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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 006 – OLD SULTAN – 003
Soon afterwards the wolf came and wished him joy, and said, ‘Now, my good fellow, you must tell no tales, but turn your head the other way when I want to taste one of the old shepherd’s fine fat sheep.’ ‘No,’ said the Sultan; ‘I will be true to my master.’ However, the wolf thought he was in joke, and came one night to get a dainty morsel.But Sultan had told his master what the wolf meant to do; so he laid wait for him behind the barn door, and when the wolf was busy looking out for a good fat sheep, he had a stout cudgel laid about his back, that combed his locks for him finely.Then the wolf was very angry, and called Sultan ‘an old rogue,’ and swore he would have his revenge.So the next morning the wolf sent the boar to challenge Sultan to come into the wood to fight the matter
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Soon afterwards / the wolf came / and wished him joy, / and said, / ‘Now, my good fellow, / you must tell no tales, / but turn your head / the other way / when I want to taste / one of the old shepherd’s fine fat sheep.’
이윽고 늑대가 찾아와 그에게 기쁨을 빌며 말했습니다, ‘자, 내 좋은 친구야, 이제 넌 아무 말도 하지 말고, 내가 옛 양치기의 좋은 살찐 양을 먹고 싶을 때는 고개를 돌려라.’
⦁ joy: 기쁨 – She felt joy when she saw the sunrise. (그녀는 일출을 보고 기쁨을 느꼈습니다.) ⦁ shepherd: 양치기 – The shepherd led his flock to the green pastures. (양치기는 그의 양 떼를 푸른 목초지로 이끌었습니다.) -
‘No,’ / said the Sultan; / ‘I will be true / to my master.’
‘안 돼,’ 술탄이 말했습니다; ‘나는 나의 주인에게 충성할 것이다.’
⦁ true: 진실된, 충성스러운 – He is true to his word. (그는 약속을 지킵니다.) ⦁ master: 주인 – The dog was very loyal to his master. (그 개는 주인에게 매우 충성스러웠습니다.) -
However, / the wolf thought / he was in joke, / and came one night / to get a dainty morsel.
그러나, 늑대는 그가 농담을 하는 줄 알고, 어느 날 밤 맛있는 한입을 먹으러 왔습니다.
⦁ joke: 농담 – She told a funny joke at the party. (그녀는 파티에서 재미있는 농담을 했습니다.) ⦁ morsel: 한 입 – He took a morsel of the delicious cake. (그는 맛있는 케이크를 한입 먹었습니다.) -
But Sultan / had told his master / what the wolf meant to do; / so he laid wait for him / behind the barn door, / and when the wolf was busy / looking out for a good fat sheep, / he had a stout cudgel / laid about his back, / that combed his locks / for him finely.
그러나 술탄은 그의 주인에게 늑대가 무엇을 하려는지 말했습니다; 그래서 그는 헛간 문 뒤에서 그를 기다렸고, 늑대가 좋은 살찐 양을 찾느라 바쁜 사이에, 그는 늑대의 등을 강하게 나무 몽둥이로 때려 그의 털을 잘 빗어주었습니다.
⦁ barn: 헛간 – The horses were kept in the barn. (말들은 헛간에 있었어요.) ⦁ cudgel: 몽둥이 – He defended himself with a cudgel. (그는 몽둥이로 자신을 방어했습니다.) -
Then / the wolf was very angry, / and called Sultan ‘an old rogue,’ / and swore / he would have his revenge.
그때 늑대는 매우 화가 나서 술탄을 ‘늙은 악당’이라 불렀고, 복수하겠다고 맹세했습니다.
⦁ rogue: 악당 – The rogue stole money from the villagers. (악당은 마을 사람들에게서 돈을 훔쳤습니다.) ⦁ revenge: 복수 – She sought revenge for the harm done to her family. (그녀는 가족에게 가해진 피해에 대해 복수를 다짐했습니다.) -
So the next morning / the wolf sent the boar / to challenge Sultan / to come into the wood / to fight the matter.
그래서 다음 날 아침, 늑대는 늑대를 보내 술탄을 숲으로 나오라고 도전했습니다, 그 문제를 해결하자며.
⦁ challenge: 도전하다 – He challenged his friend to a race. (그는 친구에게 경주를 도전했습니다.) ⦁ matter: 문제 – This is a serious matter. (이것은 심각한 문제입니다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)