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Grimms Fairy Tales 015 THE GOOSE GIRL 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 015 – THE GOOSE-GIRL – 007

And when she came to the meadow, she sat down upon a bank there, and let down her waving locks of hair, which were all of pure silver; and when Curdken saw it glitter in the sun, he ran up, and would have pulled some of the locks out, but she cried:

Then there came a wind, so strong that it blew off Curdken’s hat; and away it flew over the hills: and he was forced to turn and run after it; till, by the time he came back, she had done combing and curling her hair, and had put it up again safe.
Then he was very angry and sulky, and would not speak to her at all; but they watched the geese until it grew dark in the evening, and then drove them homewards.

The next morning, as they were going through the dark gate, the poor girl looked up at Falada’s head, and cried:

and the head answered:

Then she drove on the geese, and sat down again in the meadow, and began to comb out her hair as before; and Curdken ran up to her, and wanted to take hold of it; but she cried out quickly:

Then the wind came and blew away his hat; and off it flew a great way, over the hills and far away, so that he had to run after it; and when he came back she had bound up her hair again, and all was safe.
So they watched the geese till it grew dark

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. And when she came / to the meadow, / she sat down / upon a bank there, / and let down / her waving locks / of hair, / which were / all of pure silver;

    그리고 그녀가 초원에 도착했을 때, 그녀는 그곳의 언덕에 앉아 / 그녀의 물결치는 은빛 머리카락을 풀었습니다;

  2. ⦁ meadow: 초원
    – We had a picnic in the meadow. (우리는 초원에서 피크닉을 했습니다.)

    ⦁ pure: 순수한
    – She wore a dress of pure white. (그녀는 순수한 흰색 드레스를 입고 있었습니다.)

  3. and when / Curdken saw it / glitter in the sun, / he ran up, / and would have pulled / some of the locks out, / but she cried:

    커드켄이 그것이 햇빛에 반짝이는 것을 보았을 때 / 그는 달려갔고, / 머리카락을 일부 뽑으려 했지만, 그녀는 외쳤습니다:

  4. ⦁ glitter: 반짝이다
    – The water glittered in the sunlight. (물이 햇빛에 반짝였습니다.)

    ⦁ cry: 외치다
    – She cried for help. (그녀는 도움을 청했습니다.)

  5. Then there came a wind, / so strong / that it blew off / Curdken’s hat; / and away it flew / over the hills:

    그러자 매우 강한 바람이 불어와 / 커드켄의 모자를 날려버렸고; / 그 모자는 언덕 너머로 날아가 버렸습니다:

  6. ⦁ blew off: 날려버리다
    – The wind blew off my hat. (바람이 내 모자를 날려버렸습니다.)

    ⦁ away: 멀리
    – The cat ran away. (고양이는 멀리 도망갔습니다.)

  7. and he was forced / to turn and / run after it; / till, by the time / he came back, / she had done combing / and curling her hair, / and had put it / up again safe.

    그는 어쩔 수 없이 / 돌아서서 / 그것을 쫓아갔습니다; / 그가 돌아왔을 때에는 / 그녀는 이미 머리를 빗고 / 말아 올렸고, / 다시 안전하게 묶어두었습니다.

  8. ⦁ forced: 어쩔 수 없이
    – He was forced to leave. (그는 어쩔 수 없이 떠나야 했습니다.)

    ⦁ curling: 말아 올리는
    – She is curling her hair. (그녀는 머리를 말고 있습니다.)

  9. Then he was / very angry and sulky, / and would not speak / to her at all; / but they watched the geese / until it grew dark / in the evening, / and then drove / them homewards.

    그는 매우 화가 나고 / 삐쳤으며, / 그녀에게 전혀 말을 하지 않았습니다; / 그러나 그들은 저녁이 되어 / 어두워질 때까지 / 거위를 지켜보았고, / 그런 다음 / 집으로 돌려보냈습니다.

  10. ⦁ sulky: 삐치다
    – He is sulky because he lost the game. (그는 게임에서 졌기 때문에 삐졌습니다.)

    ⦁ drive: 몰다
    – He drives the sheep to the pasture. (그는 양을 목초지로 모입니다.)

  11. The next morning, / as they were going / through the dark gate, / the poor girl looked up / at Falada’s head, / and cried:

    and the head answered:

    다음 날 아침 / 그들이 어두운 문을 / 지나가고 있을 때, / 가엾은 소녀는 / 팔라다의 머리를 올려다보며 / 외쳤습니다:

    그리고 머리는 대답했습니다:

  12. ⦁ dark: 어두운
    – The room is dark. (방이 어둡습니다.)

    ⦁ poor: 가엾은
    – The poor man had no money. (가엾은 남자는 돈이 없었습니다.)

  13. Then she drove on / the geese, / and sat down again / in the meadow, / and began / to comb out / her hair as before; / and Curdken ran up to her, / and wanted to take / hold of it;

    그녀는 다시 / 거위를 몰고, / 다시 초원에 앉아 / 전과 같이 / 머리를 빗기 시작했습니다; / 커드켄은 그녀에게 달려가 / 머리카락을 잡으려 했습니다;

  14. ⦁ comb: 빗다
    – She combs her hair every morning. (그녀는 매일 아침 머리를 빗습니다.)

    ⦁ hold: 잡다
    – Hold my hand. (내 손을 잡아.)

  15. but she cried out / quickly:

    Then the wind came / and blew away / his hat; / and off it flew / a great way, / over the hills / and far away, / so that he had to run / after it;

    그러나 그녀는 / 재빨리 외쳤습니다:

    그러자 바람이 불어와 / 그의 모자를 날려버렸고; / 그 모자는 언덕을 넘어 / 멀리 날아가, / 그가 그것을 쫓아가야만 했습니다;

  16. ⦁ quickly: 재빨리
    – She quickly solved the problem. (그녀는 문제를 재빨리 해결했습니다.)

    ⦁ far away: 멀리
    – The mountain is far away. (그 산은 멀리 있습니다.)

  17. and when / he came back / she had bound up / her hair again, / and all was safe.
    So they watched / the geese till / it grew dark

    그리고 그가 / 돌아왔을 때 / 그녀는 다시 / 머리를 묶어놓았고, 모든 것이 안전했습니다;
    그래서 그들은 / 거위를 지켜보았습니다 / 어두워질 때까지

  18. ⦁ bound: 묶다
    – She bound the package with string. (그녀는 끈으로 소포를 묶었습니다.)

    ⦁ safe: 안전한
    – The children are safe at home. (아이들은 집에서 안전하게 있습니다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)