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Grimms Fairy Tales 009 THE DOG AND THE SPARROW 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 009 – THE DOG AND THE SPARROW – 007

The carter seeing that he had thus lost all that he had, went down into his kitchen; and was still not sorry for what he had done, but sat himself angrily and sulkily in the chimney corner.
But the sparrow sat on the outside of the window, and cried ‘Carter! thy cruelty shall cost thee thy life!’ With that he jumped up in a rage, seized his hatchet, and threw it at the sparrow; but it missed her, and only broke the window.
The sparrow now hopped in, perched upon the window-seat, and cried, ‘Carter! it shall cost thee thy life!’ Then he became mad and blind with rage, and struck the window-seat with such force that he cleft it in two: and as the sparrow flew from place to place, the carter and his wife were so furious, that they broke all their furniture, glasses, chairs, benches, the table, and at last the walls, without touching the bird at all.
In the end, however, they caught her: and the wife said, ‘Shall I kill her at once?’ ‘No,’ cried he, ‘that is letting her off too easily: she shall die a much more cruel death; I will eat her.’ But the sparrow began to flutter about, and stretch out her neck and cried, ‘Carter! it shall cost thee thy life yet!’ With that he could wait no longer: so he gave his wife the hatchet, and cried, ‘Wife, strike at the bird and kill her in my hand.’ And the wife struck; but she missed her aim, and hit her husband on the head so that he fell down dead, and the sparrow flew quietly home to her nest.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The carter / seeing that he had thus lost / all that he had, / went down / into his kitchen; / and was still not sorry / for what he had done, / but sat himself angrily / and sulkily in the chimney corner.

    그 마부는 자신이 모든 것을 잃은 것을 보고 부엌으로 내려갔다; 그럼에도 불구하고 그가 한 일에 대해 슬퍼하지 않았고, 화가 나고 뾰루퉁하게 부엌 구석에 앉았다.

    ⦁ carter: 마부
    – The carter drove the horses. (마부가 말들을 몰았다.)

    ⦁ sulkily: 뾰루퉁하게
    – He walked away sulkily. (그는 뾰루퉁하게 걸어갔다.)

  2. But the sparrow / sat on the outside of the window, / and cried ‘Carter! thy cruelty / shall cost thee thy life!’

    그러나 참새는 창문 밖에 앉아 외쳤다 ‘마부야! 네 잔인함이 네 목숨을 앗아갈 것이다!’

    ⦁ sparrow: 참새
    – The sparrow chirped happily. (참새가 즐겁게 짹짹거렸다.)

    ⦁ cruelty: 잔인함
    – His cruelty shocked everyone. (그의 잔인함은 모두를 충격에 빠뜨렸다.)

  3. With that / he jumped up in a rage, / seized his hatchet, / and threw it at the sparrow; / but it missed her, / and only broke the window.

    그 말에 그는 분노에 휩싸여 벌떡 일어나, 도끼를 집어 들어 참새에게 던졌다; 하지만 그것은 빗나가서 창문만 깨졌다.

    ⦁ rage: 분노
    – He was shaking with rage. (그는 분노로 떨고 있었다.)

    ⦁ hatchet: 도끼
    – He sharpened the hatchet. (그는 도끼를 갈았다.)

  4. The sparrow / now hopped in, / perched upon the window-seat, / and cried, / ‘Carter! / it shall cost thee thy life!’

    참새는 이제 안으로 뛰어들어 창가에 앉아 외쳤다, ‘마부야! 그것이 네 목숨을 앗아갈 것이다!’

    ⦁ hopped: 뛰어들었다
    – The rabbit hopped away. (토끼가 뛰어들었다.)

    ⦁ perched: 앉아있었다
    – The bird perched on a branch. (새가 나뭇가지에 앉아 있었다.)

  5. Then he became mad / and blind / with rage, / and struck / the window-seat / with such force / that he cleft it in two: / and as the sparrow flew / from place to place, / the carter and his wife / were so furious, / that they broke all their furniture, / glasses, chairs, benches, / the table, / and at last / the walls, / without touching the bird at all.

    그러자 그는 분노로 미쳐 시력이 멀어졌고, 창가를 강력하게 쳐서 두 동강 냈다: 그리고 참새가 이곳저곳으로 날아다니자, 마부와 그의 아내는 너무 분노하여 그들의 가구, 유리, 의자, 벤치, 테이블, 마지막으로 벽까지 깨뜨렸다, 참새를 전혀 건드리지 못한 채.

    ⦁ mad: 미친
    – He went mad with grief. (그는 슬픔에 미쳐버렸다.)

    ⦁ furious: 분노한
    – She was furious at his actions. (그녀는 그의 행동에 분노했다.)

  6. In the end, / however, / they caught her: / and the wife said, ‘Shall I kill her at once?’

    결국, 그들은 참새를 잡았다: 그리고 아내는 말했다, ‘당장 죽일까?’

    ⦁ caught: 잡았다
    – The fisherman caught a big fish. (어부가 큰 물고기를 잡았다.)

    ⦁ at once: 즉시
    – Come here at once! (즉시 이리로 와라!)

  7. ‘No,’ / cried he, / ‘that is letting her off / too easily: / she shall die / a much more cruel death; / I will eat her.’

    ‘아니, 그게 너무 쉽게 그녀를 놓아주는 거야: 그녀는 훨씬 더 잔인한 죽음을 맞이할 것이야; 내가 먹어버릴 것이다.’

    ⦁ letting off: 놓아주다
    – They were letting off some prisoners. (그들은 몇몇 죄수들을 풀어주고 있었다.)

    ⦁ cruel: 잔인한
    – Cruel treatment is not acceptable. (잔인한 대우는 용납될 수 없다.)

  8. But the sparrow began / to flutter about, / and stretch out her neck / and cried, / ‘Carter! it shall cost thee thy life yet!’

    그러나 참새는 날개짓하며 목을 뻗어 울기 시작했다, ‘마부야! 아직도 그것이 네 목숨을 앗아갈 것이다!’

    ⦁ flutter: 날개짓하다
    – The butterfly fluttered its wings. (나비가 날개짓했다.)

    ⦁ stretch: 뻗다
    – He stretched out his hand. (그는 손을 뻗었다.)

  9. With that / he could wait no longer: / so he gave his wife / the hatchet, / and cried, / ‘Wife, strike at the bird / and kill her / in my hand.’

    그 말에 그는 더 이상 못 기다렸다: 그래서 그는 아내에게 도끼를 주고 외쳤다, ‘여보, 새를 쳐서 내 손에서 죽여라.’

    ⦁ gave: 주었다
    – She gave me a gift. (그녀는 나에게 선물을 주었다.)

    ⦁ wait: 기다리다
    – Please wait for a moment. (잠시만 기다리세요.)

  10. And the wife struck; / but she missed her aim, / and hit her husband / on the head / so that he fell down dead, / and the sparrow flew quietly / home / to her nest.

    그리고 아내는 쳤다; 그러나 그녀는 목표를 빗나가 남편의 머리를 쳤고, 그는 즉사했다, 그리고 참새는 조용히 자신의 둥지로 날아갔다.

    ⦁ aim: 목표
    – She aimed carefully. (그녀는 신중히 겨냥했다.)

    ⦁ nest: 둥지
    – The bird built a nest. (새가 둥지를 지었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)