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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 013 – THE FROG-PRINCE – 002
Then she began to bewail her loss, and said, ‘Alas! if I could only get my ball again, I would give all my fine clothes and jewels, and everything that I have in the world.’Whilst she was speaking, a frog put its head out of the water, and said, ‘Princess, why do you weep so bitterly?’ ‘Alas!’ said she, ‘what can you do for me, you nasty frog? My golden ball has fallen into the spring.’ The frog said, ‘I want not your pearls, and jewels, and fine clothes; but if you will love me, and let me live with you and eat from off your golden plate, and sleep upon your bed, I will bring you your ball again.’ ‘What nonsense,’ thought the princess, ‘this silly frog is talking! He can never even get out of the spring to visit me, though he may be able to get my ball for me, and therefore I will tell him he shall have what he asks.’ So she said to the frog, ‘Well, if you will bring me my ball, I will do all you ask.’ Then the frog put his head down, and dived deep under the water; and after a little while he came up again, with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the edge of the spring.As soon as the young princess saw her ball, she ran to pick it up; and she was so overjoyed to have it in her hand again, that she never thought of the frog, but ran home with it as fast as she could.The frog called after her, ‘Stay, princess, and take me with you as you said,’ But she did not stop to hear a word.The next day, just as the princess had sat down to dinner, she heard a strange noise—tap, tap—plash, plash—as if something was coming up the marble staircase: and soon afterwards there was a gentle knock at the door, and a little voice cried out and said:Then the princess ran to the door and opened it, and there she saw the frog, whom she had quite forgotten
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then she began to / bewail / her loss, / and said, / ‘Alas! / if I could / only get my ball again, / I would give / all my fine clothes / and jewels, / and everything / that I have / in the world.’
그녀는 그녀의 손실을 / 한탄하기 / 시작했고, / 말했습니다, / ‘애석하다! 내가 / 다시 내 공을 / 얻을 수만 있다면, / 나는 주겠소 / 나의 모든 좋은 옷과 / 보석을, / 그리고 내게 있는 / 모든 것을.’
⦁ bewail: 한탄하다 – She began to / bewail her fate. (그녀는 / 그녀의 운명을 / 한탄하기 시작했다.)⦁ loss: 손실 – The company reported / a huge loss / this quarter. (그 회사는 / 이번 분기에 / 큰 손실을 보고했다.) -
Whilst she was speaking, / a frog put his head / out of the water, / and said, / ‘Princess, / why do you weep / so bitterly?’
그녀가 말하고 있을 때, / 한 개구리가 / 그의 머리를 물 밖으로 내밀었고, / 말했습니다, / ‘공주님, / 왜 그렇게 심하게 / 우시나요?’
⦁ whilst: ~하는 동안 – He read a book / whilst waiting for the bus. (그는 / 버스를 기다리는 동안 / 책을 읽었다.)⦁ bitterly: 격렬히 – She wept bitterly / when she heard the news. (그녀는 / 그 소식을 들었을 때 / 격렬히 울었다.) -
‘Alas!’ said she, / ‘what can you do for me, / you nasty frog? / My golden ball / has fallen into the spring.’
‘애석하구나!’ 그녀는 말했습니다, / ‘네가 나를 위해 / 무엇을 할 수 있겠니, / 너 더러운 개구리? / 내 황금 공이 / 샘물에 떨어졌어.’
⦁ nasty: 불쾌한 – He had a nasty / cold last week. (그는 / 지난 주에 / 심한 감기에 / 걸렸다.)⦁ spring: 샘, 우물 – The village has / a natural spring. (그 마을에는 / 자연 샘이 / 있다.) -
The frog said, / ‘I want not your pearls, / and jewels, / and fine clothes; / but if you will love me, / and let me live with you / and eat from off your golden plate, / and sleep upon your bed, / I will bring you / your ball again.’
개구리가 말했습니다, / ‘나는 네 진주들, / 보석들, / 그리고 좋은 옷들을 / 원하지 않아; / 하지만 네가 나를 사랑해주고, / 나를 네와 함께 살게 해주고, / 네 금접시에서 먹게 해주고, / 네 침대에서 자게 해준다면, / 나는 네 공을 / 다시 가져다줄게.’
⦁ pearl: 진주 – She received a pearl necklace / as a gift. (그녀는 / 진주 목걸이를 / 선물로 받았다.)⦁ plate: 접시 – He placed the food / on a golden plate. (그는 / 음식을 / 금 접시에 / 놓았다.) -
‘What nonsense,’ / thought the princess, / ‘this silly frog / is talking! / He can never even / get out of the spring / to visit me, / though he may be able / to get my ball for me, / and therefore I will tell him / he shall have / what he asks.’
‘무슨 말도 안 되는 소리야,’ / 공주는 생각했다, / ‘이 어리석은 개구리가 / 말하고 있어! / 그는 절대로 / 샘물에서 / 나올 수 없을 거야 / 나를 방문하려면, / 그가 내 공을 / 나를 위해 가져다줄 수 있을지라도, / 그래서 나는 그에게 말할 거야 / 그가 요구하는 것을 / 가질 거라고.’
⦁ nonsense: 말도 안 되는 소리 – That’s pure nonsense! (그건 완전 말이 안 되는 소리야!)⦁ visit: 방문하다 – They visit their grandparents / every summer. (그들은 / 매 여름 / 조부모님을 / 방문해.) -
So she said to the frog, / ‘Well, if you will bring me my ball, / I will do all you ask.’ /
Then the frog put his head down, / and dived deep under the water; / and after a little while he came up again, / with the ball in his mouth, / and threw it on the edge of the spring.
그래서 공주는 개구리에게 말했습니다, / ‘좋아, 네가 내 공을 가져다준다면, / 나는 네가 요구하는 모든 것을 할게.’
그러고 나서 개구리는 머리를 숙이고, / 물속 깊이 다이빙했습니다; / 잠시 후에 그는 다시 올라와서, / 입에 공을 물고, / 그것을 샘물 가장자리로 던졌습니다.
⦁ dive: 다이빙하다 – He dived into the pool / without hesitation. (그는 / 주저하지 않고 / 수영장에 / 다이빙을 했다.)⦁ edge: 가장자리 – She sat on the edge / of the bed. (그녀는 / 침대 가장자리에 / 앉았다.) -
As soon as the young princess / saw her ball, / she ran to pick it up; / and she was so overjoyed / to have it in her hand again, / that she never thought / of the frog, / but ran home with it / as fast as she could.
젊은 공주가 / 자신의 공을 보자마자, / 그녀는 그것을 집으러 달려갔습니다; / 그리고 그녀는 그것을 다시 손에 잡게 되어 너무 기뻤습니다, / 그래서 그녀는 결코 개구리를 생각하지 않았고, / 그 공을 가지고 집으로 가능한 빨리 달려갔습니다.
⦁ overjoyed: 매우 기쁜 – She was overjoyed / at the news. (그녀는 / 그 소식에 / 매우 기뻤다.)⦁ pick: 집어 올리다 – He picked up a book / from the floor. (그는 / 바닥에서 / 책을 / 집어 올렸다.) -
The frog called after her, / ‘Stay, princess, / and take me with you / as you said,’ / But she did not stop / to hear a word.
개구리는 그녀에게 / 뒤에서 소리쳤습니다, / ‘멈추어, 공주야, / 그리고 나를 데려가, / 네가 말했던 대로,’ / 하지만 그녀는 한마디도 들으려고 멈추지 않았습니다.
⦁ stay: 머물다 – Please stay / a little longer. (조금만 더 / 머물러 주세요.) ⦁ hear: 듣다 – Did you hear / what she said? (너는 / 그녀가 뭐라고 말했는지 / 들었니?) -
The next day, / just as the princess had sat down to dinner, / she heard / a strange noise—tap, tap—plash, plash—/ as if something was coming up / the marble staircase: / and soon afterwards there was / a gentle knock at the door, / and a little voice cried out and said:
다음 날, / 공주가 저녁 식사에 앉자마자, / 그녀는 / 이상한 소리를 들었습니다—톡, 톡—철벅, 철벅—/ 마치 무언가가 / 대리석 계단을 올라오는 것처럼: / 그리고 곧 / 문에서 부드러운 노크 소리가 났고, / 작은 목소리가 울려 퍼져 말했습니다:
⦁ noise: 소음 – What’s that noise? (저게 무슨 소리야?)⦁ gentle: 부드러운 – She gave him / a gentle push. (그녀는 그를 / 부드럽게 밀었다.) -
Then the princess / ran to the door / and opened it, / and there she saw / the frog, / whom she had quite forgotten.
그러고 나서 공주는 / 문으로 달려가서 / 그것을 열고, / 거기서 그녀는 / 개구리를 보았습니다, / 그녀가 완전히 잊고 있던.
⦁ forget: 잊다 – Don’t forget / your keys. (너의 열쇠를 / 잊지 마라.)⦁ door: 문 – She opened / the door / slowly. (그녀는 / 문을 / 천천히 열었다.)
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