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Grimms Fairy Tales 029 THE LITTLE PEASANT 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 029 – THE LITTLE PEASANT – 004

The miller’s wife was alone in the house, and said to the peasant: ‘Lay yourself on the straw there,’ and gave him a slice of bread and cheese.
The peasant ate it, and lay down with his skin beside him, and the woman thought: ‘He is tired and has gone to sleep.’ In the meantime came the parson; the miller’s wife received him well, and said: ‘My husband is out, so we will have a feast.’ The peasant listened, and when he heard them talk about feasting he was vexed that he had been forced to make shift with a slice of bread and cheese.
Then the woman served up four different things, roast meat, salad, cakes, and wine.

Just as they were about to sit down and eat, there was a knocking outside

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The miller’s wife / was alone / in the house, / and said / to the peasant: / ‘Lay yourself / on the straw there,’ / and gave him / a slice / of bread / and cheese.

    방앗간 주인의 아내는 / 집에 혼자 있었고, / 농부에게 말했다: / ‘저기 짚 위에 / 누우세요,’ / 그리고 그에게 / 빵 한 조각과 / 치즈를 주었다.

  2. ⦁ slice: 조각
    – He cut a slice of bread. (그는 빵을 한 조각 잘랐다.)

    ⦁ cheese: 치즈
    – She loves cheese. (그녀는 치즈를 좋아한다.)

  3. The peasant / ate it, / and lay down / with his skin / beside him, / and the woman / thought: / ‘He is tired / and has gone / to sleep.’

    농부는 / 그것을 먹었고, / 자신의 옷을 / 옆에 두고 / 누웠다, / 그리고 여자는 / 생각했다: / ‘그는 피곤해서 / 잠들었구나.’

  4. ⦁ peasant: 농부
    – The peasant worked in the fields. (농부는 밭에서 일했다.)

    ⦁ tired: 피곤한
    – The boy was tired from playing. (그 소년은 놀아서 피곤했다.)

  5. In the meantime / came the parson; / the miller’s wife / received him / well, / and said: / ‘My husband / is out, / so we will have / a feast.’

    그동안 / 사제가 왔다; / 방앗간 주인의 아내는 / 그를 잘 / 맞아주고, / 말했다: / ‘남편이 / 자리에 없으니, / 우리 잔치를 / 하자.’

  6. ⦁ meantime: 그동안
    – In the meantime, let’s have a break. (그동안 쉬자.)

    ⦁ feast: 잔치
    – They prepared a feast for the guests. (그들은 손님들을 위해 잔치를 준비했다.)

  7. The peasant / listened, / and when / he heard them / talk about feasting / he was vexed / that he had been / forced to make shift / with a slice / of bread and cheese.

    농부는 / 들었고, / 그들이 / 잔치에 대해 / 이야기하는 것을 듣고 / 그는 / 자신이 빵 한 조각과 / 치즈만으로 / 겨우 버텼다는 사실에 / 화가 났다.

  8. ⦁ listened: 들었다
    – She listened to music. (그녀는 음악을 들었다.)

    ⦁ forced: 강요된
    – He was forced to leave. (그는 떠나도록 강요받았다.)

  9. Then the woman / served up / four different things, / roast meat, / salad, / cakes, / and wine.

    그러자 여자는 / 네 가지 다른 것을 차렸다, / 구운 고기, / 샐러드, / 케이크, / 그리고 와인.

  10. ⦁ served: 차렸다
    – The waiter served the food. (웨이터가 음식을 차렸다.)

    ⦁ wine: 와인
    – They had wine with dinner. (그들은 저녁과 함께 와인을 마셨다.)

  11. Just as / they were about / to sit down / and eat, / there was / a knocking outside.

    그들이 / 앉아서 / 먹으려고 하자 / 밖에서 / 노크 소리가 / 들렸다.

  12. ⦁ knocking: 노크 소리
    – There was a loud knocking at the door. (문에 큰 노크 소리가 들렸다.)

    ⦁ outside: 밖에서
    – The kids were playing outside. (아이들은 밖에서 놀고 있었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)