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Grimms Fairy Tales 005 THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 005 – THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS – 006

The donkey laid himself down upon a heap of straw in the yard, the dog stretched himself upon a mat behind the door, the cat rolled herself up on the hearth before the warm ashes, and the cock perched upon a beam on the top of the house; and, as they were all rather tired with their journey, they soon fell asleep.

But about midnight, when the robbers saw from afar that the lights were out and that all seemed quiet, they began to think that they had been in too great a hurry to run away; and one of them, who was bolder than the rest, went to see what was going on.
Finding everything still, he marched into the kitchen, and groped about till he found a match in order to light a candle; and then, espying the glittering fiery eyes of the cat, he mistook them for live coals, and held the match to them to light it.
But the cat, not understanding this joke, sprang at his face, and spat, and scratched at him

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The donkey / laid himself down / upon a heap of straw / in the yard, / the dog stretched himself / upon a mat / behind the door, / the cat rolled herself up / on the hearth / before the warm ashes, / and the cock perched / upon a beam / on the top of the house; / and, / as they were all / rather tired / with their journey, / they soon fell asleep.

    당나귀는 마당의 짚더미 위에 몸을 뉘었고, 개는 문 뒤의 매트에 몸을 뻗었고, 고양이는 따뜻한 재 앞에서 난로 위에 몸을 말았으며, 수탉은 집 꼭대기의 들보에 앉았다. 여행으로 다들 지쳐 있어서 금방 잠들었다.

  2. ⦁ heap: 더미
    – The heap of clothes was enormous. (옷 더미가 엄청났다.)

    ⦁ perch: 앉다
    – The bird perched on the windowsill. (새가 창턱에 앉았다.)

  3. But about midnight, / when the robbers saw / from afar / that the lights were out / and that all seemed quiet, / they began to think / that they had been / in too great a hurry / to run away; / and one of them, / who was bolder / than the rest, / went to see / what was going on.

    하지만 자정쯤 강도들은 멀리서 불이 꺼지고 모든 것이 조용한 것을 보고 너무 서둘러서 도망쳤던 것이 아닌가 싶었다. 그들 중 더 용감한 한 사람이 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보러 갔다.

  4. ⦁ midnight: 자정
    – He came home at midnight. (그는 자정에 집에 왔다.)

    ⦁ hurry: 서두르다
    – She was in a hurry to catch the bus. (그녀는 버스를 타기 위해 서둘렀다.)

  5. Finding everything still, / he marched into the kitchen, / and groped about / till he found a match / in order to light a candle; / and then, / espying the glittering fiery eyes / of the cat, / he mistook them / for live coals, / and held the match to them / to light it.

    모든 것이 고요한 것을 발견하고 그는 주방으로 들어가 성냥을 찾아 촛불을 켜기 위해 더듬거렸다. 그리고 고양이의 반짝이는 불타는 듯한 눈을 발견하고 그것을 뜨거운 숯불로 착각하여 성냥을 대어 불을 붙이려 했다.

  6. ⦁ grope: 더듬다
    – He groped for the light switch in the dark room. (그는 어두운 방에서 불 스위치를 더듬거리며 찾았다.)

    ⦁ espy: 발견하다
    – She espied her friend in the crowd. (그녀는 군중 속에서 친구를 발견했다.)

  7. But the cat, / not understanding this joke, / sprang at his face, / and spat, / and scratched at him.

    하지만 고양이는 이 농담을 이해하지 못하고 그의 얼굴로 뛰어올라 침을 뱉고 그를 할퀴었다.

  8. ⦁ sprang: 뛰어오르다
    – The cat sprang at the mouse. (고양이가 쥐에게 뛰어올랐다.)

    ⦁ scratch: 할퀴다
    – He scratched his head in confusion. (그는 혼란스러워서 머리를 긁었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)