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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 019 – THE VALIANT LITTLE TAILOR – 016
The king comforted her and said: ‘Leave your bedroom door open this night, and my servants shall stand outside, and when he has fallen asleep shall go in, bind him, and take him on board a ship which shall carry him into the wide world.’ The woman was satisfied with this; but the king’s armour-bearer, who had heard all, was friendly with the young lord, and informed him of the whole plot.‘I’ll put a screw into that business,’ said the little tailor.At night he went to bed with his wife at the usual time, and when she thought that he had fallen asleep, she got up, opened the door, and then lay down again.The little tailor, who was only pretending to be asleep, began to cry out in a clear voice: ‘Boy, make me the doublet and patch me the pantaloons, or I will rap the yard-measure over your ears.I smote seven at one blow.I killed two giants, I brought away one unicorn, and caught a wild boar, and am I to fear those who are standing outside the room.’ When these men heard the tailor speaking thus, they were overcome by a great dread, and ran as if the wild huntsman were behind them, and none of them would venture anything further against him
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The king comforted her / and said:
‘Leave your bedroom door open / this night,
and my servants / shall stand outside,
and when he has fallen asleep / shall go in,
bind him, / and take him / on board a ship / which shall carry him / into the wide world.’
The woman was satisfied / with this;
but the king’s armour-bearer, / who had heard all, / was friendly / with the young lord, / and informed him / of the whole plot.
‘I’ll put a screw / into that business,’ / said the little tailor.
At night / he went to bed / with his wife / at the usual time,and when she thought / that he had fallen asleep, / she got up, / opened the door, / and then lay down again.
The little tailor, / who was only pretending / to be asleep, / began to cry out / in a clear voice:
‘Boy, / make me the doublet / and patch me / the pantaloons,
or I will rap / the yard-measure / over your ears.
I smote seven / at one blow.
I killed two giants, / I brought away one unicorn, / and caught a wild boar, / and am I to fear those / who are standing outside the room.’
When these men / heard the tailor / speaking thus, / they were overcome / by a great dread, / and ran / as if the wild huntsman / were behind them, / and none of them / would venture anything / further against him.
왕은 그녀를 위로하며 말했다: ‘오늘 밤 당신의 침실 문을 열어 두세요. 내 종들이 문 밖에 서 있다가, 그가 잠들면 들어가서,
그를 묶어서 배에 태워 넓은 세상으로 데려가야 합니다.’
여자는 이에 만족했다
하지만 왕의 무기 담당 수행원이 / 모든 것을 들었고, / 젊은 귀족과 친분이 있어, / 전체 계획을 / 그에게 알렸다.
‘내가 그 일에 / 한 방 먹이겠다,’ / 작은 재단사가 말했다.
밤에 / 그는 아내와 함께 / 평소 시간에 / 잠자리에 들었다, / 그녀가 그가 잠들었다고 생각했을 때, / 일어나서 / 문을 열고, / 다시 누웠다.
작은 재단사는 / 자는 척하고 / 있었다, / 크게 외치기 시작했다 / 큰 목소리로:
‘소년아, / 내게 재킷을 만들어 주고 / 바지에 덧대라, 그렇지 않으면 내가 / 길이를 재는 자로 / 네 귀를 때리겠다. / 나는 한 번에 / 일곱을 죽였다. / 나는 거인 두 명을 죽였고, / 한 유니콘을 데려 왔고, / 들돼지를 잡았는데, / 내가 저 밖에 서 있는 사람들을 / 두려워해야 한단 말인가.’
남자들은 / 재단사의 / 말을 듣고 / 큰 공포에 / 휩싸였으며, / 달아났다 / 마치 사냥꾼이 / 그들 뒤에 있는 것처럼, / 그 누구도 / 더 이상 감히 / 그를 대적하지 못했다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)