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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 005 – THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS – 003
They could not, however, reach the great city the first day; so when night came on, they went into a wood to sleep.The ass and the dog laid themselves down under a great tree, and the cat climbed up into the branches; while the cock, thinking that the higher he sat the safer he should be, flew up to the very top of the tree, and then, according to his custom, before he went to sleep, looked out on all sides of him to see that everything was well.In doing this, he saw afar off something bright and shining and calling to his companions said, ‘There must be a house no great way off, for I see a light.’ ‘If that be the case,’ said the ass, ‘we had better change our quarters, for our lodging is not the best in the world!’ ‘Besides,’ added the dog, ‘I should not be the worse for a bone or two, or a bit of meat.’ So they walked off together towards the spot where Chanticleer had seen the light, and as they drew near it became larger and brighter, till they at last came close to a house in which a gang of robbers lived.The ass, being the tallest of the company, marched up to the window and peeped in
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
They could not, / however, reach the great city / the first day; / so when night came on, / they went into a wood to sleep.
그들은 첫날에는 그 큰 도시에 도착할 수 없었기 때문에, 밤이 되자 그들은 숲으로 들어가 잠을 잤다.
The ass and the dog / laid themselves down under a great tree, / and the cat / climbed up / into the branches; / while the cock, / thinking that the higher he sat / the safer he should be, / flew up to the very top of the tree, / and then, / according to his custom, / before he went to sleep, / looked out on all sides of him / to see that everything was well.
당나귀와 개는 큰 나무 아래에 누웠고, 고양이는 가지로 올라갔다; 반면에 수탉은 더 높이 앉을수록 더 안전하다고 생각하며, 나무 꼭대기까지 날아갔다가 평소 습관에 따라 잠들기 전에 모든 것이 잘 있는지 주위를 살펴보았다.
In doing this, / he saw afar off / something bright and shining / and calling to his companions / said, ‘There must be a house / no great way off, / for I see a light.’
이렇게 하는 동안, 그는 멀리서 밝고 빛나는 무언가를 보고 동료들을 불러 말하길, ‘저기 멀지 않은 곳에 집이 있을 거야, 불빛이 보여.’라고 말했다.
‘If that be the case,’ / said the ass, / ‘we had better change our quarters, / for our lodging is not the best / in the world!’ / ‘Besides,’ / added the dog, / ‘I should not be the worse / for a bone or two, / or a bit of meat.’
‘만약 그렇다면,’이라며 당나귀가 말했다, ‘우리 숙소를 옮기는 게 좋겠다, 지금 우리 숙소는 세계 최고의 숙소가 아니거든!’ 그리고 개가 덧붙였다, ‘뼈 몇 개나 고기 조각이 좀 있었으면 좋겠어.’
So they walked off together / towards the spot / where Chanticleer had seen the light, / and as they drew near / it became larger and brighter, / till they at last came close to a house / in which a gang of robbers lived.
그래서 그들은 Chanticleer가 빛을 본 장소를 향해 함께 걸어갔고, 가까이 갈수록 그 빛은 더 크고 밝아졌으며, 마침내 강도들이 살고 있는 집 가까이 도착했다.
The ass, / being the tallest of the company, / marched up to the window / and peeped in.
그 일행 중 키가 가장 큰 당나귀가 창문 쪽으로 걸어가 안을 엿보았다.
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