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Grimms Fairy Tales 013 THE FROG PRINCE 004

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 013 – THE FROG-PRINCE – 004

As soon as it was light he jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.
‘Now, then,’ thought the princess, ‘at last he is gone, and I shall be troubled with him no more.’

But she was mistaken; for when night came again she heard the same tapping at the door; and the frog came once more, and said:

And when the princess opened the door the frog came in, and slept upon her pillow as before, till the morning broke.
And the third night he did the same.
But when the princess awoke on the following morning she was astonished to see, instead of the frog, a handsome prince, gazing on her with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, and standing at the head of her bed

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. As soon as it was light / he jumped up, / hopped downstairs, / and went out / of the house.

    날이 밝자마자 그는 벌떡 일어나 계단을 내려와 집을 나갔다.

  2. ⦁ light: 빛
    – The room filled with light. (방 안이 빛으로 가득 찼다.)

    ⦁ downstairs: 아래층
    – He walked downstairs. (그는 아래층으로 걸어갔다.)

  3. ‘Now, then,’ / thought the princess, / ‘at last / he is gone, / and I shall be troubled / with him / no more.’

    ‘이제, 드디어 그가 떠났으니 더 이상 그로 인해 고생하지 않아도 되겠다.’라고 공주는 생각했다.

  4. ⦁ princess: 공주
    – The princess was kind-hearted. (그 공주는 마음씨가 착했다.)

    ⦁ troubled: 곤란한
    – He looks troubled. (그는 곤란해 보인다.)

  5. But she was mistaken; / for when night came again / she heard the same tapping / at the door; / and the frog came / once more, / and said:

    하지만 그녀는 잘못 생각했다; 밤이 되자 다시 문을 두드리는 소리를 들었고, 개구리가 다시 찾아와 말했다:

  6. ⦁ mistaken: 잘못된
    – She was mistaken about the time. (그녀는 시간을 잘못 알았다.)

    ⦁ tapping: 두드림
    – There was a tapping at the window. (창문에서 두드리는 소리가 들렸다.)

  7. And when the princess opened the door / the frog came in, / and slept upon her pillow / as before, / till the morning broke.

    And the third night / he did the same.

  8. 공주가 문을 열자 개구리가 들어와 전날처럼 그녀의 베개 위에서 아침이 밝을 때까지 잠을 잤다. 세 번째 밤에도 그가 똑같이 했다.

    ⦁ pillow: 베개
    – I need a new pillow. (나는 새로운 베개가 필요하다.)

    ⦁ third: 세 번째
    – This is the third time I’ve seen him. (내가 그를 본 것은 이번이 세 번째이다.)

  9. But when the princess awoke / on the following morning / she was astonished / to see, / instead of the frog, / a handsome prince, / gazing on her / with the most beautiful eyes / she had ever seen, / and standing / at the head of her bed.

    하지만 그 다음날 아침 공주가 깨어났을 때, 그녀는 개구리 대신 그녀가 본 적이 없는 가장 아름다운 눈으로 자신을 바라보고 있는 잘생긴 왕자가 침대 머리에서 서 있는 것을 보고 놀랐다.

  10. ⦁ astonished: 놀란
    – She was astonished by the news. (그녀는 그 소식에 놀랐다.)

    ⦁ prince: 왕자
    – The prince will be the next king. (그 왕자가 차기 왕이 될 것이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)