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Grimms Fairy Tales 008 BRIAR ROSE 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 008 – BRIAR ROSE – 002

But the queen said, ‘I will have the fairies also, that they might be kind and good to our little daughter.’ Now there were thirteen fairies in the kingdom; but as the king and queen had only twelve golden dishes for them to eat out of, they were forced to leave one of the fairies without asking her.
So twelve fairies came, each with a high red cap on her head, and red shoes with high heels on her feet, and a long white wand in her hand: and after the feast was over they gathered round in a ring and gave all their best gifts to the little princess.
One gave her goodness, another beauty, another riches, and so on till she had all that was good in the world.

Just as eleven of them had done blessing her, a great noise was heard in the courtyard, and word was brought that the thirteenth fairy was come, with a black cap on her head, and black shoes on her feet, and a broomstick in her hand: and presently up she came into the dining-hall.
Now, as she had not been asked to the feast she was very angry, and scolded the king and queen very much, and set to work to take her revenge

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But the queen said, / ‘I will have the fairies also, / that they might be kind and good / to our little daughter.’

    그러나 왕비는 말했습니다, ‘요정들도 초대할 것입니다, 그들이 우리 작은 딸에게 친절하고 선하게 대해주길 바랍니다.’

  2. ⦁ fairies: 요정들
    – The fairies danced in the moonlight. (요정들이 달빛 아래 춤을 췄다.)

    ⦁ daughter: 딸
    – She is my youngest daughter. (그녀는 나의 막내딸이다.)

  3. Now there were thirteen fairies / in the kingdom; / but as the king and queen / had only twelve golden dishes / for them to eat out of, / they were forced to leave / one of the fairies / without asking her.

    왕국에는 열세 명의 요정들이 있었지만, 왕과 왕비는 요정들이 먹을 열두 개의 황금 접시만 있었기에, 요정 중 한 명은 초대하지 못했습니다.

  4. ⦁ kingdom: 왕국
    – The kingdom was vast and prosperous. (왕국은 넓고 번영했다.)

    ⦁ forced: 강제된
    – He was forced to apologize. (그는 사과를 해야만 했다.)

  5. So twelve fairies came, / each with a high red cap / on her head, / and red shoes / with high heels / on her feet, / and a long white wand / in her hand: / and after the feast was over / they gathered round / in a ring / and gave all their best gifts / to the little princess.

    One gave her goodness, / another beauty, / another riches, / and so on / till she had all that was good / in the world.

    그래서 열두 명의 요정들이 왔습니다, 각각 높은 빨간 모자를 쓰고, 빨간 하이힐을 신고, 긴 하얀 지팡이를 들었습니다: 그리고 연회가 끝난 후, 그들은 모여서 작은 공주에게 최고의 선물들을 줬습니다. 어떤 요정은 선함을, 다른 요정은 아름다움을, 또 다른 요정은 부를 줬습니다, 그리고 그렇게 작은 공주는 세상 모든 좋은 것을 갖게 되었습니다.

  6. ⦁ high: 높은
    – The mountain is high. (그 산은 높다.)

    ⦁ wand: 지팡이
    – The magician waved his wand. (마술사가 지팡이를 흔들었다.)

  7. Just as eleven of them / had done blessing her, / a great noise / was heard / in the courtyard, / and word was brought / that the thirteenth fairy was come, / with a black cap / on her head, / and black shoes / on her feet, / and a broomstick / in her hand: / and presently up she came / into the dining-hall.

    열한 번째 요정이 축복을 마치자, 뜰에서 커다란 소리가 들렸고, 열세 번째 요정이 왔다는 소식이 전해졌습니다, 검은 모자를 쓰고, 검은 신발을 신고, 빗자루를 든 채로: 그리고 곧 들러서 식당 홀로 들어왔습니다.

  8. ⦁ noise: 소음
    – The noise was deafening. (소음이 귀를 멍멍하게 했다.)

    ⦁ broomstick: 빗자루
    – The witch flew on her broomstick. (마녀가 빗자루를 타고 날았다.)

  9. Now, as she / had not been asked / to the feast / she was very angry, / and scolded the king and queen very much, / and set to work / to take her revenge.

    그런데 그녀는 연회에 초대되지 않아서, 매우 화가 났고, 왕과 왕비를 심하게 꾸짖고는 복수하기로 결심했습니다.

  10. ⦁ scolded: 꾸짖다
    – The teacher scolded the student. (선생님이 학생을 꾸짖었다.)

    ⦁ revenge: 복수
    – He plotted his revenge. (그는 복수를 계획했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)