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Grimms Fairy Tales 009 THE DOG AND THE SPARROW 005

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 009 – THE DOG AND THE SPARROW – 005

When the carter saw this, he again cried out, ‘Miserable wretch that I am!’ But the sparrow answered, ‘Not wretch enough yet!’ and perched on the head of the second horse, and pecked at him too.
The carter ran up and struck at her again with his hatchet; but away she flew, and the blow fell upon the second horse and killed him on the spot.
‘Unlucky wretch that I am!’ said he.
‘Not wretch enough yet!’ said the sparrow; and perching upon the third horse, she began to peck him too.
The carter was mad with fury; and without looking about him, or caring what he was about, struck again at the sparrow; but killed his third horse as he done the other two

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. When the carter / saw this, / he again cried out, / ‘Miserable wretch that I am!’

    마부가 이 광경을 보자, 그는 다시 외쳤다, ‘불쌍한 내가!’

  2. ⦁ carter: 마부
    – The carter drove the horses through the town. (마부가 말을 몰고 마을을 지나갔다.)

    ⦁ miserable: 불쌍한
    – The man felt miserable after losing his job. (그 남자는 직장을 잃고 난 후 불쌍함을 느꼈다.)

  3. But the sparrow / answered, / ‘Not wretch enough yet!’

    하지만 참새는 대답했다, ‘아직 충분히 불쌍하지 않아!’

  4. ⦁ sparrow: 참새
    – A sparrow flew onto the windowsill. (참새가 창문턱으로 날아들었다.)

    ⦁ enough: 충분히
    – I’ve had enough food. (나는 음식을 충분히 먹었다.)

  5. and perched / on the head / of the second horse, / and pecked at him too.

    그리고 두 번째 말의 머리 위에 앉아서, 그에게도 쪼아댔다.

  6. ⦁ perched: 자리에 앉다
    – The bird perched on the branch. (새가 나뭇가지에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ pecked: 쪼다
    – The bird pecked at the food. (그 새가 음식을 쪼았다.)

  7. The carter / ran up / and struck at her again / with his hatchet; / but away she flew, / and the blow / fell upon / the second horse / and killed him / on the spot.

    마부는 달려와 다시 그녀를 도끼로 쳤지만, 그녀는 날아가 버렸고, 그 타격은 두 번째 말에게 닿아 그를 그 자리에서 죽였다.

  8. ⦁ hatchet: 도끼
    – He used the hatchet to chop wood. (그는 도끼를 사용해 나무를 잘랐다.)

    ⦁ struck: 때렸다
    – He struck the ball with his bat. (그는 그의 배트로 공을 쳤다.)

  9. ‘Unlucky wretch / that I am!’ / said he.

    ‘불운한 내가!’라고 그는 말했다.

  10. ⦁ unlucky: 불운한
    – She felt unlucky when she missed her bus. (그녀는 버스를 놓쳤을 때 불운하다고 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ wretch: 불쌍한 사람
    – The poor wretch had nowhere to go. (그 불쌍한 사람은 갈 곳이 없었다.)

  11. ‘Not wretch enough yet!’ / said the sparrow; / and perching / upon the third horse, / she began to peck / him too.

    ‘아직 충분히 불쌍하지 않아!’라고 참새가 말했다; 그리고 세 번째 말 위에 앉아, 그에게도 쪼기 시작했다.

  12. ⦁ perching: 앉다
    – The cat was perching on the fence. (고양이는 펜스 위에 앉아 있었다.)

    ⦁ third: 세 번째
    – He finished in third place. (그는 세 번째로 마쳤다.)

  13. The carter was mad / with fury; / and without looking about him, / or caring what he was about, / struck again / at the sparrow; / but killed his third horse / as he done / the other two.

    마부는 분노로 미쳐, 주위를 보지 않고, 또는 자기가 무엇을 하고 있는지 신경 쓰지 않고, 다시 참새를 향해 쳤지만, 다른 두 마리처럼 세 번째 말도 죽였다.

  14. ⦁ fury: 분노
    – She was shaking with fury. (그녀는 분노로 떨고 있었다.)

    ⦁ care: 신경 쓰다
    – He doesn’t care about his grades. (그는 그의 성적에 신경 쓰지 않는다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)