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Grimms Fairy Tales 019 THE VALIANT LITTLE TAILOR 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 019 – THE VALIANT LITTLE TAILOR – 002

‘Hi! who invited you?’ said the little tailor, and drove the unbidden guests away.
The flies, however, who understood no German, would not be turned away, but came back again in ever-increasing companies.
The little tailor at last lost all patience, and drew a piece of cloth from the hole under his work-table, and saying: ‘Wait, and I will give it to you,’ struck it mercilessly on them.
When he drew it away and counted, there lay before him no fewer than seven, dead and with legs stretched out.
‘Are you a fellow of that sort?’ said he, and could not help admiring his own bravery.
‘The whole town shall know of this!’ And the little tailor hastened to cut himself a girdle, stitched it, and embroidered on it in large letters: ‘Seven at one stroke!’ ‘What, the town!’ he continued, ‘the whole world shall hear of it!’ and his heart wagged with joy like a lamb’s tail

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. ‘Hi! / who invited you?’ / said the little tailor, / and drove the unbidden guests away.

    ‘야! / 누가 당신을 초대했나요?’ / 작은 재단사가 말했고, / 불청객들을 쫓아냈다.

  2. ⦁ unbidden: 초대받지 않은
    – The unbidden guest / was surprised / when asked / to leave. (초대받지 않은 손님은 / 놀랐다 / 부탁받았을 때 / 떠나 달라고)

    ⦁ drove: 쫓아내다
    – They drove / the intruders / out of / their home. (그들은 쫓아냈다 / 침입자들을 / 집에서)

  3. The flies, / however, / who understood no German, / would not be turned away, / but came back again / in ever-increasing companies.

    그러나 / 독일어를 이해하지 못하는 파리들은 / 쫓겨나지 않았고, / 계속 늘어나는 무리로 / 다시 돌아왔다.

  4. ⦁ understood: 이해했다
    – She understood / the instructions / clearly. (그녀는 / 설명을 / 명확히 이해했다)

    ⦁ companies: 무리
    – He preferred / to travel / in companies. (그는 / 동행을 하고 여행하는 것을 / 선호했다)

  5. The little tailor / at last / lost all patience, / and drew a piece of cloth / from the hole / under his work-table, / and saying: ‘Wait, and I will give it to you,’ / struck it mercilessly / on them.

    작은 재단사는 / 마침내 / 모든 인내심을 잃었고, / 작업대 아래의 구멍에서 / 천 한 조각을 꺼내 / 말하기를: ‘기다려, 내가 줄게,’ / 그것을 / 파리들에게 / 무자비하게 내리쳤다.

  6. ⦁ patience: 인내심
    – His patience / was tested / many times. (그의 인내심은 / 여러 번 시험받았다)

    ⦁ struck: 내리쳤다
    – He struck / the ball / with great force. (그는 / 공을 / 굉장한 힘으로 내리쳤다)

  7. When he drew it away / and counted, / there lay before him / no fewer than seven, / dead and with legs / stretched out.

    그가 그것을 걷어내고 / 셌을 때, / 그의 앞에는 / 일곱 마리나 되는 / 죽은 파리들이 / 다리를 뻗친 채 / 놓여 있었다.

  8. ⦁ counted: 셌다
    – She counted / the coins / carefully. (그녀는 / 동전들을 / 주의 깊게 셌다)

    ⦁ stretched: 뻗친
    – He stretched / out his arms / after waking up. (그는 / 팔을 뻗쳤다 / 일어났을 때)

  9. ‘Are you / a fellow / of that sort?’ / said he, / and could not help / admiring his own bravery.

    ‘너희들이 / 그런 부류냐?’ / 그가 말했고, / 자신이 한 용맹스러운 행동을 / 감탄하지 않을 수 없었다.

  10. ⦁ fellow: 녀석
    – He found / a fellow student / to study with. (그는 / 함께 공부할 / 동료 학생을 찾았다)

    ⦁ bravery: 용맹
    – His bravery / was well recognized / in the community. (그의 용맹은 / 그 지역사회에서 / 잘 알려져 있었다)

  11. ‘The whole town / shall know of this!’ / And the little tailor hastened / to cut himself / a girdle, / stitched it, / and embroidered on it / in large letters: ‘Seven at one stroke!’

    ‘온 마을이 / 이를 알아야 할 것이다!’ / 그리고 작은 재단사는 / 재빨리 / 벨트를 잘라 / 그것을 바느질했으며, / 큰 글자로 / ‘한 번의 타격에 일곱!’ / 이라고 자수를 놓았다.

  12. ‘What, the town!’ / he continued, / ‘the whole world / shall hear of it!’ / and his heart / wagged with joy / like a lamb’s tail.

    ‘뭐, 마을이라고?’ / 그는 계속 말했다, / ‘온 세상이 / 이를 들어야 한다!’ / 그의 마음은 / 기쁨으로 / 양의 꼬리처럼 흔들렸다.

  13. ⦁ embroidered: 자수를 놓다
    – She embroidered / her initials / on the handkerchief. (그녀는 / 그녀의 이니셜들을 / 손수건에 자수를 놓았다)

    ⦁ wagged: 흔들렸다
    – The dog’s tail / wagged / when it saw / its owner. (그 개의 꼬리가 / 흔들렸다 / 주인을 봤을 때)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)