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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 011 – THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE – 008
‘Wife,’ said the fisherman, as he looked at all this greatness, ‘are you pope?’ ‘Yes,’ said she, ‘I am pope.’ ‘Well, wife,’ replied he, ‘it is a grand thing to be pope; and now you must be easy, for you can be nothing greater.’ ‘I will think about that,’ said the wife.Then they went to bed: but Dame Ilsabill could not sleep all night for thinking what she should be next.At last, as she was dropping asleep, morning broke, and the sun rose.‘Ha!’ thought she, as she woke up and looked at it through the window, ‘after all I cannot prevent the sun rising.’ At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said, ‘Husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be lord of the sun and moon.’ The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought frightened him so much that he started and fell out of bed
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Wife,’ / said the fisherman, / as he looked at all this greatness, / ‘are you pope?’
“아내,”라고 / 어부가 말했다, / 이 모든 위대함을 보면서, / “당신은 교황인가요?”
⦁ fisherman: 어부 – The fisherman cast his net into the sea. (어부는 바다에 그물을 던졌다.) ⦁ greatness: 위대함 – The greatness of the mountain took my breath away. (산의 위대함이 나를 숨막히게 했다.) -
‘Yes,’ / said she, / ‘I am pope.’
“그래,” / 그녀가 말했다, / “나는 교황이야.”
⦁ yes: 그래 – Yes, I did my homework. (그래, 나는 숙제를 했어.) ⦁ pope: 교황 – The pope gave a blessing to the crowd. (교황이 군중에게 축복을 내렸다.) -
‘Well, wife,’ / replied he, / ‘it is a grand thing / to be pope; / and now you must be easy, / for you can be nothing greater.’
“글쎄, 아내,” / 그가 대답했다, / “교황이 되는 것은 위대한 일이야; / 그리고 이제 만족해야 해, / 더 큰 것이 될 수 없으니까.”
⦁ replied: 대답했다 – He replied to her question promptly. (그는 그녀의 질문에 즉시 대답했다.) ⦁ grand: 위대한 – The grand banquet hall was filled with guests. (위대한 연회장은 손님들로 가득 찼다.) -
‘I will think about that,’ / said the wife.
“생각해 볼게,” / 아내가 말했다.
⦁ think: 생각하다 – I need to think about your proposal. (나는 당신의 제안에 대해 생각해야 해.) ⦁ about: ~에 대하여 – She inquired about the job opening. (그녀는 일자리 공석에 대해 문의했다.) -
Then / they went to bed: / but Dame Ilsabill / could not sleep all night / for thinking what she should be next.
그 후 / 그들은 잠자리에 들었다: / 그러나 Dame Ilsabill은 / 밤새 잠을 이루지 못했다 / 다음에 무엇이 되어야 할지 생각하느라
⦁ bed: 잠자리 – She lay down on her bed exhausted. (그녀는 지쳐서 침대에 눕혔다.) ⦁ sleep: 자다 – He couldn’t sleep because of the noise. (그는 소음 때문에 잠을 잘 수 없었다.) -
At last, / as she was dropping asleep, / morning broke, / and the sun rose.
마침내, / 그녀가 잠에 빠져들 때, / 아침이 밝았다, / 그리고 해가 올랐다.
⦁ last: 마침내 – At last, we reached the summit. (마침내, 우리는 정상에 도달했다.) ⦁ rose: 떠오르다 – The balloon rose into the sky. (풍선이 하늘로 떠올랐다.) -
‘Ha!’ / thought she, / as she woke up / and looked at it through the window, / ‘after all / I cannot prevent the sun rising.’
“하!” / 그녀는 생각했다, / 잠에서 깨면서 / 창문을 통해 그것을 바라보며, / “결국에는 / 태양이 떠오르는 것을 막을 수 없어.”
⦁ prevent: 막다 – They couldn’t prevent the accident. (그들은 그 사고를 막을 수 없었다.) ⦁ rising: 떠오르는 – The rising sun painted the sky orange. (떠오르는 태양은 하늘을 주황색으로 물들였다.) -
At this thought / she was very angry, / and wakened her husband, / and said, / ‘Husband, / go to the fish / and tell him / I must be lord of the sun and moon.’
이 생각에 / 그녀는 매우 화가 났고, / 남편을 깨웠다, / 그리고 말했다, / “남편, / 물고기에게 가서 / 말해줘 / 내가 태양과 달의 주인이 되어야 한다고.”
⦁ angry: 화난 – She was angry because of the unfair treatment. (그녀는 부당한 대우 때문에 화가났다.) ⦁ lord: 주인 – The lord of the manor owned vast lands. (저택의 주인은 광대한 땅을 소유하고 있었다.) -
The fisherman / was half asleep, / but the thought frightened him / so much / that he started / and fell out of bed.
어부는 / 반쯤 잠이 든 상태였다, / 그러나 그 생각이 그를 놀라게 했다 / 너무 많이 / 그래서 그는 깨어났다 / 침대에서 떨어졌다.
⦁ thought: 생각 – The thought of failing the test worried him. (시험에 떨어질 생각이 그를 걱정시켰다.) ⦁ frightened: 놀란 – The sudden noise frightened the child. (갑작스런 소음이 아이를 놀라게 했다.)
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