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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 015 – THE GOOSE-GIRL – 010
Then he called his son and told him that he had only a false bride; for that she was merely a waiting-maid, while the true bride stood by.And the young king rejoiced when he saw her beauty, and heard how meek and patient she had been; and without saying anything to the false bride, the king ordered a great feast to be got ready for all his court.The bridegroom sat at the top, with the false princess on one side, and the true one on the other; but nobody knew her again, for her beauty was quite dazzling to their eyes; and she did not seem at all like the little goose-girl, now that she had her brilliant dress on.When they had eaten and drank, and were very merry, the old king said he would tell them a tale
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then he called his son / and told him / that he had / only a false bride; / for that she was merely / a waiting-maid, / while the true bride / stood by.
그 후 그는 아들을 불러, 자신이 가짜 신부를 데리고 있고, 그녀는 단지 시녀일 뿐이며, 진짜 신부가 곁에 서 있다고 말했다.
⦁ false: 거짓의 – His smile was false. (그의 미소는 거짓이었다.) ⦁ waiting-maid: 시녀 – She worked as a waiting-maid at the palace. (그녀는 궁전에서 시녀로 일했다.) -
And the young king rejoiced / when he saw her beauty, / and heard / how meek and patient / she had been; / and without saying anything / to the false bride, / the king ordered / a great feast / to be got ready / for all his court.
젊은 왕은 그녀의 아름다움을 보고, 그녀가 얼마나 온순하고 인내심이 강했는지 듣고 기뻐했으며, 가짜 신부에게는 아무 말도 하지 않고, 왕은 모든 궁정을 위해 큰 연회를 준비하라고 명령했다.
⦁ rejoiced: 기뻐하다 – The team rejoiced after their victory. (팀은 승리 후 기뻐했다.) ⦁ feast: 연회 – The town held a feast to celebrate the harvest. (마을은 추수를 기념하기 위해 연회를 열었다.) -
The bridegroom sat / at the top, / with the false princess / on one side, / and the true one / on the other; / but nobody knew her again, / for her beauty / was quite dazzling / to their eyes; / and she did not seem at all / like the little goose-girl, / now that she had / her brilliant dress on.
신랑은 가장 높은 자리에 앉았고, 한쪽에는 가짜 공주, 다른쪽에는 진짜 공주를 두었다; 그러나 아무도 그녀를 알아보지 못했는데, 그녀의 아름다움이 너무 눈부셨기 때문이었다; 그리고 그녀는 이제 화려한 옷을 입고 있어서 전혀 거위 소녀 같지 않게 보였다.
⦁ dazzling: 눈부신 – The display was dazzling with lights. (전시는 불빛으로 눈부셨다.) ⦁ brilliant: 화려한 – Her brilliant performance was praised by all. (그녀의 화려한 공연은 모두에게 칭찬받았다.) -
When they had eaten and drank, / and were very merry, / the old king said / he would / tell them a tale.
그들이 먹고 마시며 매우 즐거워졌을 때, 늙은 왕은 그들에게 이야기를 해주겠다고 말했다.
⦁ merry: 즐거운 – The children were very merry at the party. (아이들은 파티에서 매우 즐거웠다.) ⦁ tale: 이야기 – The grandfather told us a tale. (할아버지는 우리에게 이야기를 해주셨다.)
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