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Grimms Fairy Tales 025 TOM THUMB 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 025 – TOM THUMB – 007

Meantime the thieves were frightened, and ran off a little way; but at last they plucked up their hearts, and said, ‘The little urchin is only trying to make fools of us.’ So they came back and whispered softly to him, saying, ‘Now let us have no more of your roguish jokes; but throw us out some of the money.’ Then Tom called out as loud as he could, ‘Very well! hold your hands! here it comes.’

The cook heard this quite plain, so she sprang out of bed, and ran to open the door.
The thieves ran off as if a wolf was at their tails: and the maid, having groped about and found nothing, went away for a light.
By the time she came back, Tom had slipped off into the barn; and when she had looked about and searched every hole and corner, and found nobody, she went to bed, thinking she must have been dreaming with her eyes open.

The little man crawled about in the hay-loft, and at last found a snug place to finish his night’s rest in; so he laid himself down, meaning to sleep till daylight, and then find his way home to his father and mother

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Meantime the thieves / were frightened, / and ran off / a little way;

    그 동안 도둑들은 겁을 먹고 / 조금 떨어진 곳으로 도망갔다;

  2. ⦁ frightened: 겁먹은
    – The child was frightened by the loud noise. (아이를 큰 소리에 놀라게 했다.)

    ⦁ thieves: 도둑들
    – The thieves broke into the house at midnight. (도둑들은 자정에 집에 침입했다.)

  3. but at last / they plucked up their hearts, / and said, / ‘The little urchin / is only trying / to make fools of us.’

    하지만 결국 / 그들은 용기를 내서 말했다, / ‘저 작은 악동은 / 우리를 바보로 만들려고 / 하고 있을 뿐이다.’

  4. ⦁ urchin: 악동
    – The street urchin ran away with the apple. (길거리 악동이 사과를 가지고 도망갔다.)

    ⦁ plucked: 용기를 내었다
    – She plucked up the courage to ask him out. (그녀는 그에게 데이트 신청할 용기를 냈다.)

  5. So they came back / and whispered / softly to him, / saying, / ‘Now let us have / no more of your roguish jokes; / but throw us out / some of the money.’

    그래서 그들은 다시 돌아와 / 그에게 조용히 속삭이며 말했다, / ‘이제 그만 / 너의 장난스러운 농담을 멈추고, / 돈을 일부 (우리에게) 던져줘.’

  6. ⦁ whispered: 속삭였다
    – She whispered a secret in my ear. (그녀는 내 귀에 비밀을 속삭였다.)

    ⦁ roguish: 장난스러운
    – He gave her a roguish grin. (그는 그녀에게 장난스러운 미소를 보였다.)

  7. Then Tom called out / as loud as he could, / ‘Very well! / hold your hands! here it comes.’

    그러자 톰은 / 목청껏 소리쳤다, / ‘좋아! / 손을 (펴고) 대기해! 돈이 간다.’

  8. ⦁ called out: 소리쳤다
    – He called out for help. (그는 도움을 요청하며 소리쳤다.)

    ⦁ loud: 큰 소리로
    – She spoke in a loud voice. (그녀는 큰 목소리로 말했다.)

  9. The cook heard / this quite plain, / so she sprang out of bed, / and ran to open the door.

    The thieves ran off / as if a wolf was / at their tails:

    요리사는 / 이것을 똑똑히 들었고, / 침대에서 벌떡 일어나, / 문을 열러 갔다.

    도둑들은 / 마치 늑대가 / 그들의 꼬리를 쫓는 것처럼 / 도망갔다:

  10. ⦁ sprang: 벌떡 일어났다
    – She sprang to her feet. (그녀는 벌떡 일어섰다.)

    ⦁ quite: 꽤
    – It’s quite cold today. (오늘은 꽤 춥다.)

  11. and the maid, / having groped about / and found nothing, / went away for a light.

    By the time she came back, / Tom had slipped off / into the barn;

    그리고 하녀는, / 손으로 더듬어 보았으나 / 아무것도 발견하지 못해, / 불을 찾으러 갔다.

    그녀가 돌아왔을 때, / 톰은 / 헛간으로 사라졌다;

  12. ⦁ groped: 더듬다
    – He groped for the light switch in the dark. (그는 어둠 속에서 전등 스위치를 더듬었다.)

    ⦁ slipped: 미끄러지다
    – She slipped on the icy sidewalk. (그녀는 얼어붙은 인도에서 미끄러졌다.)

  13. and when she had / looked about / and searched every hole and corner, / and found nobody, she went to bed, / thinking she must have been dreaming / with her eyes open.

    그리고 그녀가 / 주위를 둘러보고 / 모든 구멍과 구석을 / 찾아 보았으나 / 아무도 발견하지 못했을 때, / 그녀는 눈을 뜨고 / 꿈을 꾸고 있다고 생각하며 / 침대로 갔다.

  14. ⦁ searched: 검색하다
    – The police searched the entire area. (경찰은 전 지역을 샅샅이 수색했다.)

    ⦁ dreaming: 꿈꾸다
    – She was dreaming of a better future. (그녀는 더 나은 미래를 꿈꾸고 있었다.)

  15. The little man / crawled about / in the hay-loft, / and at last / found a snug place / to finish his night’s rest in;

    작은 남자는 / 건초 창고 안에서 기어 다니면서, / 마침내 / 편안한 장소를 찾아 / 그의 밤을 마칠 수 있었다;

  16. ⦁ crawled: 기어다니다
    – The baby crawled on the floor. (아기가 바닥에서 기어다녔다.)

    ⦁ snug: 편안한
    – She found a snug corner to read her book. (그녀는 책을 읽을 편안한 구석을 찾았다.)

  17. so he laid himself down, / meaning to sleep till daylight, / and then find his way home / to his father and mother.

    그래서 그는 누워서, / 날이 밝을 때까지 자고, / 그 후에 집으로 / 아버지와 어머니에게 돌아가려고 했다.

  18. ⦁ laid: 눕다
    – He laid down on the grass. (그는 풀밭에 누웠다.)

    ⦁ daylight: 낮
    – We worked until daylight. (우리는 해가 질 때까지 일했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)