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Grimms Fairy Tales 015 THE GOOSE GIRL 005

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 015 – THE GOOSE-GIRL – 005

Now the old king happened just then to have nothing else to do; so he amused himself by sitting at his kitchen window, looking at what was going on; and he saw her in the courtyard.
As she looked very pretty, and too delicate for a waiting-maid, he went up into the royal chamber to ask the bride who it was she had brought with her, that was thus left standing in the court below.
‘I brought her with me for the sake of her company on the road,’ said she; ‘pray give the girl some work to do, that she may not be idle.’ The old king could not for some time think of any work for her to do; but at last he said, ‘I have a lad who takes care of my geese; she may go and help him.’ Now the name of this lad, that the real bride was to help in watching the king’s geese, was Curdken.

But the false bride said to the prince, ‘Dear husband, pray do me one piece of kindness.’ ‘That I will,’ said the prince

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Now the old king / happened just then / to have nothing else / to do; / so he amused himself / by sitting at his kitchen window, / looking at what was going on; / and he saw her / in the courtyard.

    지금 그 늙은 왕은 마침 딱히 할 일이 없어서, 부엌 창문에 앉아 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보며 시간을 보내고 있었다; 그러다 그는 그녀를 마당에서 보았다.

  2. ⦁ amused: 즐거워하는
    – He was amused by the children’s laughter. (그는 아이들의 웃음에 즐거워했다)

    ⦁ courtyard: 안뜰
    – The children were playing in the courtyard. (아이들이 안뜰에서 놀고 있었다)

  3. As she looked very pretty, / and too delicate / for a waiting-maid, / he went up into the royal chamber / to ask the bride / who it was / she had brought with her, / that was thus left / standing in the court below.

    그녀는 너무 예쁘고, 하녀로 쓰기엔 너무 여리게 보였기 때문에, 그는 신부에게 그녀가 데려온 사람이 누구인지 물어보려고 왕실 방으로 올라갔다; 그녀는 마당에 서 있었다.

  4. ⦁ delicate: 섬세한
    – The delicate flowers were easy to damage. (섬세한 꽃들은 상하기 쉽다)

    ⦁ brought: 데려왔다
    – She brought a friend to the party. (그녀는 친구를 파티에 데려왔다)

  5. ‘I brought her / with me / for the sake of her company / on the road,’ / said she; / ‘pray give the girl / some work to do, / that she may not be idle.’

    ‘저는 그녀를 길에서 동행을 위해 데려왔다,’라고 그녀가 말했다; ‘제발 그 소녀에게 일을 시켜주세요, 그녀가 빈둥거리지 않도록요.’

  6. ⦁ company: 동행
    – I enjoy your company. (나는 당신의 동행을 즐깁니다)

    ⦁ idle: 빈둥거리다
    – He was idle all afternoon. (그는 오후 내내 빈둥거렸다)

  7. The old king / could not for some time / think of any work / for her to do; / but at last / he said, / ‘I have a lad / who takes care of my geese; / she may go / and help him.’

    늙은 왕은 잠시 동안 그녀에게 시킬 일을 생각해내지 못했다; 하지만 결국 그는 말했다, ‘내 거위를 돌보는 소년이 하나 있다; 그녀가 가서 그를 도와줄 수 있다.’

  8. ⦁ lad: 소년
    – The lad was very brave. (그 소년은 매우 용감했다)

    ⦁ geese: 거위
    – The geese flew over the field. (거위들이 들판을 날아갔다)

  9. Now the name of this lad, / that the real bride / was to help / in watching the king’s geese, / was Curdken.

    이 소년의 이름은, 진짜 신부가 왕의 거위를 돌보는 것을 도와야 했던, Curdken이었다.

  10. ⦁ real: 진짜의
    – The real problem is still unsolved. (진짜 문제는 아직 해결되지 않았다)

    ⦁ help: 돕다
    – He came to help me with my homework. (그는 내 숙제를 도와주기 위해 왔다)

  11. But the false bride / said to the prince, / ‘Dear husband, / pray do me / one piece of kindness.’ / ‘That I will,’ / said the prince.

    하지만 가짜 신부는 왕자에게 말했다, ‘사랑하는 남편이여, 제발 저에게 한 가지 친절을 베풀어주세요.’ ‘그리하마,’라고 왕자가 말했다.

  12. ⦁ false: 거짓의
    – She gave a false name to the police. (그녀는 경찰에게 거짓된 이름을 말했다)

    ⦁ kindness: 친절
    – She was known for her kindness. (그녀는 친절함으로 유명했다)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)