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Grimms Fairy Tales 025 TOM THUMB 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 025 – TOM THUMB – 006

Just as he was falling asleep, he heard two men passing by, chatting together; and one said to the other, ‘How can we rob that rich parson’s house of his silver and gold?’ ‘I’ll tell you!’ cried Tom.
‘What noise was that?’ said the thief, frightened; ‘I’m sure I heard someone speak.’ They stood still listening, and Tom said, ‘Take me with you, and I’ll soon show you how to get the parson’s money.’ ‘But where are you?’ said they.
‘Look about on the ground,’ answered he, ‘and listen where the sound comes from.’ At last the thieves found him out, and lifted him up in their hands.
‘You little urchin!’ they said, ‘what can you do for us?’ ‘Why, I can get between the iron window-bars of the parson’s house, and throw you out whatever you want.’ ‘That’s a good thought,’ said the thieves; ‘come along, we shall see what you can do.’

When they came to the parson’s house, Tom slipped through the window-bars into the room, and then called out as loud as he could bawl, ‘Will you have all that is here?’ At this the thieves were frightened, and said, ‘Softly, softly! Speak low, that you may not awaken anybody.’ But Tom seemed as if he did not understand them, and bawled out again, ‘How much will you have? Shall I throw it all out?’ Now the cook lay in the next room; and hearing a noise she raised herself up in her bed and listened

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Just as / he was falling asleep, / he heard two men / passing by, / chatting together; / and one said to the other, / ‘How can we rob / that rich parson’s house / of his silver and gold?’

    그가 막 잠이 들려던 참에, / 그는 두 남자가 지나가며 / 함께 이야기하는 것을 들었다; / 그 중 한 명이 다른 사람에게 말했다, / ‘우리가 어떻게 그 부유한 목사의 집에서 / 그의 은과 금을 훔칠 수 있을까?’

  2. ⦁ falling: 떨어지는
    – The apple was falling from the tree. (사과가 나무에서 떨어지고 있었다.)

    ⦁ rob: 훔치다
    – They planned to rob the bank at night. (그들은 밤에 은행을 털 계획이었다.)

  3. ‘I’ll tell you!’ / cried Tom.

    ‘내가 말해줄게!’ / 톰이 외쳤다.

  4. ‘What noise was that?’ / said the thief, / frightened; / ‘I’m sure I heard someone speak.’

    ‘그게 무슨 소리지?’ / 도둑이 겁에 질려 말했다; / ‘내가 확실히 누군가 말하는 소리를 들었어.’

  5. They stood still / listening, / and Tom said, / ‘Take me with you, / and I’ll soon show you / how to get the parson’s money.’

    그들은 가만히 서서 / 들었고, / 톰이 말했다, / ‘나를 데리고 가, / 그러면 내가 곧바로 / 목사의 돈을 어떻게 손에 넣는지 / 보여줄게.’

  6. ⦁ frightened: 겁에 질린
    – She was frightened by the loud noise. (그녀는 큰 소리에 겁을 먹었다.)

    ⦁ soon: 곧
    – He will arrive soon. (그는 곧 도착할 것이다.)

  7. ‘But where are you?’ / said they.

    ‘하지만 너는 어디 있니?’ / 그들이 말했다.

  8. ‘Look about / on the ground,’ / answered he, / ‘and listen / where the sound comes from.’

    ‘땅을 / 둘러봐,’ / 그가 대답했다, / ‘그리고 소리가 어디서 / 나는지 / 들어봐.’

  9. At last / the thieves found him out, / and lifted him up / in their hands.

    마침내 / 도둑들은 그를 찾아냈고, / 그를 들어 올려 / 그들의 손에 들고 있었다.

  10. ‘You little urchin!’ / they said, / ‘what can you do / for us?’

    ‘이 작은 악동아!’ / 그들이 말했다, / ‘너는 우리에게 / 무엇을 할 수 있니?’

  11. ⦁ urchin: 악동
    – The little urchin was always causing trouble. (그 작은 악동은 항상 문제를 일으켰다.)

    ⦁ lifted: 들어 올린
    – They lifted the box onto the table. (그들은 상자를 테이블 위로 들어 올렸다.)

  12. ‘Why, / I can get between / the iron window-bars / of the parson’s house, / and throw you out / whatever you want.’

    ‘왜냐하면, / 나는 목사의 집 철창 사이로 / 빠져나갈 수 있고, / 너희가 원하는 / 무엇이든 / 던져줄 수 있어.’

  13. ‘That’s a good thought,’ / said the thieves; / ‘come along, / we shall see / what you can do.’

    ‘좋은 생각이야,’ / 도둑들이 말했다; / ‘따라와, / 우리가 네가 / 무엇을 할 수 있는지 볼게.’

  14. When they came / to the parson’s house, / Tom slipped through / the window-bars / into the room, / and then called out / as loud as he could bawl, / ‘Will you have / all that is here?’

    그들이 목사의 집에 / 도착했을 때, / 톰은 창살 사이로 / 방으로 / 미끄러졌고, / 그 다음에 / 가능한 크게 외쳤다, / ‘여기 있는 것을 / 모두 가져가실래요?’

  15. At this / the thieves were frightened, / and said, / ‘Softly, softly! / Speak low, / that you may not awaken anybody.’

    이 말을 듣고 / 도둑들은 겁에 질렸고, / 말했다, / ‘조용히, 조용히! / 낮게 말해, / 아무도 깨지 않도록.’

  16. ⦁ bawl: 크게 외치다
    – The baby began to bawl loudly. (아기가 크게 울기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ awaken: 깨우다
    – The noise was enough to awaken him from his sleep. (그 소음은 그를 잠에서 깨울 만큼 충분했다.)

  17. But Tom seemed / as if he did not understand them, / and bawled out again, / ‘How much will you have? / Shall I throw it all out?’

    하지만 톰은 / 그들을 이해하지 못한 것처럼 보였다, / 그리고 다시 외쳤다, / ‘얼마나 많이 가져갈래? / 내가 전부 던져줄까?’

  18. Now the cook lay / in the next room; / and hearing a noise / she raised herself up / in her bed / and listened.

    지금은 요리사가 / 옆방에 누워 있었고; / 소리를 듣고 / 그녀는 침대에서 올라와 / 들었다.

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)