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Grimms Fairy Tales 005 THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS 005

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 005 – THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS – 005

When all was ready a signal was given, and they began their music.
The ass brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the cock screamed; and then they all broke through the window at once, and came tumbling into the room, amongst the broken glass, with a most hideous clatter! The robbers, who had been not a little frightened by the opening concert, had now no doubt that some frightful hobgoblin had broken in upon them, and scampered away as fast as they could.

The coast once clear, our travellers soon sat down and dispatched what the robbers had left, with as much eagerness as if they had not expected to eat again for a month.
As soon as they had satisfied themselves, they put out the lights, and each once more sought out a resting-place to his own liking

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. When all was ready / a signal was given, / and they began their music.

    모든 준비가 끝나자 신호가 주어졌고, 그들은 음악을 시작했습니다.

  2. ⦁ signal: 신호
    – The traffic light turned green, signaling it’s safe to go. (교통 신호등이 녹색으로 변했고, 이제 안전하게 갈 수 있음을 신호했습니다.)

    ⦁ ready: 준비가 된
    – The soldiers were ready for the mission. (군인들은 임무를 위해 준비가 되어 있었습니다.)

  3. The ass brayed, / the dog barked, / the cat mewed, / and the cock screamed; / and then they all broke through the window / at once, / and came tumbling into the room, / amongst the broken glass, / with a most hideous clatter!

    당나귀는 울고, 개는 짖고, 고양이는 야옹거리고, 수탉은 울부짖었습니다; 그리고 나서 그들은 모두 창문을 뚫고 한꺼번에 방으로 넘어와 깨진 유리 속에서 가장 끔찍한 소란을 일으켰습니다!

  4. ⦁ bray: 당나귀 울음소리를 내다
    – The donkey brayed loudly in the field. (당나귀가 들판에서 크게 울었습니다.)

    ⦁ hideous: 끔찍한
    – The monster had a hideous appearance. (그 괴물은 끔찍한 외모를 가지고 있었습니다.)

  5. The robbers, / who had been not a little frightened / by the opening concert, / had now no doubt / that some frightful hobgoblin / had broken in upon them, / and scampered away / as fast as they could.

    처음 연주에 적잖이 놀란 도둑들은 이제 그들 앞에 무시무시한 도깨비가 들어왔다는 것을 확신하고 가능한 빨리 도망쳤습니다.

  6. ⦁ frightened: 겁먹은
    – She was frightened by the thunderstorm. (그녀는 천둥번개를 보고 겁에 질렸습니다.)

    ⦁ scamper: 뛰어다니다
    – The children scampered around the playground. (아이들이 놀이터를 이리저리 뛰어다녔습니다.)

  7. The coast once clear, / our travellers soon sat down / and dispatched / what the robbers had left, / with as much eagerness / as if they had not expected / to eat again for a month.

    해안이 명확해지자, 여행자들은 곧 앉아서 도둑들이 남긴 음식을 한 달 동안 다시 먹을 수 없을 것처럼 열심히 먹었습니다.

  8. ⦁ dispatch: 보내다, 처리하다
    – The company will dispatch the goods tomorrow. (회사는 내일 상품을 보낼 것입니다.)

    ⦁ eagerness: 열망, 열의
    – She read the book with eagerness. (그녀는 책을 열심히 읽었습니다.)

  9. As soon as / they had satisfied themselves, / they put out the lights, / and each once more sought out / a resting-place / to his own liking.

    자신들이 만족하자마자 그들은 불을 끄고 각자 다시 자신이 좋아하는 안식을 찾았습니다.

  10. ⦁ satisfy: 만족시키다
    – The answer didn’t satisfy him. (그 답변은 그를 만족시키지 못했습니다.)

    ⦁ resting-place: 휴식 장소
    – The park is a great resting-place. (그 공원은 훌륭한 휴식 장소입니다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)