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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 026 – RUMPELSTILTSKIN – 003
Then she knew not what to do, and sat down once more to weep; but the dwarf soon opened the door, and said, ‘What will you give me to do your task?’ ‘The ring on my finger,’ said she.So her little friend took the ring, and began to work at the wheel again, and whistled and sang:till, long before morning, all was done again.The king was greatly delighted to see all this glittering treasure; but still he had not enough: so he took the miller’s daughter to a yet larger heap, and said, ‘All this must be spun tonight; and if it is, you shall be my queen.’ As soon as she was alone that dwarf came in, and said, ‘What will you give me to spin gold for you this third time?’ ‘I have nothing left,’ said she.‘Then say you will give me,’ said the little man, ‘the first little child that you may have when you are queen.’ ‘That may never be,’ thought the miller’s daughter: and as she knew no other way to get her task done, she said she would do what he asked
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then she knew not / what to do, / and sat down / once more / to weep;
그러고나서 그녀는 / 무엇을 해야 할지 몰랐고, / 다시 한 번 앉아 / 울었다;
but the dwarf / soon opened the door, / and said, / ‘What will you give me / to do your task?’ / ‘The ring on my finger,’ / said she.
하지만 난쟁이는 / 곧 문을 열었고, / 말했다, / ‘과업을 수행해주는 대가로 / 무엇을 주겠느냐?’ / ‘내 손가락의 반지,’ / 그녀가 말했다.
So her little friend / took the ring, / and began to work / at the wheel again, / and whistled and sang:
그래서 그녀의 작은 친구는 / 반지를 가져가, / 다시 바퀴에 / 일하기 시작했고, / 휘파람을 불고 노래했다:
till, / long before morning, / all was done / again.
새벽이 되기 훨씬 전에, / 모든 것이 / 다시 완료되었다.
The king was greatly delighted / to see all this glittering treasure;
왕은 이 반짝이는 보물을 보고 매우 기뻐했다;
but still / he had not enough: / so he took the miller’s daughter / to a yet larger heap, / and said, / ‘All this must be spun / tonight; / and if it is, / you shall be my queen.’
하지만 여전히 / 그는 충분치 않았고, / 그래서 그는 제빵사의 딸을 / 더 큰 더미로 데려가 / 말했다, / ‘이 모든 것을 / 오늘 밤 안에 / 잣아야 하고, / 만약 그렇게 된다면, / 너는 내 왕비가 될 것이다.’
As soon as / she was alone / that dwarf came in, / and said, / ‘What will you give me / to spin gold for you / this third time?’
그녀가 혼자가 되자마자 / 그 난쟁이가 들어와, / 말했다, / ‘금으로 잣아주는 대가로 / 이번 세 번째는 / 무엇을 주겠느냐?’
‘I have nothing left,’ / said she.
‘나에게는 남은 것이 없습니다,’ / 그녀가 말했다.
‘Then say you will give me,’ / said the little man, / ‘the first little child / that you may have / when you are queen.’
‘그러면 나에게 주겠다고 말하시오,’ / 작은 남자가 말했다, / ‘네가 왕비가 되었을 때 / 처음 낳을 아이를 / 내게 주겠다고.’
‘That may never be,’ / thought the miller’s daughter: / and as she knew no other way / to get her task done, / she said she would / do what he asked.
‘그런 일은 일어나지 않을 것이야,’ / 제빵사의 딸은 생각했다: / 그리고 그녀는 / 다른 방법을 몰랐기 때문에 / 과업을 완수하기 위해서, / 그녀는 그가 요구한 것을 / 하겠다고 말했다.
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