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Grimms Fairy Tales 006 OLD SULTAN 004

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 006 – OLD SULTAN – 004

Now Sultan had nobody he could ask to be his second but the shepherd’s old three-legged cat; so he took her with him, and as the poor thing limped along with some trouble, she stuck up her tail straight in the air.

The wolf and the wild boar were first on the ground; and when they espied their enemies coming, and saw the cat’s long tail standing straight in the air, they thought she was carrying a sword for Sultan to fight with; and every time she limped, they thought she was picking up a stone to throw at them; so they said they should not like this way of fighting, and the boar lay down behind a bush, and the wolf jumped up into a tree.
Sultan and the cat soon came up, and looked about and wondered that no one was there.
The boar, however, had not quite hidden himself, for his ears stuck out of the bush; and when he shook one of them a little, the cat, seeing something move, and thinking it was a mouse, sprang upon it, and bit and scratched it, so that the boar jumped up and grunted, and ran away, roaring out, ‘Look up in the tree, there sits the one who is to blame.’ So they looked up, and espied the wolf sitting amongst the branches; and they called him a cowardly rascal, and would not suffer him to come down till he was heartily ashamed of himself, and had promised to be good friends again with old Sultan

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Now Sultan / had nobody / he could ask / to be his second / but the shepherd’s old three-legged cat;

    이제 술탄은 도움을 청할 사람이 양치기의 세 다리 고양이 말고는 아무도 없었다;

  2. ⦁ Sultan: 술탄 (오스만 제국의 칭호)
    – The Sultan ruled over vast territories. (술탄은 넓은 영토를 통치했다.)

    ⦁ shepherd: 양치기
    – The shepherd guided his flock across the hill. (양치기는 언덕을 넘어 그의 양 떼를 이끌었다.)

  3. so he took her with him, / and as the poor thing limped along with some trouble, / she stuck up her tail straight in the air.

    그래서 그는 고양이를 데려갔고, / 그 불쌍한 것이 약간의 어려움 속에서 절뚝거리며 나아갈 때, / 꼬리를 곧게 치켜 세웠다.

  4. ⦁ limp: 절뚝거리다
    – He had to limp to the nearest hospital. (그는 가장 가까운 병원까지 절뚝거려야 했다.)

    ⦁ tail: 꼬리
    – The dog wagged its tail happily. (개는 행복하게 꼬리를 흔들었다.)

  5. The wolf and the wild boar / were first on the ground; / and when they espied their enemies coming, / and saw the cat’s long tail standing straight in the air, / they thought she was carrying a sword / for Sultan to fight with;

    늑대와 야생 멧돼지는 / 먼저 현장에 도착했고; / 그들이 적들이 오는 것을 식별할 때, / 고양이의 긴 꼬리가 곧게 서 있는 것을 보고, / 술탄이 싸울 칼을 가지고 오는 줄로 생각했다;

  6. ⦁ espy: 식별하다
    – He espied a figure in the distance. (그는 멀리서 형체를 식별했다.)

    ⦁ sword: 칼, 검
    – He drew his sword in self-defense. (그는 자기 방어를 위해 칼을 뽑았다.)

  7. and every time she limped, / they thought she was picking up a stone / to throw at them;

    그리고 고양이가 절뚝거릴 때마다, / 그들은 고양이가 돌을 집어 그들에게 던질 것으로 생각했다;

  8. so they said / they should not like this way of fighting, / and the boar lay down behind a bush, / and the wolf jumped up into a tree.

    그래서 그들은 / 이 방식의 싸움을 좋아하지 않을 것이라고 말했고, / 멧돼지는 덤불 뒤에 누웠고, / 늑대는 나무 위로 뛰어올랐다.

  9. ⦁ stone: 돌
    – He skipped a stone across the lake. (그는 호수 위로 돌을 던져 물수제비를 뜨게 했다.)

    ⦁ bush: 덤불
    – They hid in the bush to avoid being seen. (그들은 덤불 속에 숨어 보이지 않도록 했다.)

  10. Sultan and the cat soon came up, / and looked about and wondered / that no one was there.

    술탄과 고양이는 곧 도착했고, / 둘러보고 의아해했다 / 아무도 거기에 없다는 것에.

  11. ⦁ wonder: 궁금해하다, 놀라다
    – I wonder what happened here. (여기서 무슨 일이 일어났을까 궁금해.)

    ⦁ no one: 아무도
    – No one was present at the meeting. (회의에 참석한 사람이 아무도 없었다.)

  12. The boar, however, / had not quite hidden himself, / for his ears stuck out of the bush;

    그러나 멧돼지는, / 완전히 숨지 못했다, / 그의 귀가 덤불 밖으로 튀어나왔기 때문에;

  13. ⦁ hidden: 숨겨진
    – The hidden treasure was buried deep underground. (숨겨진 보물은 깊게 땅 속에 묻혀 있었다.)

    ⦁ ear: 귀
    – He whispered into her ear. (그는 그녀의 귀에 속삭였다.)

  14. and when he shook one of them a little, / the cat, seeing something move, / and thinking it was a mouse, / sprang upon it, / and bit and scratched it, / so that the boar jumped up and grunted, / and ran away, / roaring out, / ‘Look up in the tree, / there sits the one who is to blame.’

    그리고 멧돼지가 그 중 하나를 약간 흔들었을 때, / 고양이가 무언가 움직이는 것을 보고, / 그것이 쥐라고 생각하며, / 그것 위로 뛰어올라, / 물고 긁어서, / 멧돼지가 뛰어오르고 꿀꿀거리고, / 달아났다, / 고함치면서, / ‘나무 위를 봐, / 저기 앉아있는 자가 죄인이야.’

  15. ⦁ shake: 흔들다
    – He shook the bottle before opening it. (그는 병을 열기 전에 흔들었다.)

    ⦁ blame: 비난하다
    – They blamed him for the accident. (그들은 사고에 대해 그를 비난했다.)

  16. So they looked up, / and espied the wolf / sitting amongst the branches; / and they called him a cowardly rascal, / and would not suffer him to come down / till he was heartily ashamed of himself, / and had promised to be good friends again / with old Sultan.

    그래서 그들은 위를 올려다보았고, / 늑대를 식별했으며 / 나뭇가지들 사이에 앉아있는 것을; / 그들은 그를 겁쟁이라고 불렀고, / 내려오지 못하게 했다 / 그가 진심으로 부끄러워할 때까지, / 그리고 다시 친한 친구가 되겠다고 약속할 때까지 / 술탄과.

  17. ⦁ cowardly: 겁 많은
    – He took a cowardly route out of fear. (그는 두려워서 겁쟁이처럼 도망쳤다.)

    ⦁ promise: 약속하다
    – She promised to be there on time. (그녀는 제시간에 있을 것을 약속했다.)

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