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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 009 – THE DOG AND THE SPARROW – 006
‘Alas! miserable wretch that I am!’ cried he.‘Not wretch enough yet!’ answered the sparrow as she flew away; ‘now will I plague and punish thee at thy own house.’ The carter was forced at last to leave his cart behind him, and to go home overflowing with rage and vexation.‘Alas!’ said he to his wife, ‘what ill luck has befallen me!—my wine is all spilt, and my horses all three dead.’ ‘Alas! husband,’ replied she, ‘and a wicked bird has come into the house, and has brought with her all the birds in the world, I am sure, and they have fallen upon our corn in the loft, and are eating it up at such a rate!’ Away ran the husband upstairs, and saw thousands of birds sitting upon the floor eating up his corn, with the sparrow in the midst of them.‘Unlucky wretch that I am!’ cried the carter; for he saw that the corn was almost all gone.‘Not wretch enough yet!’ said the sparrow; ‘thy cruelty shall cost thee thy life yet!’ and away she flew
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Alas! / miserable wretch that I am!’ / cried he.
‘아, 비참한 내가 되었구나!’ / 그가 외쳤다.
⦁ miserable: 비참한
– The child felt miserable after losing her toy. (아이는 장난감을 잃어버린 후 비참했다.)⦁ wretch: 불쌍한 사람
– The poor wretch was caught in a storm. (그 불쌍한 사람은 폭풍에 갇혔다.) -
‘Not wretch enough yet!’ / answered the sparrow / as she flew away; / ‘now will I plague and punish thee / at thy own house.’
‘아직 충분히 비참하지 않아!’ / 말했다 참새가 / 날아가면서; / ‘이제 나는 너를 괴롭히고 벌할 것이다 / 네 집에서.’
⦁ plague: 괴롭히다
– The mosquitoes plagued us all night. (모기들이 우리를 밤새 괴롭혔다.)⦁ punish: 벌하다
– The teacher will punish the students for cheating. (선생님은 부정행위를 한 학생들을 벌할 것이다.) -
The carter was forced / at last / to leave his cart behind him, / and to go home / overflowing with rage and vexation.
마부는 강제로 / 마침내 / 그의 수레를 두고 가야 했고, / 집으로 가야 했다 / 분노와 괴로움에 가득 차서.
⦁ forced: 강요된
– She felt forced to lie. (그녀는 거짓말을 해야 했다.)⦁ rage: 분노
– His rage was uncontrollable. (그의 분노는 통제할 수 없었다.) -
‘Alas!’ said he to his wife, / ‘what ill luck has befallen me!— / my wine is all spilt, / and my horses all three dead.’
‘아!’ 그가 아내에게 말했다, / ‘무슨 불운이 나에게 닥쳤는가!— / 내 술이 모두 쏟아졌고, / 내 말이 모두 세 마리 죽었다.’
⦁ ill luck: 불운
– They had some ill luck during their journey. (여행 중에 불운을 겪었다.)⦁ spilt: 쏟아진
– The milk was spilt on the table. (우유가 테이블 위에 쏟아졌다.) -
‘Alas! husband,’ replied she, / ‘and a wicked bird has come into the house, / and has brought with her / all the birds in the world, / I am sure, / and they have fallen upon our corn in the loft, / and are eating it up / at such a rate!’
‘아! 남편,’ 그녀가 대답했다, / ‘악한 새가 집에 들어왔고, / 그녀와 함께 데려왔다 / 세상의 모든 새들을, / 내가 확신하건대, / 그리고 그들이 우리 다락의 곡식을 덮쳤고, / 먹어치우고 있다 / 그런 속도로!’
⦁ wicked: 사악한
– The wicked witch cursed the village. (사악한 마녀가 마을에 저주를 내렸다.)⦁ corn: 곡식
– The farmer harvested the corn. (농부는 곡식을 수확했다.) -
Away ran the husband upstairs, / and saw thousands of birds / sitting upon the floor / eating up his corn, / with the sparrow in the midst of them.
남편은 다락방으로 뛰어 올라갔고, / 수천 마리의 새들을 보았다 / 바닥에 앉아 / 그의 곡식을 먹어치우고 있는, / 그들 가운데 있는 참새와 함께.
⦁ midst: 가운데
– In the midst of chaos, she remained calm. (혼란의 한가운데서도, 그녀는 침착해졌다.)⦁ floor: 바닥
– The floor was covered with dust. (바닥은 먼지로 덮여 있었다.) -
‘Unlucky wretch that I am!’ / cried the carter; / for he saw that the corn / was almost all gone.
‘불운한 비참한 나!’ / 외쳤다 마부가; / 왜냐하면 그는 보았다 / 곡식이 거의 다 사라진 것을.
⦁ unlucky: 불운한
– She felt unlucky that day. (그녀는 그날이 불운하다고 느꼈다.)⦁ gone: 사라진
– The keys are gone. (열쇠가 사라졌다.) -
‘Not wretch enough yet!’ / said the sparrow; / ‘thy cruelty shall cost thee thy life yet!’ / and away she flew.
‘아직 충분히 비참하지 않아!’ / 말했다 참새가; / ‘너의 잔인함이 너에게 네 생명값을 치르게 할 것이다!’ / 그리고 그녀는 날아갔다.
⦁ cruelty: 잔인함
– The story of his cruelty shocked everyone. (그의 잔인한 이야기는 모두를 충격에 빠뜨렸다.)⦁ cost: 대가를 치르게 하다
– His mistake cost him his job. (그의 실수는 그에게 직장을 잃게 했다.)
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