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Grimms Fairy Tales 011 THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE 005

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 011 – THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE – 005

And when he went in he saw his wife sitting on a throne of gold and diamonds, with a golden crown upon her head; and on each side of her stood six fair maidens, each a head taller than the other.
‘Well, wife,’ said the fisherman, ‘are you king?’ ‘Yes,’ said she, ‘I am king.’ And when he had looked at her for a long time, he said, ‘Ah, wife! what a fine thing it is to be king! Now we shall never have anything more to wish for as long as we live.’ ‘I don’t know how that may be,’ said she; ‘never is a long time.
I am king, it is true; but I begin to be tired of that, and I think I should like to be emperor.’ ‘Alas, wife! why should you wish to be emperor?’ said the fisherman.
‘Husband,’ said she, ‘go to the fish! I say I will be emperor.’ ‘Ah, wife!’ replied the fisherman, ‘the fish cannot make an emperor, I am sure, and I should not like to ask him for such a thing.’ ‘I am king,’ said Ilsabill, ‘and you are my slave; so go at once!’

So the fisherman was forced to go; and he muttered as he went along, ‘This will come to no good, it is too much to ask; the fish will be tired at last, and then we shall be sorry for what we have done.’ He soon came to the seashore; and the water was quite black and muddy, and a mighty whirlwind blew over the waves and rolled them about, but he went as near as he could to the water’s brink, and said:

‘What would she have now?’ said the fish

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. And when / he went in / he saw his wife / sitting on a throne / of gold and diamonds, / with a golden crown / upon her head; / and on each side / of her / stood six fair maidens, / each a head / taller than the other.

    그리고 그가 들어갔을 때 그는 그의 아내가 금과 다이아몬드의 왕좌에 앉아 있는 것을 보았다. 그녀의 머리 위에는 금관이 있었다. 그녀의 양쪽에는 여섯 명의 아름다운 마녀가 서 있었고, 각각 다른 여자보다 키가 더 컸다.

    ⦁ throne: 왕좌
    – The king sat on the ornate throne. (왕은 화려한 왕좌에 앉아 있었다.)

    ⦁ maidens: 처녀들
    – The maidens danced gracefully. (처녀들은 우아하게 춤을 추었다.)

  2. ‘Well, wife,’ / said the fisherman, / ‘are you king?’ / ‘Yes,’ / said she, / ‘I am king.’

    ‘자, 아내,’라고 어부가 말했다. ‘네가 왕인가?’ ‘그래,’라고 그녀가 말했다. ‘나는 왕이야.’

  3. And when / he had looked at her / for a long time, / he said, / ‘Ah, wife! / what a fine thing / it is to be king! / Now we shall / never have anything / more to wish for / as long as we live.’

    그리고 그가 그녀를 오랫동안 바라본 후, ‘아, 아내여! 왕이 되는 것이 얼마나 좋은 일인가! 이제 우리는 살아있는 동안 더 이상 바랄 것이 없을 것이다.’라고 말했다.

    ⦁ fine: 훌륭한
    – This is a fine piece of art. (이것은 훌륭한 예술 작품이다.)

    ⦁ wish: 소원
    – I wish for a better future. (나는 더 나은 미래를 바란다.)

  4. ‘I don’t know / how that may be,’ / said she; / ‘never is a long time. / I am king, / it is true; / but I begin to be tired of that, / and I think / I should like to be emperor.’

    ‘그럴 수 있을지 모르겠다,’라고 그녀가 말했다. ‘영원히는 오랜 시간이다. 나는 왕이지만, 이제 그것에 싫증이 나기 시작했고, 나는 황제가 되고 싶다.’

    ⦁ true: 사실
    – It is true that he left. (그가 떠났다는 것은 사실이다.)

    ⦁ tired: 지친, 싫증난
    – I am tired from work. (나는 일 때문에 지쳤다.)

  5. ‘Alas, wife! / why should you wish / to be emperor?’ / said the fisherman.

    ‘아, 아내여! 왜 황제가 되고 싶어하지?’라고 어부가 말했다.

  6. ‘Husband,’ / said she, / ‘go to the fish! / I say / I will be emperor.’

    ‘남편,’이라고 그녀가 말했다. ‘물고기에게 가라! 나는 황제가 될 거라고 말한다.’

  7. ‘Ah, wife!’ / replied the fisherman, / ‘the fish cannot make an emperor, / I am sure, / and I should not like to ask him / for such a thing.’

    ‘아, 아내여!’라고 어부가 대답했다. ‘물고기가 황제를 만들 수 없을 거라고 확신해, 그리고 그런 것을 그에게 부탁하고 싶지 않아.’

    ⦁ emperor: 황제
    – The emperor ruled the vast empire. (황제는 광대한 제국을 다스렸다.)

    ⦁ replied: 대답하다
    – She replied with a smile. (그녀는 미소로 대답했다.)

  8. ‘I am king,’ / said Ilsabill, / ‘and you are my slave; / so go at once!’

    ‘나는 왕이다,’라고 일사빌이 말했다. ‘그리고 너는 내 노예야’ 그러니 당장 가라!

  9. So the fisherman / was forced to go; / and he muttered / as he went along, / ‘This will come to no good, / it is too much to ask; / the fish will be tired / at last, / and then / we shall be sorry / for what we have done.’

    그래서 어부는 어쩔 수 없이 갔다. 그리고 그는 혼잣말을 하며 말했다. ‘이것은 좋은 결과를 가져오지 않을 것이다. 너무 많은 것을 요구하고 있다. 결국 물고기가 지쳐 버릴 것이고, 그러고 나면 우리가 한 일에 대해 후회하게 될 것이다.’

    ⦁ muttered: 중얼거렸다
    – He muttered under his breath. (그는 낮게 중얼거렸다.)

    ⦁ forced: 강요하다
    – She was forced to leave. (그녀는 떠나야만 했다.)

  10. He soon came / to the seashore; / and the water / was quite black / and muddy, / and a mighty whirlwind / blew over the waves / and rolled them about, / but he went / as near as he could / to the water’s brink, / and said:

    그는 곧 해변에 도착했다. 물이 아주 검고 진흙투성이었으며, 강한 회오리바람이 물결 위를 날아다니고 있었다. 하지만 그는 할 수 있는 한 가까이 물가로 가서 말했다.

    ⦁ muddy: 진흙투성이의
    – The roads were muddy after the rain. (비가 내린 후 도로가 진흙투성이였다.)

    ⦁ mighty: 강력한
    – The mighty river flowed swiftly. (강력한 강이 빠르게 흘러갔다.)

  11. ‘What would she have now?’ / said the fish.

    ‘그녀는 이제 무엇을 원하느냐?’라고 물고기가 말했다.

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