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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 021 – THE MOUSE, THE BIRD, AND THE SAUSAGE – 002
For, when the mouse had made the fire and fetched in the water, she could retire into her little room and rest until it was time to set the table.The sausage had only to watch the pot to see that the food was properly cooked, and when it was near dinner-time, he just threw himself into the broth, or rolled in and out among the vegetables three or four times, and there they were, buttered, and salted, and ready to be served.Then, when the bird came home and had laid aside his burden, they sat down to table, and when they had finished their meal, they could sleep their fill till the following morning: and that was really a very delightful life.Influenced by those remarks, the bird next morning refused to bring in the wood, telling the others that he had been their servant long enough, and had been a fool into the bargain, and that it was now time to make a change, and to try some other way of arranging the work.Beg and pray as the mouse and the sausage might, it was of no use; the bird remained master of the situation, and the venture had to be made.They therefore drew lots, and it fell to the sausage to bring in the wood, to the mouse to cook, and to the bird to fetch the water
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
For, / when the mouse had / made the fire / and / fetched in the water, / she could retire / into her little room / and / rest / until it was time / to set the table.
왜냐하면, 쥐가 불을 피우고 물을 가져왔을 때, 그녀는 작은 방으로 가서 식사 준비를 할 시간이 될 때까지 쉴 수 있었기 때문이다.
⦁ retire: 물러나다, 쉬다 – After a long day, she liked to retire to her room. (긴 하루가 끝나면 그녀는 방으로 들어가 쉬는 것을 좋아했다.) ⦁ fetch: 가져오다 – He went to fetch some water from the well. (그는 우물에서 물을 가져오러 갔다.) -
The sausage had / only to watch the pot / to see / that the food was / properly cooked, / and / when it was / near dinner-time, / he just threw himself / into the broth, / or / rolled in and out among the vegetables / three or four times, / and / there they were, / buttered, and salted, / and ready to be served.
소시지는 단지 냄비를 지켜보며 음식이 제대로 익었는지 확인하면 되고, 저녁 시간이 가까워지면 자신을 국물에 던지거나 야채 사이를 세 번이나 네 번 굴리기만 하면 되었고, 그러면 음식은 버터와 소금으로 양념되어 준비되었다.
⦁ properly: 적절하게 – Make sure the door is properly locked before you leave. (떠나기 전에 문이 제대로 잠겼는지 확인하세요.) ⦁ threw: 던졌다 (throw의 과거형) – He accidentally threw the ball over the fence. (그는 공을 실수로 울타리 너머로 던졌다.) -
Then, / when the bird came home / and had laid aside his burden, / they sat down to table, / and / when they had finished their meal, / they could sleep / their fill / till the following morning: / and that was really a very delightful life.
그리고 나서 새가 집에 돌아와 짐을 내려놓으면, 그들은 식탁에 앉아 식사를 마치고 나서 다음 날 아침까지 충분히 잘 수 있었다: 그것은 정말 매우 즐거운 삶이었다.
⦁ delightful: 즐거운 – The children found the amusement park ride delightful. (아이들은 놀이 공원 놀이기구를 즐거워했다.) ⦁ burden: 짐, 부담 – She finally managed to lift the heavy burden off her shoulders. (그녀는 마침내 어깨에서 무거운 짐을 내려놓았다.) -
Influenced by those remarks, / the bird next morning / refused to bring in the wood, / telling the others / that he had been their servant long enough, / and had been a fool / into the bargain, / and that it was now time / to make a change, / and to try some other way / of arranging the work.
그러한 말들에 영향을 받아, 새는 다음 날 아침에 나무를 가져오는 것을 거부하며, 그가 충분히 오랫동안 하인이었고, 거기에 더해 바보였으며 이제는 일을 재정리할 다른 방법을 시도할 때라고 말했다.
⦁ servant: 하인 – The king’s servant bowed low when entering the room. (왕의 하인은 방에 들어올 때 깊이 절했다.) ⦁ bargain: 거래, 협상 – He made a good bargain at the market. (그는 시장에서 좋은 거래를 했다.) -
Beg and pray as the mouse and the sausage might, / it was of no use; / the bird remained master of the situation, / and the venture had to be made.
쥐와 소시지가 아무리 애원하고 기도해도 소용이 없었다; 새는 상황의 주인으로 남아 있었고, 모험은 감행되어야 했다.
⦁ master: 주인, 지배자 – He is the master of his own destiny. (그는 자신의 운명의 주인이다.) ⦁ venture: 모험, 시도 – Starting her own business was a risky venture. (자신의 사업을 시작하는 것은 위험한 시도였다.) -
They therefore drew lots, / and / it fell to the sausage / to bring in the wood, / to the mouse / to cook, / and / to the bird / to fetch the water.
그래서 그들은 제비를 뽑았고, 소시지가 나무를 가져오고, 쥐가 요리를 하고, 새가 물을 가져오게 되었다.
⦁ therefore: 그러므로, 따라서 – She was late and therefore missed the bus. (그녀는 늦었고 따라서 버스를 놓쳤다.) ⦁ cook: 요리하다 – He loves to cook Italian food. (그는 이탈리아 음식을 요리하는 것을 좋아한다.)
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