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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 025 – TOM THUMB – 010
So the cow was killed, and cut up; and the stomach, in which Tom lay, was thrown out upon a dunghill.Tom soon set himself to work to get out, which was not a very easy task; but at last, just as he had made room to get his head out, fresh ill-luck befell him.A hungry wolf sprang out, and swallowed up the whole stomach, with Tom in it, at one gulp, and ran away.Tom, however, was still not disheartened; and thinking the wolf would not dislike having some chat with him as he was going along, he called out, ‘My good friend, I can show you a famous treat.’ ‘Where’s that?’ said the wolf
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
So the cow was killed, / and cut up; / and the stomach, / in which Tom lay, / was thrown out / upon a dunghill.
그렇게 소는 죽여지고, 잘렸다. 그리고 톰이 있던 위가 밖으로 던져졌고, 이는 배설물 더미 위였다.
Tom soon set himself / to work / to get out, / which was not a very easy task; / but at last, / just as he had made room / to get his head out, / fresh ill-luck befell him.
톰은 곧 자신이 일을 시작했다 / 빠져 나가려는 / 이는 쉽지 않은 일이었다. / 하지만 결국, / 막 그가 공간을 확보했을 때 / 머리를 빼내려는 / 새로운 불운이 그에게 닥쳤다.
A hungry wolf sprang out, / and swallowed up / the whole stomach, / with Tom in it, / at one gulp, / and ran away.
배고픈 늑대가 튀어나왔다, 그리고 삼켜버렸다 / 전체 위를, / 톰을 포함한 / 한입에, / 그리고 도망쳤다.
Tom, however, / was still not disheartened; / and thinking / the wolf would not dislike / having some chat / with him / as he was going along, / he called out, / ‘My good friend, / I can show you / a famous treat.’ ‘Where’s that?’ / said the wolf
하지만 톰은 여전히 낙담하지 않았다; / 그리고 생각했다 / 늑대가 싫어하지 않을 것이라고 / 요기를 함께 하는 것을 / 그와 함께 / 가던 길을 / 소리쳤다, / ‘친구, / 내가 너에게 보여줄게 / 유명한 대접을.’ ‘어디에 있어?’ / 늑대가 말했다
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