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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 009 – THE DOG AND THE SPARROW – 002
When that was eaten, the sparrow asked him whether he had had enough now.‘Yes,’ said he; ‘and now let us take a walk a little way out of the town.’ So they both went out upon the high road; but as the weather was warm, they had not gone far before the dog said, ‘I am very much tired—I should like to take a nap.’ ‘Very well,’ answered the sparrow, ‘do so, and in the meantime I will perch upon that bush.’ So the dog stretched himself out on the road, and fell fast asleep.Whilst he slept, there came by a carter with a cart drawn by three horses, and loaded with two casks of wine.The sparrow, seeing that the carter did not turn out of the way, but would go on in the track in which the dog lay, so as to drive over him, called out, ‘Stop! stop! Mr Carter, or it shall be the worse for you.’ But the carter, grumbling to himself, ‘You make it the worse for me, indeed! what can you do?’ cracked his whip, and drove his cart over the poor dog, so that the wheels crushed him to death.‘There,’ cried the sparrow, ‘thou cruel villain, thou hast killed my friend the dog
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When that was eaten, / the sparrow asked him / whether he had had enough now.
그것을 먹고 나서, 참새가 그에게 이제 충분히 먹었냐고 물었다.
‘Yes,’ said he; ‘and now / let us take a walk / a little way / out of the town.’
‘응,’ 라고 그가 말했다; ‘이제 우리 / 마을 밖 / 조금 / 산책 가자.’
So they both went out / upon the high road; / but as the weather was warm, / they had not gone far / before the dog said, / ‘I am very much tired—/ I should like to take a nap.’
그래서 둘은 고속도로로 나갔다; 날씨가 따뜻해서 멀리 가지도 못해 / 개가 말했다, /‘너무 피곤해서/ 낮잠 자고 싶어’
‘Very well,’ / answered the sparrow, / ‘do so, / and in the meantime / I will perch / upon that bush.’/ ‘그래,’ / 참새가 대답했다, / ‘그렇게 해, / 그동안 / 나는 저 덤불에 앉을게’
‘그래,’ / 참새가 대답했다, / ‘그렇게 해, / 그동안 / 나는 저 덤불에 앉을게’
So the dog / stretched himself out on the road, / and fell fast asleep.
그래서 개는 / 길에 몸을 쭉 뻗고 / 깊이 잠들었다.
Whilst he slept, / there came by / a carter with a cart / drawn by three horses / and loaded with two casks of wine.
그가 자는 동안 / 마차를 끄는 차부가 지나갔다, / 세 마리 말이 끄는 / 두 개의 와인통을 실은 마차와 함께.
The sparrow, / seeing that the carter / did not turn out / of the way, / but would go on / in the track / in which the dog lay, / so as to drive over him, / called out, / ‘Stop! stop! / Mr Carter, / or it shall be the worse for you.’
참새는 / 마부가 / 길을 비키지 않고, / 개가 누워 있는 / 자리를 그대로 / 지나가려는 것을 보고, / 소리쳤다, / ‘멈춰! 멈춰! / 미스터 카터, / 아니면 큰일 날거야.’
But the carter, / grumbling to himself, / ‘You make it / the worse for me, / indeed! / what can you do?’ / cracked his whip, / and drove his cart over the poor dog, / so that the wheels crushed him to death.
하지만 마부는, / 혼잣말로 투덜거리며, / ‘니가 나를 / 더 나쁘게 만들어, / 정말! / 너 뭐 할 수 있는데?’ / 채찍을 휘둘렀다, / 그리고 가엾은 개를 마차로 / 깔아뭉갰다, / 그래서 바퀴가 그를 으스러뜨려 죽였다.
‘There,’ / cried the sparrow, / ‘thou cruel villain, / thou hast killed my friend / the dog.
‘거기,’ / 참새가 외쳤다, / ‘너 무정한 악당, / 너 내 친구를 죽였어 / 그 개를.
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