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Grimms Fairy Tales 009 THE DOG AND THE SPARROW 004

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 009 – THE DOG AND THE SPARROW – 004

‘Not wretch enough yet!’ said the sparrow, as she alighted upon the head of one of the horses, and pecked at him till he reared up and kicked.
When the carter saw this, he drew out his hatchet and aimed a blow at the sparrow, meaning to kill her; but she flew away, and the blow fell upon the poor horse’s head with such force, that he fell down dead.
‘Unlucky wretch that I am!’ cried he.
‘Not wretch enough yet!’ said the sparrow.
And as the carter went on with the other two horses, she again crept under the tilt of the cart, and pecked out the bung of the second cask, so that all the wine ran out

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. ‘Not wretch enough yet!’ / said the sparrow, / as she alighted / upon the head / of one of the horses, / and pecked at him / till he reared up / and kicked.

    “아직 충분히 비참하지 않아!”라고 참새가 말하며, 말 중 한 마리의 머리 위에 앉아 그를 쪼아대서 그가 일어나고 발로 차게 만들었다.

  2. ⦁ alight: 앉다
    – The bird alighted on the branch. (새가 나뭇가지에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ peck: 쪼다
    – The hen pecked at the ground. (암탉이 땅을 쪼았다.)

  3. When the carter saw this, / he drew out his hatchet / and aimed a blow / at the sparrow, / meaning to kill her;

    마부가 이것을 보자, 그는 도끼를 꺼내서 참새를 겨냥해 죽이려 하였다;

  4. but she flew away, / and the blow fell / upon the poor horse’s head / with such force, / that he fell down dead.

    하지만 참새는 날아가버렸고, 그 도끼질은 불쌍한 말의 머리에 세게 떨어져, 그 말이 쓰러져 죽어버렸다.

  5. ⦁ hatchet: 도끼
    – He used a hatchet to chop wood. (그는 나무를 자르기 위해 도끼를 사용했다.)

    ⦁ force: 힘
    – The force of the storm was incredible. (그 폭풍의 힘은 놀라웠다.)

  6. ‘Unlucky wretch that I am!’ / cried he.

    “나는 정말 불운한 인간이야!”라고 그가 울부짖었다.

  7. ‘Not wretch enough yet!’ / said the sparrow.

    “아직 충분히 비참하지 않아!”라고 참새가 말했다.

  8. ⦁ unlucky: 불운한
    – He felt unlucky after losing the game. (그는 게임에서 진 후 불운하다고 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ wretch: 비참한 사람
    – The poor wretch had nowhere to go. (그 불쌍한 사람은 갈 곳이 없었다.)

  9. And as the carter went on / with the other two horses, / she again crept / under the tilt of the cart, / and pecked out the bung / of the second cask, / so that all the wine ran out.

    그리고 마부가 나머지 두 마리의 말을 데리고 가는 동안, 참새는 다시 수레 덮개 아래로 기어들어가 두 번째 통의 마개를 쪼아서 모든 와인이 흘러나오게 했다.

  10. ⦁ crept: 기어들어가다
    – The cat crept silently towards the bird. (고양이가 새를 향해 조용히 기어갔다.)

    ⦁ pecked: 쪼았다
    – The chickens pecked at their food. (닭들이 먹이를 쪼았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)