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Grimms Fairy Tales 012 THE WILLOW WREN AND THE BEAR 005

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 012 – THE WILLOW-WREN AND THE BEAR – 005

When the animals saw that, they thought all was lost, and began to flee, each into his hole, and the birds had won the battle.

Then the King and Queen flew home to their children and cried: ‘Children, rejoice, eat and drink to your heart’s content, we have won the battle!’ But the young wrens said: ‘We will not eat yet, the bear must come to the nest, and beg for pardon and say that we are honourable children, before we will do that.’ Then the willow-wren flew to the bear’s hole and cried: ‘Growler, you are to come to the nest to my children, and beg their pardon, or else every rib of your body shall be broken.’ So the bear crept thither in the greatest fear, and begged their pardon.
And now at last the young wrens were satisfied, and sat down together and ate and drank, and made merry till quite late into the night.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. When the animals / saw that, / they thought / all was lost, / and began to flee, / each into his hole, / and the birds / had won the battle.

    동물들이 그것을 보자, 다 끝났다고 생각하고, 각자의 구멍으로 도망가기 시작했으며, 새들이 전투에서 승리했다.

  2. ⦁ animals: 동물들
    – Many animals in the forest live in harmony. (많은 숲속 동물들이 조화롭게 살아간다.)

    ⦁ battle: 전투
    – The knights prepared for battle at dawn. (기사들은 새벽에 전투를 준비했다.)

  3. Then the King and Queen / flew home / to their children / and cried: / ‘Children, rejoice, / eat and drink / to your heart’s content, / we have won the battle!’

    그 때 왕과 여왕은 집으로 날아가서 아이들에게 외쳤다: ‘아이들아, 기뻐하라, 마음껏 먹고 마셔라, 우리가 전투에서 이겼다!’

  4. ⦁ rejoice: 기뻐하다
    – The villagers rejoiced at the news. (마을 사람들은 소식에 기뻐했다.)

    ⦁ content: 만족
    – He felt content after finishing his work. (그는 일을 끝마치고 만족감을 느꼈다.)

  5. But the young wrens said: / ‘We will not eat yet, / the bear must come / to the nest, / and beg for pardon / and say / that we are honourable children, / before we will do that.’

    하지만 어린 굴뚝새들은 말했다: ‘우리는 아직 먹지 않을 것이다, 곰이 둥지로 와서 용서를 빌고 우리가 명예로운 아이들이라는 말을 해야만 그렇게 할 것이다.’

  6. ⦁ pardon: 용서
    – He asked for pardon after realizing his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수를 깨닫고 용서를 구했다.)

    ⦁ honourable: 명예로운
    – He lived an honourable life helping others. (그는 다른 사람들을 돕는 명예로운 삶을 살았다.)

  7. Then the willow-wren / flew to the bear’s hole / and cried: / ‘Growler, / you are to come / to the nest / to my children, / and beg their pardon, / or else / every rib / of your body / shall be broken.’

    그 때, 굴뚝새는 곰의 구멍으로 날아가 외쳤다: ‘그로울러, 너는 둥지로 와서 나의 아이들에게 용서를 빌어야 한다, 그렇지 않으면 네 몸의 모든 갈비뼈가 부러질 것이다.’

  8. ⦁ hole: 구멍
    – The rabbit quickly disappeared into its hole. (토끼는 빠르게 구멍으로 사라졌다.)

    ⦁ rib: 갈비뼈
    – He broke a rib during the fall. (그는 떨어질 때 갈비뼈를 부러뜨렸다.)

  9. So the bear / crept thither / in the greatest fear, / and begged their pardon.

    그렇게 곰은 가장 큰 두려움 속에서 기어가서 그들의 용서를 빌었다.

  10. ⦁ crept: 기어갔다
    – The cat crept silently towards its prey. (고양이는 먹잇감을 향해 조용히 기어갔다.)

    ⦁ fear: 두려움
    – He faced his fear and overcame it. (그는 두려움에 맞서고 극복했다.)

  11. And now / at last / the young wrens / were satisfied, / and sat down together / and ate and drank, / and made merry / till quite late into the night.

    이제 마침내 어린 굴뚝새들은 만족했고, 함께 앉아서 먹고 마시며, 밤이 깊도록 즐겁게 지냈다.

  12. ⦁ satisfied: 만족한
    – She was satisfied with her exam results. (그녀는 시험 결과에 만족했다.)

    ⦁ merry: 즐거운
    – The holiday party was a very merry event. (휴일 파티는 매우 즐거운 행사였다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)