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Another day, Chanticleer and Partlet wished to ride out together; so Chanticleer built a handsome carriage with four red wheels, and harnessed six mice to it; and then he and Partlet got into the carriage, and away they drove.
Soon afterwards a cat met them, and said, ‘Where are you going?’ And Chanticleer replied,

Then the cat said, ‘Take me with you,’ Chanticleer said, ‘With all my heart: get up behind, and be sure you do not fall off.’

Soon after came up a millstone, an egg, a duck, and a pin; and Chanticleer gave them all leave to get into the carriage and go with them.

When they arrived at Mr Korbes’s house, he was not at home; so the mice drew the carriage into the coach-house, Chanticleer and Partlet flew upon a beam, the cat sat down in the fireplace, the duck got into the washing cistern, the pin stuck himself into the bed pillow, the millstone laid himself over the house door, and the egg rolled himself up in the towel.

When Mr Korbes came home, he went to the fireplace to make a fire; but the cat threw all the ashes in his eyes: so he ran to the kitchen to wash himself; but there the duck splashed all the water in his face; and when he tried to wipe himself, the egg broke to pieces in the towel all over his face and eyes

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Another day, / Chanticleer and Partlet /wished to ride out /together; /so Chanticleer /built a handsome carriage /with four red wheels, / and harnessed six mice /to it; / and then he and Partlet /got into the carriage, / and away they drove.

    어느 날, Chanticleer와 Partlet는 / 함께 / 외출하고 싶어했고, / 그래서 Chanticleer는 / 네 개의 빨간 바퀴가 달린 멋진 마차를 만들었고, / 여섯 마리의 쥐를 마차에 매어서 / Chanticleer와 Partlet는 / 마차에 올라타고 / 출발했습니다.

    ⦁ handsome: 잘생긴, 멋진
    – He is a handsome young man. (그는 잘생긴 젊은 남자이다.)

    ⦁ carriage: 마차
    – The queen’s carriage was elegant. (여왕의 마차는 우아했다.)

  2. Soon afterwards /a cat met them, /and said, /‘Where are you going?’ /And Chanticleer replied,

    얼마 후 고양이가 그들을 만나 / ‘어디 가니?’라고 물었고, / Chanticleer가 대답했습니다.

    ⦁ soon: 곧
    – He will arrive soon. (그는 곧 도착할 것이다.)

    ⦁ afterwards: 나중에
    – We will meet afterwards. (우리는 나중에 만날 것이다.)

  3. Then the cat said, /‘Take me with you,’ /Chanticleer said, /‘With all my heart: /get up behind, /and be sure you do not fall off.’

    그때 고양이가 ‘나도 데려가 줘,’라고 말하자 / Chanticleer가 ‘기꺼이: 뒤에 올라타, 떨어지지 않도록 해,’라고 말했습니다.

    ⦁ behind: 뒤에
    – Stand behind me. (내 뒤에 서 있어.)

    ⦁ fall off: 떨어지다
    – Be careful not to fall off. (떨어지지 않도록 조심해.)

  4. Soon after /came up a millstone, /an egg, a duck, / and a pin; / and Chanticleer /gave them all leave /to get into the carriage /and go with them.

    곧이어 / 맷돌 하나, / 달걀 하나, / 오리 하나, / 그리고 핀이 나타났고, / Chanticleer는 / 모두에게 / 마차에 타고 / 그들과 함께 가게 허락했습니다.

    ⦁ millstone: 맷돌
    – The millstone is heavy. (맷돌은 무겁다.)

    ⦁ leave: 허락하다
    – He gave me leave to go. (그는 내가 가는 것을 허락했다.)

  5. When they arrived /at Mr Korbes’s house, /he was not at home; /so the mice drew the carriage /into the coach-house, /Chanticleer and Partlet flew upon a beam, /the cat sat down /in the fireplace, /the duck got into the washing cistern, /the pin stuck himself /into the bed pillow, /the millstone laid himself /over the house door, /and the egg rolled himself up /in the towel.

    그들이 Mr Korbes의 집에 도착했을 때, / 그는 집에 없었습니다; / 그래서 쥐들은 마차를 / 코치하우스에 끌고 갔고, / Chanticleer와 Partlet는 / 들보 위에 날아 올라갔으며, / 고양이는 / 벽난로에 앉았고, / 오리는 / 세탁 통에 들어갔으며, / 핀은 / 침대 베개에 꽂혔고, / 맷돌은 / 현관 문 위에 놓였으며, / 달걀은 / 수건에 말렸습니다.

    ⦁ arrived: 도착하다
    – We arrived at the station. (우리는 역에 도착했다.)

    ⦁ beam: 들보
    – The beam supports the roof. (들보가 지붕을 지탱한다.)

  6. When Mr Korbes /came home, /he went to the fireplace /to make a fire; /but the cat threw all the ashes /in his eyes: /so he ran to the kitchen /to wash himself; /but there the duck /splashed all the water /in his face; /and when he tried to wipe himself, /the egg broke to pieces /in the towel /all over his face /and eyes

    Mr Korbes가 / 집에 왔을 때, / 그는 불을 피우기 위해 / 벽난로로 갔습니다; / 하지만 / 고양이는 모든 재를 / 그의 눈에 던졌습니다: / 그래서 그는 세수를 하기 위해 / 부엌으로 달려갔지만, / 거기서 오리는 / 모든 물을 / 그의 얼굴에 튀겼습니다; / 그가 세수를 하려고 했을 때, / 달걀은 / 수건 속에서 부서져서 / 그의 얼굴과 눈 전체에 / 퍼졌습니다.

    ⦁ fireplace: 벽난로
    – We sat by the fireplace. (우리는 벽난로 옆에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ ashes: 재
    – The fire turned to ashes. (불이 재로 변했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)