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Grimms Fairy Tales 022 MOTHER HOLLE 006

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 022 – MOTHER HOLLE – 006

At last she came to Mother Holle’s house, and as she had heard all about the large teeth from her sister, she was not afraid of them, and engaged herself without delay to the old woman.

The first day she was very obedient and industrious, and exerted herself to please Mother Holle, for she thought of the gold she should get in return.
The next day, however, she began to dawdle over her work, and the third day she was more idle still; then she began to lie in bed in the mornings and refused to get up.
Worse still, she neglected to make the old woman’s bed properly, and forgot to shake it so that the feathers might fly about.
So Mother Holle very soon got tired of her, and told her she might go.
The lazy girl was delighted at this, and thought to herself, ‘The gold will soon be mine.’ Mother Holle led her, as she had led her sister, to the broad gateway; but as she was passing through, instead of the shower of gold, a great bucketful of pitch came pouring over her

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At last she came to / Mother Holle’s house, /and as she had heard / all about the large teeth / from her sister, / she was not afraid of them, / and engaged herself / without delay to the old woman.

    마침내 그녀는 홀레 할머니의 집에 도착했고, 큰 이빨에 대해 언니에게 들었기 때문에 겁내지 않고 지체 없이 할머니에게 일하겠다고 했다.

  2. ⦁ large: 큰
    – She saw a large mountain. (그녀는 큰 산을 보았다.)

    ⦁ delay: 지체
    – Despite the delay, we arrived on time. (지체에도 불구하고 우리는 제시간에 도착했다.)

  3. The first day / she was very obedient / and industrious, / and exerted herself / to please Mother Holle, / for she thought of the gold / she should get in return.

    첫날 그녀는 매우 순종적이고 부지런했으며, 홀레 할머니를 기쁘게 하려고 노력했다. 왜냐하면 그녀는 보상으로 받을 금을 생각했기 때문이다.

  4. ⦁ obedient: 순종적인
    – The obedient dog followed all commands. (순종적인 개는 모든 명령을 따랐다.)

    ⦁ industrious: 부지런한
    – An industrious student usually excels. (부지런한 학생은 보통 뛰어나다.)

  5. The next day, / however, / she began to dawdle over her work, / and the third day / she was more idle still; / then she began to lie in bed in the mornings / and refused to get up.

    그러나 다음 날, 그녀는 일을 미루기 시작했고, 셋째 날에는 더 게을러졌다. 그러다 아침에 침대에 누워 일어나기를 거부했다.

  6. ⦁ dawdle: 꾸물거리다
    – Don’t dawdle on your way home. (집에 가는 길에 꾸물거리지 마라.)

    ⦁ idle: 게으른
    – The idle boy did nothing all day. (그 게으른 소년은 하루 종일 아무것도 하지 않았다.)

  7. Worse still, / she neglected to make / the old woman’s bed properly, / and forgot / to shake it / so that the feathers might fly about.

    더 나쁘게도, 그녀는 할머니의 침대를 제대로 정리하지 못했고, 깃털이 날아다니도록 털지 않았다.

  8. ⦁ neglected: 무시된, 방치된
    – The garden is neglected and overgrown. (정원이 방치되어 잡초가 무성하다.)

    ⦁ feathers: 깃털
    – The bird’s feathers were colorful. (그 새의 깃털은 화려했다.)

  9. So Mother Holle / very soon / got tired of her, / and told her / she might go.

    그래서 홀레 할머니는 금방 그녀에게 싫증이 났고, 떠나도 된다고 말했다.

  10. ⦁ tired: 지친
    – I am very tired after work. (일 후에 나는 매우 지쳤다.)

    ⦁ might: ~할지도 모른다
    – You might see him there. (그를 거기서 볼지도 모른다.)

  11. The lazy girl / was delighted at this, / and thought to herself, / ‘The gold will soon be mine.’

    그 게으른 소녀는 이에 기뻐하며, ‘금이 곧 내 것이 될 거야’라고 생각했다.

  12. ⦁ lazy: 게으른
    – The lazy cat slept all day. (게으른 고양이는 하루 종일 잤다.)

    ⦁ delighted: 기뻐하는
    – She was delighted with her new dress. (그녀는 새 옷에 매우 기뻐했다.)

  13. Mother Holle / led her, / as she had led her sister, / to the broad gateway; / but as she was passing through, / instead of the shower of gold, / a great bucketful of pitch came pouring over her.

    홀레 할머니는 그녀의 언니를 인도했던 것처럼, 그녀를 넓은 문으로 인도했다. 하지만 그녀가 지나가던 중, 금의 샤워 대신, 큰 양동이 가득한 역청이 그녀 위로 쏟아졌다.

  14. ⦁ broad: 넓은
    – The river is very broad here. (이곳은 강이 매우 넓다.)

    ⦁ pitch: 역청
    – The pitch black sky looked ominous. (까만 하늘이 불길해 보였다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)