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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 020 – HANSEL AND GRETEL – 004
It was not the axe, however, but a branch which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards.And as they had been sitting such a long time, their eyes closed with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep.When at last they awoke, it was already dark night.Gretel began to cry and said: ‘How are we to get out of the forest now?’ But Hansel comforted her and said: ‘Just wait a little, until the moon has risen, and then we will soon find the way.’ And when the full moon had risen, Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.They walked the whole night long, and by break of day came once more to their father’s house.They knocked at the door, and when the woman opened it and saw that it was Hansel and Gretel, she said: ‘You naughty children, why have you slept so long in the forest?—we thought you were never coming back at all!’ The father, however, rejoiced, for it had cut him to the heart to leave them behind alone
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was not the axe, however, / but a branch / which he had fastened / to a withered tree / which the wind was blowing / backwards and forwards.
그러나 그것은 도끼가 아니라, 바람이 앞뒤로 흔들고 있는 고목에 그가 묶어 둔 나뭇가지였다.
⦁ axe: 도끼 – He used the axe / to chop wood (그는 도끼를 사용하여 나무를 벴다.) ⦁ fasten: 묶다, 고정시키다 – She fastened the ribbon / to her hair (그녀는 리본을 머리에 묶었다.) -
And as they had been sitting / such a long time, / their eyes closed / with fatigue, / and they fell / fast asleep.
그리고 그들이 오랫동안 앉아 있었기 때문에, 피로로 인해 눈이 감기면서 곧 깊이 잠들었다.
⦁ fatigue: 피로 – The long journey / caused him / great fatigue (긴 여행이 그에게 심한 피로를 안겨주었다.) ⦁ asleep: 잠든 – The baby / is fast asleep (아기는 깊이 잠들어 있다.) -
When at last / they awoke, / it was already / dark night.
마침내 그들이 깨어났을 때는 이미 어두운 밤이었다.
⦁ awake: 깨어있는 – He was awake / all night (그는 밤새 깨어있었다.) ⦁ dark: 어두운 – It was a dark / and stormy night (어둡고 폭풍우 치는 밤이었다.) -
Gretel began / to cry / and said: / ‘How are we / to get out / of the forest / now?’
그레텔은 울기 시작하며 말했다: ‘지금 우리가 어떻게 숲을 빠져나가지?’
⦁ cry: 울다 – The child / began to cry / when she lost / her toy (아이의 장난감을 잃어버리자 울기 시작했다.) ⦁ forest: 숲 – They went for a walk / in the forest (그들은 숲 속을 산책했다.) -
But Hansel / comforted her / and said: / ‘Just wait a little, / until the moon / has risen, / and then we will / soon find the way.’
하지만 한셀은 그녀를 달래며 말했다: ‘달이 뜰 때까지 잠시만 기다려, 그러면 우리는 곧 길을 찾을 수 있을 거야.’
⦁ comfort: 위로하다 – He comforted her / when she was sad (그녀가 슬퍼할 때 그가 그녀를 위로했다.) ⦁ find: 찾다 – Can you help me / find my keys? (내 열쇠를 찾는 것을 도와줄 수 있어?) -
And when the full moon / had risen, / Hansel took / his little sister / by the hand, / and followed / the pebbles / which shone / like newly-coined silver pieces, / and showed them / the way.
보름달이 뜨자, 한셀은 여동생의 손을 잡고, 새로 주조된 은화처럼 빛나는 자갈들을 따라 길을 찾아갔다.
⦁ hand: 손 – She held / his hand tightly (그녀는 그의 손을 꽉 잡았다.) ⦁ pebble: 작은 자갈 – The beach / was covered / in pebbles (해변이 자갈로 덮여 있었다.) -
They walked / the whole night long, / and by break / of day / came once more / to their father’s house.
그들은 밤새도록 걸었고, 날이 밝아오자 다시 아버지의 집에 도착했다.
⦁ walk: 걷다 – They decided / to walk / to the village (그들은 마을까지 걷기로 결정했다.) ⦁ break: 새벽, 파괴하다 – The glass / will break / if you drop it (유리는 떨어뜨리면 깨질 것이다.) -
They knocked / at the door, / and when the woman / opened it / and saw / that it was Hansel / and Gretel, / she said: / ‘You naughty children, / why have you slept / so long / in the forest?—we thought / you were never / coming back / at all!’
그들은 문을 두드렸고, 그 여자가 문을 열고 한셀과 그레텔임을 보고는 말했다: ‘이 말썽꾸러기들, 왜 그렇게 오래 숲에서 잤니? 우리는 너희가 전혀 돌아오지 않는 줄 알았단다!’
⦁ knock: 두드리다 – He knocked / on the door / loudly (그는 문을 크게 두드렸다.) ⦁ naughty: 말썽꾸러기의 – The naughty child / broke the vase (말썽꾸러기 아이가 화병을 깼다.) -
The father, / however, / rejoiced, / for it had cut / him / to the heart / to leave them / behind alone.
그러나 아버지는, 아이들을 홀로 남겨두고 떠난 것이 마음을 아프게 했기 때문에, 기뻐했다.
⦁ rejoice: 기뻐하다 – She rejoiced / at the good news (그녀는 좋은 소식에 기뻐했다.) ⦁ behind: 뒤에 – They left / their kids / behind (그들은 아이들을 뒤에 남겨두고 떠났다.)
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