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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 014 – CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP – 004
‘Half-done! What are you saying? I never heard the name in my life, I’ll wager anything it is not in the calendar!’The cat’s mouth soon began to water for some more licking.‘All good things go in threes,’ said she, ‘I am asked to stand godmother again.The child is quite black, only it has white paws, but with that exception, it has not a single white hair on its whole body; this only happens once every few years, you will let me go, won’t you?’ ‘Top-off! Half-done!’ answered the mouse, ‘they are such odd names, they make me very thoughtful.’ ‘You sit at home,’ said the cat, ‘in your dark-grey fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that’s because you do not go out in the daytime.’ During the cat’s absence the mouse cleaned the house, and put it in order, but the greedy cat entirely emptied the pot of fat.‘When everything is eaten up one has some peace,’ said she to herself, and well filled and fat she did not return home till night.The mouse at once asked what name had been given to the third child
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Half-done! / What are you saying? / I never heard the name / in my life, / I’ll wager anything / it is not in the calendar!’
‘반쯤 했다고! / 무슨 말을 하시는 건가요? / 그런 이름은 생전 처음 들어봐요, / 달력에도 없는 게 분명해요!’
The cat’s mouth / soon began to water / for some more licking.
고양이의 입에서 / 다시 침이 고이기 시작했습니다 / 더 핥고 싶어서요.
‘All good things / go in threes,’ / said she, / ‘I am asked / to stand godmother again.
‘모든 좋은 일은 / 세 번 일어나지,’ / 라고 그녀가 말했어요, / ‘내게 다시 대모 서달라고 부탁을 받았어.
The child / is quite black, / only it has white paws, / but with that exception, / it has not a single white hair / on its whole body; / this only happens / once every few years, / you will let me go, / won’t you?’
그 아이는 / 꽤 검은 색이고, / 오직 하얀 발을 가지고 있어, / 하지만 그 예외를 제외하고는, / 온몸에 흰색 털이 하나도 없어; / 이는 겨우 몇 년에 한 번 / 일어나지, / 나를 보내줄 거지, / 그렇지 않니?’
‘Top-off! / Half-done!’ / answered the mouse, / ‘they are such odd names, / they make me very thoughtful.’
‘마무리를 잘해! / 반쯤 했다고!’ / 쥐가 대답했어요, / ‘참 이상한 이름들이구나, / 정말 생각이 많아지게 만들어.’
‘You sit at home,’ / said the cat, / ‘in your dark-grey fur coat / and long tail, / and are filled with fancies, / that’s because / you do not go out / in the daytime.’
‘너는 집에 앉아있지,’ / 고양이가 말했어요, / ‘네 다크 그레이 털 코트와 / 긴 꼬리를 가지고, / 온갖 상상에 빠져있지, / 그건 왜냐하면 / 너는 밖에 나가지 않아서야 / 낮에.’
During the cat’s absence / the mouse / cleaned the house, / and put it in order, / but the greedy cat / entirely emptied the pot of fat.
고양이가 없을 동안 / 쥐는 / 집을 청소하고, / 정리했어요, / 하지만 탐욕스러운 고양이는 / 그릇의 지방을 모두 비웠어요.
‘When everything is eaten up / one has some peace,’ / said she to herself, / and well filled and fat / she did not return home / till night.
‘모든 것을 먹어치우면 / 평화가 오지,’ / 그녀는 속으로 말했어요, / 배가 부르고 살이 찐 채로 / 그녀는 집에 돌아오지 않았어요 / 밤까지.
The mouse / at once asked / what name / had been given / to the third child.
쥐는 / 곧바로 물었어요 / 세 번째 아이에게 / 어떤 이름이 / 주어졌는지를.
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