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Grimms Fairy Tales 015 THE GOOSE GIRL 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 015 – THE GOOSE-GIRL – 002

Then the queen her mother, packed up a great many costly things; jewels, and gold, and silver; trinkets, fine dresses, and in short everything that became a royal bride.
And she gave her a waiting-maid to ride with her, and give her into the bridegroom’s hands; and each had a horse for the journey.
Now the princess’s horse was the fairy’s gift, and it was called Falada, and could speak.

When the time came for them to set out, the fairy went into her bed-chamber, and took a little knife, and cut off a lock of her hair, and gave it to the princess, and said, ‘Take care of it, dear child; for it is a charm that may be of use to you on the road.’ Then they all took a sorrowful leave of the princess; and she put the lock of hair into her bosom, got upon her horse, and set off on her journey to her bridegroom’s kingdom

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Then the queen her mother, / packed up / a great many costly things; / jewels, and gold, and silver; / trinkets, fine dresses, / and in short / everything that became a royal bride.

    그때 그녀의 어머니인 여왕은 / 많은 값진 것들을 포장했습니다. / 보석, 금, 은; / 장신구, 고운 드레스, / 그리고 요컨대 / 왕실 신부에게 어울리는 모든 것들을.

  2. ⦁ costly: 값비싼
    – The jewelry she wore was very costly. (그녀가 착용한 보석은 엄청 비쌌다.)

    ⦁ trinket: 장신구
    – She collected antique trinkets. (그녀는 앤티크 장신구를 수집했다.)

  3. And she gave her a waiting-maid / to ride with her, / and give her into the bridegroom’s hands; / and each had a horse for the journey.

    그리고 그녀는 하녀를 주어 / 함께 타고 가게 하였고, / 신랑에게 그녀를 인도하라고 했습니다. / 그리고 각각의 여행을 위해 말을 가지고 있었습니다.

  4. ⦁ waiting-maid: 시녀
    – The princess’s waiting-maid was very loyal. (공주의 시녀는 매우 충성스러웠다.)

    ⦁ bridegroom: 신랑
    – The bridegroom looked very nervous. (신랑은 매우 긴장한 표정이었다.)

  5. Now the princess’s horse / was the fairy’s gift, / and it was called Falada, / and could speak.

    이제 공주의 말은 / 요정의 선물이었고, / 이름은 팔라다였으며, / 말을 할 수 있었습니다.

  6. ⦁ gift: 선물
    – She received a beautiful gift. (그녀는 아름다운 선물을 받았다.)

    ⦁ speak: 말하다
    – Can you speak a little louder? (좀 더 크게 말해줄 수 있니?)

  7. When the time came / for them to set out, / the fairy went into her bed-chamber, / and took a little knife, / and cut off a lock of her hair, / and gave it to the princess, / and said, / ‘Take care of it, dear child; / for it is a charm / that may be of use to you / on the road.’

    출발할 시간이 되었을 때, / 요정은 그녀의 침실로 들어가서, / 작은 칼을 꺼내 / 머리카락 한 가닥을 잘라내어, / 그것을 공주에게 주며, / ‘잘 간직해라, 사랑하는 아이야; / 그것은 부적이니 / 길에서 너에게 도움이 될지도 모른다.’ 라고 말했습니다.

  8. ⦁ bed-chamber: 침실
    – She retreated to her bed-chamber. (그녀는 침실로 들어갔다.)

    ⦁ charm: 부적
    – He wore a charm around his neck. (그는 목에 부적을 걸고 있었다.)

  9. Then they all took / a sorrowful leave of the princess; / and she put the lock of hair / into her bosom, / got upon her horse, / and set off / on her journey / to her bridegroom’s kingdom.

    그런 다음 모두 공주에게 / 슬픈 작별 인사를 하고, / 그녀는 머리카락을 / 가슴에 넣고, / 말에 올라 / 신랑의 왕국으로 / 여행을 떠났습니다.

  10. ⦁ sorrowful: 슬픈
    – The ending of the movie was very sorrowful. (그 영화의 끝은 매우 슬펐다.)

    ⦁ bosom: 가슴
    – She held the letter close to her bosom. (그녀는 편지를 가슴 가까이에 품었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)