰 목소리로 속삭였다.)

  3. On a sudden / Jorindel / found himself free.

  4. 갑자기 조린델은 자신이 자유로워진 것을 알았다.

    ⦁ sudden: 갑작스러운
    – The sudden noise startled me. (갑작스러운 소음이 나를 놀라게 했다.)

    ⦁ free: 자유로운
    – The bird was set free. (새는 풀려났다.)

  5. Then he fell / on his knees / before the fairy, / and prayed her / to give him back / his dear Jorinda: / but she / laughed at him, / and said he should / never see her / again; / then she / went her way.

  6. 그는 요정 앞에 무릎을 꿇고 사랑하는 조린다를 돌려달라고 기도했지만, 요정은 비웃으며 그녀를 다시는 볼 수 없을 거라고 말했다. 그리고 그녀는 떠나갔다.

    ⦁ pray: 기도하다
    – They prayed for peace. (그들은 평화를 위해 기도했다.)

    ⦁ laugh: 웃다
    – The comedian made everyone laugh. (코미디언은 모든 사람을 웃게 만들었다.)

  7. He prayed, / he wept, / he sorrowed, / but all in vain.

    그는 기도했고, 울었으며, 슬퍼했지만 모두 헛된 일이었다.

  8. ⦁ weep: 울다
    – She wept tears of joy. (그녀는 기쁨의 눈물을 흘렸다.)

    ⦁ vain: 헛된
    – His efforts were in vain. (그의 노력은 헛되었다.)

  9. ‘Alas!’ / he said, / ‘what will become of me?’

  10. ‘아아!’ 그가 말했다, ‘내가 어떻게 될까?’

    ⦁ alas: 아아
    – Alas, the time has come. (아아, 그 시간이 왔다.)

    ⦁ become: ~이 되다
    – She became a doctor. (그녀는 의사가 되었다.)

  11. He could not / go back / to his own home, / so he went / to a strange / village, / and employed himself / in keeping sheep.

  12. 그는 자신의 집으로 돌아갈 수 없었기에, 낯선 마을로 가서 양을 치는 일을 했다.

    ⦁ employ: 고용하다
    – The company employs many workers. (회사는 많은 직원을 고용한다.)

    ⦁ strange: 낯선
    – She felt strange in the new city. (그녀는 새로운 도시에 낯설게 느꼈다.)

  13. Many a time / did he walk / round and round / as near to the hated castle / as he dared go, / but all in vain; / he heard / or saw / nothing of Jorinda.

  14. 그는 여러 번 미운 성 주위를 가까이 갈 수 있는 만큼 돌았으나, 헛된 일이었다. 그는 조린다의 아무 소리도 보지도 못했다.

    ⦁ dare: 감히 ~하다
    – Do you dare to jump? (너는 감히 점프할 수 있니?)

    ⦁ hear: 듣다
    – Did you hear the news? (그 소식 들었니?)

  15. At last / he dreamt one night / that he found / a beautiful purple flower, / and that in the middle of it / lay a costly pearl;

  16. 마침내 어느 밤, 그는 아름다운 보라색 꽃을 발견하고, 그 중간에 값진 진주가 있는 꿈을 꾸었다.

    ⦁ dream: 꿈꾸다
    – He dreamt of flying. (그는 날아다니는 꿈을 꾸었다.)

    ⦁ middle: 중간
    – The cat sat in the middle of the room. (고양이는 방 가운데에 앉았다.)

  17. and he dreamt / that he plucked the flower, / and went with it / in his hand / into the castle, / and that everything / he touched with it / was disenchanted, / and that there / he found his Jorinda again.

  18. 그리고 그는 꽃을 꺾어 손에 들고 성으로 들어가서, 그것으로 만진 모든 것이 마법에서 풀리고, 거기서 그가 다시 조린다를 찾는 꿈을 꾸었다.

    ⦁ pluck: 꺾다
    – She plucked a rose from the garden. (그녀는 정원에서 장미를 꺾었다.)

    ⦁ disenchanted: 마법에서 풀린
    – The spell was broken, and he was disenchanted. (마법이 풀려서 그는 마법에서 풀려났다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)