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Grimms Fairy Tales 024 THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 024 – THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM – 002

Her betrothed only replied, ‘You must come and see me next Sunday; I have already invited guests for that day, and that you may not mistake the way, I will strew ashes along the path.’

When Sunday came, and it was time for the girl to start, a feeling of dread came over her which she could not explain, and that she might be able to find her path again, she filled her pockets with peas and lentils to sprinkle on the ground as she went along.
On reaching the entrance to the forest she found the path strewed with ashes, and these she followed, throwing down some peas on either side of her at every step she took.
She walked the whole day until she came to the deepest, darkest part of the forest.
There she saw a lonely house, looking so grim and mysterious, that it did not please her at all.
She stepped inside, but not a soul was to be seen, and a great silence reigned throughout.
Suddenly a voice cried:

The girl looked up and saw that the voice came from a bird hanging in a cage on the wall.
Again it cried:

The girl passed on, going from room to room of the house, but they were all empty, and still she saw no one

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Her betrothed / only replied, / ‘You must come / and see me / next Sunday; / I have already invited guests / for that day, / and that you may not mistake / the way, / I will strew ashes / along the path.’

    그녀의 약혼자 / 대답했다/ ‘당신은 와야 해요 / 그리고 저를 보세요 / 다음 주 일요일; / 이미 손님들을 초대했어요 / 그날을 위해, / 당신이 길을 잘못 찾지 않도록, / 제가 재를 뿌릴게요 / 길에.’

  2. ⦁ betrothed: 약혼자
    – She introduced her betrothed to her family. (그녀는 그녀의 약혼자를 가족에게 소개했다.)

    ⦁ strew: 흩뿌리다
    – The farmer strewed seeds across the field. (농부는 들판에 씨앗을 흩뿌렸다.)

  3. When Sunday came, / and it was time / for the girl to start, / a feeling of dread / came over her / which she could not explain, / and that she might be able to find / her path again, / she filled her pockets with peas and lentils / to sprinkle on the ground / as she went along.

    일요일이 다가왔을 때, / 그리고 시작할 시간이었다 / 그 소녀가 출발할, / 두려움이 밀려왔다 / 그녀에게 / 설명할 수 없는, / 그녀가 다시 길을 찾을 수 있도록, / 그녀는 주머니를 채웠다 완두콩과 렌즈콩들로 / 땅에 뿌리기 위해 / 가면서.

  4. ⦁ dread: 두려움
    – He felt a sense of dread before the exam. (그는 시험 전 두려움을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ sprinkle: 뿌리다
    – She sprinkled water on the flowers. (그녀는 꽃에 물을 뿌렸다.)

  5. On reaching / the entrance to the forest / she found / the path strewed with ashes, / and these she followed, / throwing down some peas / on either side of her / at every step / she took.

    도착했을 때 / 숲의 입구에 / 그녀는 발견했다 / 길이 재로 덮인 것을, / 그리고 그것을 따라갔다, / 몇 개의 완두콩을 던지면서 / 양쪽에 / 매 걸음마다 / 그녀가 밟을 때.

  6. ⦁ entrance: 입구
    – The entrance to the park was crowded. (공원의 입구는 붐볐다.)

    ⦁ found: 발견했다
    – She found her lost keys. (그녀는 잃어버린 열쇠를 발견했다.)

  7. She walked / the whole day / until she came / to the deepest, / darkest part / of the forest.

    그녀는 걸었다 / 하루 종일 / 도달할 때까지 / 가장 깊고, / 어두운 부분을 / 숲의.

  8. ⦁ deepest: 가장 깊은
    – The deepest part of the ocean is difficult to explore. (가장 깊은 바다 지역은 탐험하기 어렵다.)

    ⦁ darkest: 가장 어두운
    – The darkest night felt endless. (가장 어두운 밤은 끝이 없는 것 같았다.)

  9. There she saw / a lonely house, / looking / so grim and mysterious, / that it did not please her / at all.

    거기서 그녀는 보았다 / 외로운 집을, / 보였다 / 매우 우울하고 신비한, / 그래서 그녀에게 전혀 만족스럽지 않았다 / 전혀.

  10. ⦁ grim: 우울한
    – The news was very grim. (그 뉴스는 매우 우울했다.)

    ⦁ mysterious: 신비한
    – The cave had a mysterious aura. (동굴에는 신비로운 분위기가 있었다.)

  11. She stepped inside, / but not a soul / was to be seen, / and a great silence / reigned throughout. / Suddenly a voice cried:

    그녀는 안으로 들어갔다, / 그러나 영혼 하나도 / 보이지 않았다, / 그리고 큰 침묵이 / 전체에 걸쳐 / 지배했다. / 갑자기 목소리가 외쳤다:

  12. ⦁ soul: 영혼
    – There wasn’t a soul in sight. (눈에 보이는 영혼이 없었다.)

    ⦁ reigned: 지배했다
    – Peace reigned after the conflict ended. (갈등이 끝난 후 평화가 지배했다.)

  13. The girl looked up / and saw that / the voice came / from a bird / hanging in a cage / on the wall. / Again it cried:

    그 소녀는 올려다보았다 / 그리고 보았다 / 목소리가 나왔다 / 새로부터 / 새장에서 매달린 / 벽에. / 다시 그것이 외쳤다:

  14. ⦁ hanging: 매달린
    – The picture is hanging on the wall. (그 그림은 벽에 매달려 있다.)

    ⦁ cage: 새장
    – The bird sits quietly in its cage. (새는 새장 안에서 조용히 앉아 있다.)

  15. The girl passed on, / going from room to room / of the house, / but they were all empty, / and still she saw / no one.

    그 소녀는 지나갔다, / 방에서 방으로 / 그 집의, / 그러나 모두가 비어 있었다, / 그리고 여전히 그녀는 보았다 / 아무도 없다.

  16. ⦁ passed: 지나갔다
    – She passed the library on her way home. (그녀는 집으로 가는 길에 도서관을 지나갔다.)

    ⦁ empty: 비어 있는
    – The bottle is empty. (병은 비어 있다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)