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Grimms Fairy Tales 022 MOTHER HOLLE 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 022 – MOTHER HOLLE – 002

She walked over the meadow, and presently she came upon a baker’s oven full of bread, and the loaves cried out to her, ‘Take us out, take us out, or alas! we shall be burnt to a cinder; we were baked through long ago.’ So she took the bread-shovel and drew them all out.

She went on a little farther, till she came to a tree full of apples.
‘Shake me, shake me, I pray,’ cried the tree; ‘my apples, one and all, are ripe.’ So she shook the tree, and the apples came falling down upon her like rain; but she continued shaking until there was not a single apple left upon it.
Then she carefully gathered the apples together in a heap and walked on again.

The next thing she came to was a little house, and there she saw an old woman looking out, with such large teeth, that she was terrified, and turned to run away.
But the old woman called after her, ‘What are you afraid of, dear child? Stay with me; if you will do the work of my house properly for me, I will make you very happy

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. She walked / over the meadow, / and presently she came upon / a baker’s oven / full of bread, / and the loaves cried out / to her, / ‘Take us out, / take us out, / or alas! / we shall be burnt / to a cinder; / we were baked through / long ago.’

    그녀는 평원을 걸었고, 곧 빵으로 가득 찬 빵 굽는 오븐을 발견했으며, 빵 덩어리들이 그녀에게 “우리를 꺼내줘, 꺼내줘, 제발! 오래전에 이미 구워졌어.”라고 외쳤다.

  2. ⦁ meadow: 목초지, 초원
    – The cow grazed in the meadow. (소가 목초지를 방목했다.)

    ⦁ presently: 곧, 이내
    – The show will start presently. (쇼가 곧 시작될 것이다.)

  3. So she took / the bread-shovel / and drew them / all out.

    그래서 그녀는 빵 삽을 잡고 빵들을 모두 꺼냈다.

  4. ⦁ shovel: 삽
    – He used a shovel to dig a hole. (그는 삽을 사용해 구멍을 팠다.)

    ⦁ drew: 그리다, 꺼내다 (draw의 과거형)
    – She drew a picture on the wall. (그녀는 벽에 그림을 그렸다.)

  5. She went on / a little farther, / till she came / to a tree / full of apples.

    그녀는 조금 더 걸어가서 사과로 가득 찬 나무에 도착했다.

  6. ⦁ farther: 더 멀리
    – My house is farther than his. (내 집이 그의 집보다 더 멀리 있다.)

    ⦁ full: 가득 찬
    – The glass is full of water. (유리잔이 물로 가득 찼다.)

  7. ‘Shake me, / shake me, / I pray,’ / cried the tree; / ‘my apples, / one and all, / are ripe.’

    “나를 흔들어줘, 흔들어줘, 제발,” 나무가 외쳤다. “내 사과들은 다 익었어.”

  8. ⦁ shake: 흔들다
    – Please shake the bottle before opening it. (병을 열기 전에 흔들어주세요.)

    ⦁ ripe: 익은
    – The bananas are ripe. (그 바나나들은 익었다.)

  9. So she shook / the tree, / and the apples came / falling down / upon her / like rain; / but she continued shaking / until there was / not a single apple / left upon it.

    그래서 그녀는 나무를 흔들었고, 사과들이 비처럼 그녀에게 떨어졌다. 하지만 그녀는 나무에 사과가 하나도 남지 않을 때까지 계속해서 흔들었다.

  10. ⦁ falling: 떨어지는
    – The leaves were falling from the trees. (나뭇잎이 나무에서 떨어지고 있었다.)

    ⦁ single: 단 하나의
    – I don’t have a single doubt about it. (그것에 대해 나는 단 하나의 의심도 없어.)

  11. Then she carefully / gathered the apples / together in a heap / and walked on again.

    그런 다음 그녀는 조심스럽게 사과들을 한 곳에 모아두고 다시 걸어갔다.

  12. ⦁ gathered: 모았다 (gather의 과거형)
    – She gathered flowers in the field. (그녀는 들판에서 꽃을 모았다.)

    ⦁ heap: 더미
    – There is a heap of clothes on the bed. (침대 위에 옷 더미가 있다.)

  13. The next thing / she came to / was a little house, / and there she saw / an old woman / looking out, / with such large teeth, / that she was terrified, / and turned to run away.

    그녀가 다음에 도착한 곳은 작은 집이었고, 거기서 그녀는 큰 이빨을 가진 노파를 보았다. 그녀는 너무 무서워 도망가려고 돌아섰다.

  14. ⦁ terrified: 겁먹은
    – She was terrified by the thunder. (그녀는 천둥 소리에 겁먹었다.)

    ⦁ turned: 돌았다 (turn의 과거형)
    – He turned to face the audience. (그는 청중을 향해 몸을 돌렸다.)

  15. But the old woman / called after her, / ‘What are you afraid of, / dear child? / Stay with me; / if you will do / the work of my house / properly for me, / I will make you / very happy.’

    그러나 노파는 “무엇이 두렵니, 사랑하는 아이야? 나와 함께 머물러라; 만약 네가 내 집의 일을 제대로 해준다면, 널 아주 행복하게 해줄게.”라고 말했다.

  16. ⦁ afraid: 두려워하는
    – He is afraid of spiders. (그는 거미를 두려워한다.)

    ⦁ properly: 제대로, 정확하게
    – Please use the machine properly. (기계를 제대로 사용해주세요.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)