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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 006 – OLD SULTAN – 001
A shepherd had a faithful dog, called Sultan, who was grown very old, and had lost all his teeth.And one day when the shepherd and his wife were standing together before the house the shepherd said, ‘I will shoot old Sultan tomorrow morning, for he is of no use now.’ But his wife said, ‘Pray let the poor faithful creature live; he has served us well a great many years, and we ought to give him a livelihood for the rest of his days.’ ‘But what can we do with him?’ said the shepherd, ‘he has not a tooth in his head, and the thieves don’t care for him at all; to be sure he has served us, but then he did it to earn his livelihood; tomorrow shall be his last day, depend upon it.’Poor Sultan, who was lying close by them, heard all that the shepherd and his wife said to one another, and was very much frightened to think tomorrow would be his last day; so in the evening he went to his good friend the wolf, who lived in the wood, and told him all his sorrows, and how his master meant to kill him in the morning.‘Make yourself easy,’ said the wolf, ‘I will give you some good advice.Your master, you know, goes out every morning very early with his wife into the field; and they take their little child with them, and lay it down behind the hedge in the shade while they are at work
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
A shepherd / had a faithful dog, / called Sultan, / who was grown very old, / and had lost all his teeth.
한 양치기가 충직한 개를 키웠다. 그의 이름은 술탄이었는데, 나이가 많이 들어서 이가 모두 빠졌다.
And one day / when the shepherd and his wife / were standing together / before the house / the shepherd said, / ‘I will shoot old Sultan / tomorrow morning, / for he is of no use now.’
어느 날, 양치기와 그의 아내가 집 앞에 함께 서 있을 때, 양치기가 말했다. ‘내일 아침에 늙은 술탄을 쏘겠다. 이제 그는 쓸모가 없다.’
But his wife said, / ‘Pray let the poor faithful creature live; / he has served us well / a great many years, / and we ought to give him a livelihood / for the rest of his days.’
하지만 그의 아내는 말했다. ‘가엾은 충직한 생명을 살려주세요. 그는 오랫동안 우리를 잘 섬겼고, 우리는 그의 남은 생을 위해 생계를 제공해야 합니다.’
‘But what can we do with him?’ / said the shepherd, / ‘he has not a tooth in his head, / and the thieves don’t care for him at all; / to be sure he has served us, / but then he did it to earn his livelihood; / tomorrow shall be his last day, / depend upon it.’
‘하지만 우리가 그를 어떻게 할 수 있겠소?’ 양치기가 말했다. ‘그는 이가 하나도 없고, 도둑들이 전혀 신경 쓰지 않아. 확실히 그는 우리를 섬겼지만, 그것도 생계를 위해서 했지. 내일이 그의 마지막 날이 될 거요, 장담하오.’
Poor Sultan, / who was lying close by them, / heard all that the shepherd and his wife said to one another, / and was very much frightened / to think tomorrow would be his last day;
가엾은 술탄은 그들 가까이에 누워 있다가, 양치기와 그의 아내가 서로 나누는 말을 모두 들었고, 내일이 자신의 마지막 날이 될지도 모른다는 생각에 매우 겁이 났다.
so in the evening / he went to his good friend the wolf, / who lived in the wood, / and told him all his sorrows, / and how his master meant to kill him in the morning.
그래서 그는 저녁에 숲에 사는 좋은 친구인 늑대를 찾아가, 자신의 모든 고통과 주인이 아침에 자신을 죽이려 한다고 이야기했다.
‘Make yourself easy,’ / said the wolf, / ‘I will give you some good advice.
‘걱정하지 마,’ 늑대가 말했다. ‘내가 좋은 조언을 해줄게.’
Your master, / you know, / goes out every morning / very early / with his wife / into the field; / and they take their little child / with them, / and lay it down behind the hedge / in the shade / while they are at work.
네 주인이, 알다시피, 매일 아침 일찍 그의 아내와 함께 들로 나가; 작은 아이를 데리고 가서 그들이 일을 하는 동안 그늘진 울타리 뒤에 내려놓는다.
– A faithful friend is always there for you. (충실한 친구는 항상 당신을 위해 있다.)
⦁ grown: 자란
– The tree has grown tall over the years. (그 나무는 여러 해 동안 키가 컸다.)
– The shepherd led the sheep to the pasture. (양치기는 양들을 목초지로 인도했다.)
⦁ shoot: 쏘다
– He decided to shoot an arrow. (그는 화살을 쏘기로 결심했다.)
– Every living creature needs water. (모든 살아있는 생명은 물이 필요하다.)
⦁ livelihood: 생계
– Fishing is his main livelihood. (낚시는 그의 주요한 생계 수단이다.)
– The thieves were caught by the police. (도둑들은 경찰에게 잡혔다.)
⦁ depend: 의지하다
– You can depend on me. (나에게 의지해도 된다.)
– She was frightened by the thunderstorm. (그녀는 천둥번개에 겁을 먹었다.)
⦁ lying: 누워있는
– He was lying on the grass. (그는 잔디 위에 누워 있었다.)
– They had dinner in the evening. (그들은 저녁에 저녁을 먹었다.)
⦁ meant: 의도한
– He meant to say something else. (그는 다른 말을 하려고 했다.)
– This problem is easy to solve. (이 문제는 풀기 쉽다.)
⦁ advice: 조언
– She gave me some valuable advice. (그녀는 나에게 귀중한 조언을 해주었다.)
– They sat in the shade of a tree. (그들은 나무 아래 그늘에 앉아 있었다.)
⦁ hedge: 울타리
– The hedge separated the two gardens. (그 울타리는 두 정원을 나누었다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)