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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 011 – THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE – 004
The next morning when Dame Ilsabill awoke it was broad daylight, and she jogged the fisherman with her elbow, and said, ‘Get up, husband, and bestir yourself, for we must be king of all the land.’ ‘Wife, wife,’ said the man, ‘why should we wish to be the king? I will not be king.’ ‘Then I will,’ said she.‘But, wife,’ said the fisherman, ‘how can you be king—the fish cannot make you a king?’ ‘Husband,’ said she, ‘say no more about it, but go and try! I will be king.’ So the man went away quite sorrowful to think that his wife should want to be king.This time the sea looked a dark grey colour, and was overspread with curling waves and the ridges of foam as he cried out:‘Well, what would she have now?’ said the fish.‘Alas!’ said the poor man, ‘my wife wants to be king.’ ‘Go home,’ said the fish; ‘she is king already.’Then the fisherman went home; and as he came close to the palace he saw a troop of soldiers, and heard the sound of drums and trumpets
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The next morning / when Dame Ilsabill awoke / it was broad daylight, / and she jogged the fisherman / with her elbow, / and said, ‘Get up, husband, / and bestir yourself, / for we must be king / of all the land.’
다음 날 아침, 여왕 이사빌이 깨어났을 때는 대낮이었다. 그녀는 남편을 팔꿈치로 흔들며 말했다, ‘일어나요, 남편. 서둘러야겠어요, 우리가 모든 땅의 왕이 되어야 하니까요.’
‘Wife, wife,’ / said the man, / ‘why should we wish / to be the king? / I will not / be king.’
‘아내여, 아내여,’ 남자가 말했다. ‘우리가 왜 왕이 되어야만 합니까? 나는 왕이 되지 않을 것입니다.’
‘Then I will,’ / said she.
‘그럼 내가 될 거야,’ 그녀가 말했다.
‘But, wife,’ / said the fisherman, / ‘how can you be king— / the fish / cannot / make you a king?’
‘하지만, 아내여,’ 어부가 말했다. ‘어떻게 당신이 왕이 될 수 있나요—물고기가 당신을 왕으로 만들 수 없어요?’
‘Husband,’ / said she, / ‘say no more about it, / but go / and try! / I will be king.’
‘남편,’ 그녀가 말했다. ‘더 이상 이 일에 대해 말하지 말아요. 대신 가서 시도해봐요! 내가 왕이 될 거예요.’
So the man / went away / quite sorrowful / to think / that his wife / should want / to be king.
그래서 남자는 아내가 왕이 되기를 원한다고 생각하니 매우 슬퍼하며 떠났다.
This time / the sea / looked a dark grey colour, / and was overspread / with curling waves / and the ridges of foam / as he cried out:
이번엔 바다가 어두운 회색으로 보였고, 땅거미 물결과 포말의 능선으로 뒤덮였던 그가 외칠 때:
‘Well, what would / she have now?’ / said the fish.
‘음, 그녀가 이제 무엇을 원하나?’ 물고기가 말했다.
‘Alas!’ / said the poor man, / ‘my wife / wants to be king.’
‘아아!’ 가난한 남자가 말했다. ‘내 아내가 왕이 되고 싶어해요.’
‘Go home,’ / said the fish; / ‘she is king / already.’
‘집으로 가라,’ 물고기가 말했다. ‘그녀는 이미 왕이다.’
Then the fisherman / went home; / and as he came close / to the palace / he saw a troop / of soldiers, / and heard / the sound / of drums and trumpets.
그러자 어부는 집으로 돌아갔다. 그가 궁전 가까이 오니, 군대와 득음과 피리 소리가 들렸다.
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