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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 020 – HANSEL AND GRETEL – 014
‘We cannot cross,’ said Hansel, ‘I see no foot-plank, and no bridge.’ ‘And there is also no ferry,’ answered Gretel, ‘but a white duck is swimming there: if I ask her, she will help us over.’ Then she cried:The duck came to them, and Hansel seated himself on its back, and told his sister to sit by him.‘No,’ replied Gretel, ‘that will be too heavy for the little duck; she shall take us across, one after the other.’ The good little duck did so, and when they were once safely across and had walked for a short time, the forest seemed to be more and more familiar to them, and at length they saw from afar their father’s house.Then they began to run, rushed into the parlour, and threw themselves round their father’s neck.The man had not known one happy hour since he had left the children in the forest; the woman, however, was dead.Gretel emptied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran about the room, and Hansel threw one handful after another out of his pocket to add to them.Then all anxiety was at an end, and they lived together in perfect happiness
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘We cannot cross,’ / said Hansel, / ‘I see no foot-plank, / and no bridge.’
‘우리는 건널 수 없어,’ / 한셀이 말했다, / ‘나는 발판도 / 다리도 보이지 않아.’
‘And there is also no ferry,’ / answered Gretel, / ‘but a white duck is swimming there: / if I ask her, / she will help us over.’
‘그리고 여객선도 없어,’ / 그레텔이 대답했다, / ‘하지만 하얀 오리가 저기서 헤엄치고 있어: / 내가 그녀에게 물어보면, / 그녀가 우리를 도와줄 거야.’
Then she cried: / The duck came to them, / and Hansel seated himself / on its back, / and told his sister to sit by him.
그리고 그녀는 외쳤다: / 오리가 그들에게 왔고, / 한셀은 / 오리 등에 앉아, / 그의 여동생에게 그의 옆에 앉으라고 말했다.
‘No,’ / replied Gretel, / ‘that will be too heavy / for the little duck; / she shall take us across, / one after the other.’
‘아니,’ / 그레텔이 대답했다, / ‘그건 너무 무거울 거야 / 작은 오리에게는; / 그녀는 우리를 옮길 거야, / 차례대로.’
The good little duck did so, / and when they were safely across / and had walked for a short time, / the forest seemed more and more familiar / to them, / and at length / they saw from afar / their father’s house.
착한 작은 오리는 그렇게 했고, / 그들이 안전하게 건너고 / 잠시 걷자, / 숲은 그들에게 / 점점 더 익숙해졌고, / 마침내 / 그들은 멀리서 / 그들의 아버지 집을 보았다.
Then they began to run, / rushed into the parlour, / and threw themselves round their father’s neck.
그러고 나서 그들은 달리기 시작했고, / 거실로 돌진하여, / 아버지의 목을 끌어안았다.
The man had not known one happy hour / since he had left the children / in the forest; / the woman, however, / was dead.
남자는 행복한 시간을 보내지 못했다 / 그가 아이들을 / 숲에 남겨둔 이후로; / 그러나 그 여자는 / 죽었다.
Gretel emptied her pinafore / until pearls and precious stones / ran about the room, / and Hansel threw one handful / after another / out of his pocket / to add to them.
그레텔은 앞치마를 비웠다 / 진주와 보석이 / 방을 가득 채울 때까지, / 그리고 한셀은 한 움큼씩 던졌다 / 그들의 / 호주머니에서 / 그것들에 추가하기 위해.
Then all anxiety was at an end, / and they lived together / in perfect happiness.
그러고 나서 모든 불안이 끝나고, / 그들은 함께 살았다 / 완벽한 행복 속에서.
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