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Grimms Fairy Tales 029 THE LITTLE PEASANT 005

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 029 – THE LITTLE PEASANT – 005

The woman said: ‘Oh, heavens! It is my husband!’ she quickly hid the roast meat inside the tiled stove, the wine under the pillow, the salad on the bed, the cakes under it, and the parson in the closet on the porch.
Then she opened the door for her husband, and said: ‘Thank heaven, you are back again! There is such a storm, it looks as if the world were coming to an end.’ The miller saw the peasant lying on the straw, and asked, ‘What is that fellow doing there?’ ‘Ah,’ said the wife, ‘the poor knave came in the storm and rain, and begged for shelter, so I gave him a bit of bread and cheese, and showed him where the straw was.’ The man said: ‘I have no objection, but be quick and get me something to eat.’ The woman said: ‘But I have nothing but bread and cheese.’ ‘I am contented with anything,’ replied the husband, ‘so far as I am concerned, bread and cheese will do,’ and looked at the peasant and said: ‘Come and eat some more with me.’ The peasant did not require to be invited twice, but got up and ate.
After this the miller saw the skin in which the raven was, lying on the ground, and asked: ‘What have you there?’ The peasant answered: ‘I have a soothsayer inside it.’ ‘Can he foretell anything to me?’ said the miller.
‘Why not?’ answered the peasant: ‘but he only says four things, and the fifth he keeps to himself.’ The miller was curious, and said: ‘Let him foretell something for once.’ Then the peasant pinched the raven’s head, so that he croaked and made a noise like krr, krr

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The woman said: / ‘Oh, heavens! / It is my husband!’

    여자가 말했습니다: ‘저런! 제 남편이에요!’

  2. ⦁ woman: 여자
    – The woman walked down the street. (그 여자는 거리를 걸었습니다.)

    ⦁ husband: 남편
    – Her husband works at a bank. (그녀의 남편은 은행에서 일합니다.)

  3. She quickly hid / the roast meat / inside the tiled stove, / the wine under the pillow, / the salad on the bed, / the cakes under it, / and the parson in the closet / on the porch.

    그녀는 빠르게 구운 고기를 타일로 된 난로 안에, 와인은 베개 밑에, 샐러드는 침대 위에, 케이크는 침대 밑에, 목사는 현관 옷장 속에 숨겼습니다.

  4. ⦁ hide: 숨기다
    – He tried to hide the truth. (그는 진실을 숨기려 했습니다.)

    ⦁ quickly: 빠르게
    – She quickly finished her work. (그녀는 그녀의 일을 빨리 끝냈습니다.)

  5. Then she opened / the door for her husband, / and said: / ‘Thank heaven, / you are back again! / There is such a storm, / it looks as if / the world were coming to an end.’

    그 후 그녀는 남편을 위해 문을 열고 말했습니다: ‘고맙습니다, 당신이 돌아왔군요! 이런 폭풍이 있어요, 세상이 끝나는 것 같아요.’

  6. ⦁ storm: 폭풍
    – There was a fierce storm last night. (어젯밤에 맹렬한 폭풍이 있었습니다.)

    ⦁ end: 끝
    – This story has a happy end. (이 이야기는 행복한 결말을 가졌습니다.)

  7. The miller saw / the peasant lying on the straw, / and asked, / ‘What is that fellow doing there?’

    방앗간 주인이 그 농부가 짚 위에 누워있는 것을 보고 물었습니다, ‘저 자는 거기서 무엇을 하고 있습니까?’

  8. ⦁ see: 보다
    – I can see the mountain from here. (여기서 산이 보여요.)

    ⦁ lying: 누워있는
    – The dog is lying on the floor. (개가 바닥에 누워 있습니다.)

  9. ‘Ah,’ said the wife, / ‘the poor knave came in the storm and rain, / and begged for shelter, / so I gave him a bit of bread and cheese, / and showed him / where the straw was.’

    아,’라고 아내가 말했습니다, ‘폭풍과 비 속에서 불쌍한 놈이 와서, 피난처를 구걸했습니다, 그래서 나는 그에게 약간의 빵과 치즈를 주고, 짚이 어디 있는지 보여주었습니다.’

  10. ⦁ bit: 조금
    – Can you give me a bit of sugar? (설탕 좀 줄 수 있나요?)

    ⦁ shelter: 피난처
    – The animals found shelter from the storm. (동물들이 폭풍에서 피난처를 찾았습니다.)

  11. The man said: / ‘I have no objection, / but be quick / and get me something to eat.’ / The woman said: / ‘But I have nothing but bread and cheese.’

    그 남자가 말했습니다: ‘특별히 반대하진 않지만, 빨리 가서 / 무언가 먹을 것을 가져와.’ / 여자가 말했습니다: / ‘하지만 나는 빵과 치즈밖에 없어.’

  12. ⦁ quick: 빠른
    – She is quick to learn. (그녀는 배우는 것이 빠릅니다.)

    ⦁ nothing: 아무것도
    – There is nothing in the fridge. (냉장고에 아무것도 없습니다.)

  13. ‘I am contented with anything,’ / replied the husband, / ‘so far as I am concerned, / bread and cheese will do,’ / and looked at the peasant / and said: / ‘Come and eat some more with me.’

    ‘나는 어떤 것이든 만족해,’ / 남편이 대답했습니다, / ‘내 생각엔 빵과 치즈면 돼,’ / 그리고 농부를 보고 / 말했습니다: / ‘와서 나와 함께 좀 더 먹어.’

  14. ⦁ contented: 만족한
    – She was contented with her life. (그녀는 자신의 삶에 만족했습니다.)

    ⦁ eat: 먹다
    – Let’s eat dinner together. (저녁을 함께 먹자.)

  15. The peasant did not require / to be invited twice, / but got up / and ate.

    농부는 두 번 초대받을 필요가 없어서, / 일어나서 먹었습니다.

  16. ⦁ require: 필요로 하다
    – This task requires a lot of patience. (이 일은 많은 인내가 필요합니다.)

    ⦁ invite: 초대하다
    – They invited us to their wedding. (그들은 우리를 그들의 결혼식에 초대했습니다.)

  17. After this, / the miller saw the skin / in which the raven was, / lying on the ground, / and asked: / ‘What have you there?’

    이후에, 방앗간 주인은 까마귀가 들어있는 가죽을 보고, / 땅에 놓여 있는 것을 보고, / 물었습니다: / ‘거기 무엇이 있습니까?’

  18. ⦁ skin: 가죽
    – The snake sheds its skin. (뱀은 가죽을 벗습니다.)

    ⦁ ground: 땅
    – He fell to the ground. (그는 땅으로 떨어졌습니다.)

  19. The peasant answered: / ‘I have a soothsayer / inside it.’ / ‘Can he foretell anything to me?’ / said the miller.

    농부가 대답했습니다: / ‘그 안에 예언자가 있어요.’ / ‘그가 나에게 무언가 예언할 수 있나요?’ / 방앗간 주인이 말했습니다.

  20. ⦁ soothsayer: 예언자
    – The soothsayer made a prediction about the future. (그 예언자는 미래에 대한 예언을 했습니다.)

    ⦁ foretell: 예언하다
    – The book tries to foretell the end of the world. (그 책은 세상의 종말을 예언하려고 합니다.)

  21. ‘Why not?’ / answered the peasant: / ‘but he only says four things, / and the fifth he keeps to himself.’

    왜 안 되겠어요?’ / 농부가 대답했습니다: / ‘하지만 그는 네 가지 말만 하고, / 다섯 번째는 자신 안에 숨겨 둡니다.’

  22. ⦁ fifth: 다섯 번째
    – He finished in fifth place in the race. (그는 경주에서 다섯 번째로 들어왔습니다.)

    ⦁ keeps: 유지하다
    – She keeps all her secrets to herself. (그녀는 모든 비밀을 자기 자신에게만 간직합니다.)

  23. The miller was curious, / and said: / ‘Let him foretell something for once.’

    방앗간 주인은 궁금해서, / 말했습니다: / ‘그가 한 번 예언하게 해보세요.’

  24. ⦁ curious: 궁금한
    – The child was curious about the new toy. (그 아이는 새로운 장난감에 대해 궁금해했습니다.)

    ⦁ foretell: 예언하다
    – The fortune teller claimed to foretell the future. (점쟁이는 미래를 예언한다고 주장했습니다.)

  25. Then the peasant pinched / the raven’s head, / so that he croaked / and made a noise / like krr, krr.

    그리고 농부는 까마귀의 머리를 꼬집어, / 까마귀가 목을 울리고, / 소리를 냈습니다 / ‘크르, 크르’ 같은 소리를.

  26. ⦁ pinch: 꼬집다
    – He pinched his arm to see if he was dreaming. (그는 자기가 꿈을 꾸고 있는지 확인하기 위해 팔을 꼬집었습니다.)

    ⦁ noise: 소리
    – The noise from the construction site was loud. (건설 현장의 소음이 시끄러웠습니다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)