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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 010 – THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES – 001
There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters.They slept in twelve beds all in one room; and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up; but every morning their shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night; and yet nobody could find out how it happened, or where they had been.Then the king made it known to all the land, that if any person could discover the secret, and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the night, he should have the one he liked best for his wife, and should be king after his death; but whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, should be put to death.A king’s son soon came
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
There was / a king / who had / twelve beautiful daughters.
한 왕이 있었는데, 그에게는 열두 명의 아름다운 딸이 있었다.
They slept / in twelve beds / all in one room; / and when they went / to bed, / the doors were shut / and locked up;
그들은 하나의 방에서 열두 개의 침대에서 잤고, 그들이 잠자리에 들면, 문은 닫히고 잠겨졌다.
but every morning / their shoes were found / to be quite worn through / as if they had been danced in / all night;
그러나 매일 아침 그들의 신발은 마치 밤새 춤춘 것처럼 매우 닳아있는 것이 발견되었다.
and yet / nobody could find out / how it happened, / or where they had been.
그런데도 아무도 그것이 어떻게 일어났는지, 또는 그녀들이 어디에 갔었는지 알아낼 수 없었다.
Then the king / made it known / to all the land, / that if any person / could discover the secret, and find out / where it was / that the princesses danced / in the night,
그러자 왕은 모든 땅에 알려졌다. 만약 누군가가 그 비밀을 알아낼 수 있다면, 공주들이 밤에 어디서 춤추고 있는지 알아낼 수만 있다면,
he should have / the one he liked best / for his wife, / and should be king / after his death; / but whoever tried / and did not succeed, after three days and nights, / should be put to death.
그는 자신이 가장 마음에 드는 공주를 아내로 삼고, 왕이 죽은 후에는 왕이 될 것이다. 그러나 시도했다가 실패하면, 삼일 삼야 후에 처형될 것이다.
A king’s son / soon came.
곧 왕의 아들이 나타났다.
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