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Grimms Fairy Tales 027 CLEVER GRETEL 001

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 027 – CLEVER GRETEL – 001

There was once a cook named Gretel, who wore shoes with red heels, and when she walked out with them on, she turned herself this way and that, was quite happy and thought: ‘You certainly are a pretty girl!’ And when she came home she drank, in her gladness of heart, a draught of wine, and as wine excites a desire to eat, she tasted the best of whatever she was cooking until she was satisfied, and said: ‘The cook must know what the food is like.’

It came to pass that the master one day said to her: ‘Gretel, there is a guest coming this evening; prepare me two fowls very daintily.’ ‘I will see to it, master,’ answered Gretel.
She killed two fowls, scalded them, plucked them, put them on the spit, and towards evening set them before the fire, that they might roast.
The fowls began to turn brown, and were nearly ready, but the guest had not yet arrived.
Then Gretel called out to her master: ‘If the guest does not come, I must take the fowls away from the fire, but it will be a sin and a shame if they are not eaten the moment they are at their juiciest.’ The master said: ‘I will run myself, and fetch the guest.’ When the master had turned his back, Gretel laid the spit with the fowls on one side, and thought: ‘Standing so long by the fire there, makes one sweat and thirsty; who knows when they will come? Meanwhile, I will run into the cellar, and take a drink.’ She ran down, set a jug, said: ‘God bless it for you, Gretel,’ and took a good drink, and thought that wine should flow on, and should not be interrupted, and took yet another hearty draught

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. There was once / a cook / named Gretel, / who wore shoes /with red heels, / and when she walked out / with them on, / she turned herself / this way and that, / was quite happy /and thought: ‘You certainly / are a pretty girl!’

    한때 Gretel이라는 요리사가 있었습니다. 빨간 굽이 달린 신발을 신고 나가면 이리저리 몸을 돌리며 행복해하고 ‘넌 정말 예쁜 소녀야!’라고 생각했습니다.

  2. ⦁ cook: 요리사
    – The cook / prepared a delicious meal. (요리사는 / 맛있는 식사를 준비했다.)

    ⦁ happy: 행복한
    – She was / very happy / with her new shoes. (그녀는 / 매우 행복했다 / 그녀의 새 신발과 함께.)

  3. And when she came home / she drank, / in her gladness / of heart, / a draught of wine, / and as wine /excites / a desire to eat, / she tasted the best / of whatever she was cooking / until she was satisfied, / and said: ‘The cook / must know / what the food / is like.’

    집에 돌아오면 그녀는 기쁨에 겨워 와인을 한 잔 마셨고, 와인이 식욕을 자극하기 때문에 요리 중인 것 중에서 가장 맛있는 것을 만족할 때까지 맛보며 ‘요리사는 음식이 어떤 맛인지 알아야 한다’고 말했습니다.

  4. ⦁ draught: 한 모금
    – He took / a draught / of the fresh air. (그는 / 한 모금 마셨다 / 신선한 공기를.)

    ⦁ taste: 맛보다
    – She tasted / the soup / and smiled. (그녀는 / 수프를 / 맛보고 웃었다.)

  5. It came to pass / that the master / one day said / to her: ‘Gretel, / there is a guest / coming this evening; / prepare me / two fowls / very daintily.’

    어느 날 주인님께서 그녀에게 ‘Gretel, 오늘 저녁 손님이 올 거야. 닭 두 마리를 아주 정성스럽게 준비해줘’라고 말씀하셨습니다.

  6. ⦁ guest: 손님
    – The guest / arrived / on time. (손님은 / 제시간에 / 도착했다.)

    ⦁ prepare: 준비하다
    – She prepared / the meal / with care. (그녀는 / 식사를 / 정성껏 준비했다.)

  7. ‘I will see to it, / master,’ / answered Gretel.

    ‘알겠습니다, 주인님’이라고 Gretel이 대답했습니다.

  8. ⦁ master: 주인
    – The master / called his servant. (주인이 / 그의 하인을 불렀다.)

    ⦁ answered: 대답했다
    – She answered / confidently. (그녀는 / 자신있게 대답했다.)

  9. She killed / two fowls, / scalded them, / plucked them, / put them / on the spit, / and towards evening / set them / before the fire, / that they might roast.

    그녀는 두 마리의 닭을 죽이고, 뜨거운 물에 담그고, 깃털을 뽑고, 꼬챙이에 꽂아 저녁이 되자 불 앞에 두어 구워지게 했습니다.

  10. ⦁ kill: 죽이다
    – He killed / the insects. (그는 / 곤충을 죽였다.)

    ⦁ roast: 굽다
    – She roasted / the chicken / perfectly. (그녀는 / 닭을 / 완벽하게 구웠다.)

  11. The fowls / began / to turn brown, / and were / nearly ready, / but the guest / had not yet arrived.

    닭이 갈색으로 변하기 시작했고 거의 준비가 되었지만 손님은 아직 도착하지 않았습니다.

  12. ⦁ begin: 시작하다
    – They began / the meeting / on time. (그들은 / 회의를 / 제시간에 시작했다.)

    ⦁ arrive: 도착하다
    – He arrived / late / to the party. (그는 / 늦게 / 파티에 도착했다.)

  13. Then Gretel / called out / to her master: ‘If the guest / does not come, / I must take the fowls / away from the fire, / but it will be / a sin and a shame / if they are not eaten / the moment / they are at their juiciest.’

    그때 Gretel은 주인에게 소리쳐 말했습니다. ‘손님이 오지 않으면 닭을 불에서 빼야 하지만 가장 육즙이 많을 때 먹지 않으면 죄가 되고 수치스러울 것입니다.’

  14. ⦁ call out: 외치다
    – She called out / for help. (그녀는 / 도움을 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ juicy: 육즙이 많은
    – The steak / was perfectly juicy. (스테이크는 / 완벽하게 육즙이 많았다.)

  15. The master / said: ‘I will run myself, / and fetch the guest.’

    When the master / had turned his back, / Gretel / laid the spit / with the fowls / on one side, / and thought: ‘Standing so long by the fire / there, / makes one sweat and thirsty; / who knows when they will come? / Meanwhile, / I will run / into the cellar, / and take a drink.’

    주인은 ‘내가 직접 뛰어가서 손님을 데려올게’라고 말했습니다. 주인이 등을 돌리자 Gretel은 닭이 꽂힌 꼬챙이를 한 쪽에 두고 생각했습니다. ‘불 앞에 오래 서 있으니 땀나고 목이 마르네; 그들이 언제 올지 누가 알겠어? 그 동안에 지하실에 가서 한 잔 마셔야겠다.’

  16. ⦁ turn back: 등을 돌리다
    – He turned back / to see / who was calling him. (그는 / 등을 돌렸다 / 누가 그를 부르고 있는지 보기 위해.)

    ⦁ cellar: 지하실
    – They stored / the wine / in the cellar. (그들은 / 와인을 / 지하실에 저장했다.)

  17. She ran down, / set a jug, / said: ‘God bless it / for you, / Gretel,’ / and took / a good drink, / and thought / that wine / should flow on, / and should not be interrupted, / and took yet / another hearty draught.

    그녀는 급히 내려가 주전자를 놓고 ‘Gretel, 신의 축복이 있기를’이라고 말하며 좋은 한 잔을 마셨습니다. 그리고 생각했습니다. 와인은 흘러야 하고 끊기지 않아야 한다고. 그리고는 또 한 잔 마음껏 들이켰습니다.

  18. ⦁ flow: 흐르다
    – The river / flows / gently. (강이 / 부드럽게 흐른다.)

    ⦁ hearty: 진심에서 우러난
    – She gave / him / a hearty hug. (그녀는 / 그에게 / 진심 어린 포옹을 했다.)

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