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Grimms Fairy Tales 014 CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 014 – CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP – 002

I should like a drop of sweet red christening wine myself.’ All this, however, was untrue; the cat had no cousin, and had not been asked to be godmother.
She went straight to the church, stole to the pot of fat, began to lick at it, and licked the top of the fat off.
Then she took a walk upon the roofs of the town, looked out for opportunities, and then stretched herself in the sun, and licked her lips whenever she thought of the pot of fat, and not until it was evening did she return home.
‘Well, here you are again,’ said the mouse, ‘no doubt you have had a merry day.’ ‘All went off well,’ answered the cat.
‘What name did they give the child?’ ‘Top off!’ said the cat quite coolly

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I should like / a drop / of sweet red / christening wine / myself.

    나는 직접 적포도주 한 방울을 좋아합니다.

  2. ⦁ like: 좋아하다
    – I like coffee. (나는 커피를 좋아한다)

    ⦁ christening: 세례(식)
    – They attended a christening. (그들은 세례식에 참석했다.)

  3. All this, / however, / was untrue; /the cat / had no cousin, / and had not been asked / to be godmother.

    하지만, 이 모든 것은 거짓말이었소; 고양이에게는 사촌이 없었고, 대모로 요청받지 않았어.

  4. ⦁ untrue: 사실이 아닌
    – His story is untrue. (그의 이야기는 사실이 아니다.)

    ⦁ godmother: 대모
    – She is my godmother. (그녀는 내 대모다.)

  5. She went straight / to the church, / stole to the pot of fat, / and began to lick / at it, and licked / the top of the fat off.

    그녀는 곧장 교회로 갔고, 지방 항아리로 몰래 다가가서 그것을 핥기 시작했고, 지방의 윗부분을 다 핥아먹었어.

  6. ⦁ church: 교회
    – He went to church. (그는 교회에 갔다.)

    ⦁ lick: 핥다
    – The cat licked its paw. (고양이는 발을 핥았다.)

  7. Then she took / a walk / upon the roofs of the town, / looked out / for opportunities, / and then stretched / herself in the sun, / and licked / her lips / whenever she thought / of the pot of fat, / and not until / it was evening / did she return home.

    그 후 그녀는 마을 지붕 위를 산책했고, 기회를 엿보았으며, 햇볕에서 몸을 늘리고, 지방 항아리를 생각할 때마다 입술을 핥으며, 해질 때가 되어서야 집으로 돌아갔어.

  8. ⦁ opportunities: 기회
    – She was looking for opportunities. (그녀는 기회를 찾고 있었다.)

    ⦁ return: 돌아오다
    – He will return soon. (그는 곧 돌아올 것이다.)

  9. ‘Well, here you / are again,’ / said the mouse, / ‘no doubt you / have had / a merry day.’

    ‘자, 다시 여기 있군,’ 쥐가 말했어. ‘즐거운 하루를 보냈다는 건 의심의 여지가 없군.’

  10. ⦁ doubt: 의심
    – I doubt his intentions. (나는 그의 의도를 의심한다.)

    ⦁ merry: 즐거운, 유쾌한
    – We had a merry night. (우리는 즐거운 밤을 보냈다.)

  11. ‘All went off well,’ / answered the cat.

    ‘모두 잘 끝났어,’ 고양이가 대답했어요.

  12. ⦁ well: 잘
    – She sings well. (그녀는 노래를 잘 부른다.)

    ⦁ answered: 대답했다
    – She answered quickly. (그녀는 빠르게 대답했다.)

  13. ‘What name / did they give / the child?’ /‘Top off!’/ said the cat / quite coolly.

    ‘아이에게 어떤 이름을 지어줬니?’ ‘윗부분!’ 고양이가 아주 태연하게 대답했어.

  14. ⦁ name: 이름
    – What is your name? (네 이름이 뭐니?)

    ⦁ coolly: 태연하게
    – She replied coolly. (그녀는 태연하게 대답했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)