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Grimms Fairy Tales 029 THE LITTLE PEASANT 008

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 029 – THE LITTLE PEASANT – 008

The miller asked: ‘What did he say?’ The peasant replied: ‘He says that the Devil is hiding outside there in the closet on the porch.’ The miller said: ‘The Devil must go out,’ and opened the house-door; then the woman was forced to give up the keys, and the peasant unlocked the closet.
The parson ran out as fast as he could, and the miller said: ‘It was true; I saw the black rascal with my own eyes.’ The peasant, however, made off next morning by daybreak with the three hundred talers.

At home the small peasant gradually launched out; he built a beautiful house, and the peasants said: ‘The small peasant has certainly been to the place where golden snow falls, and people carry the gold home in shovels.’ Then the small peasant was brought before the mayor, and bidden to say from whence his wealth came.
He answered: ‘I sold my cow’s skin in the town, for three hundred talers.’ When the peasants heard that, they too wished to enjoy this great profit, and ran home, killed all their cows, and stripped off their skins in order to sell them in the town to the greatest advantage

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The miller asked: ‘What did he say?’ / The peasant replied: ‘He says that the Devil is hiding / outside there in the closet on the porch.’

    방앗간 주인이 물었다: ‘그가 뭐라고 했어?’ / 농부가 대답했다: ‘그는 악마가 저기 현관에 있는 벽장에 숨어 있다고 말해.’

  2. ⦁ ask: 묻다
    – He asked me a question. (그는 나에게 질문을 했다.)

    ⦁ hide: 숨다
    – The cat is hiding under the bed. (고양이가 침대 아래에 숨고 있다.)

  3. The miller said: ‘The Devil must go out,’ / and opened the house-door; / then the woman was forced to give up the keys, / and the peasant unlocked the closet.

    방앗간 주인이 말했다: ‘악마는 나가야 해,’ / 그리고 집 문을 열었다; / 그러자 그 여자는 열쇠를 넘길 수밖에 없었고, / 농부가 벽장을 열었다.

  4. ⦁ force: 강요하다
    – The situation forced her to make a decision. (상황이 그녀에게 결정을 내리게 강요했다.)

    ⦁ unlock: 열다
    – He unlocked the door with a key. (그는 열쇠로 문을 열었다.)

  5. The parson ran out / as fast as he could, / and the miller said: ‘It was true; / I saw the black rascal with my own eyes.’

    목사가 아주 빠르게 / 달려 나갔고, / 방앗간 주인이 말했다: ‘사실이었어; / 내가 그 검은 놈을 내 눈으로 봤어.’

  6. ⦁ parson: 목사
    – The parson delivered an inspiring sermon. (목사는 감동적인 설교를 했습니다.)

    ⦁ rascal: 악당
    – The little rascal stole the cookies. (그 작은 악당이 쿠키를 훔쳤다.)

  7. The peasant, however, / made off next morning / by daybreak / with the three hundred talers.

    그러나 농부는 / 다음날 아침 / 새벽에 / 삼백 탈러를 가지고 도망쳤다.

  8. ⦁ make off: 도망치다
    – The thief made off with the money. (그 도둑은 돈을 가지고 도망쳤다.)

    ⦁ daybreak: 새벽
    – We started our journey at daybreak. (우리는 새벽에 여행을 시작했다.)

  9. At home / the small peasant gradually launched out; / he built a beautiful house, / and the peasants said: ‘The small peasant has certainly been to the place / where golden snow falls, / and people carry the gold home in shovels.’

    집에 / 그 작은 농부는 점차 발돋움했다; / 그는 아름다운 집을 지었고, / 농부들이 말했다: ‘그 작은 농부는 분명히 황금 눈이 내리고 / 사람들이 황금을 삽으로 집으로 가져가는 / 곳에 다녀온 게 틀림없어.’

  10. ⦁ gradually: 점차
    – She gradually improved her cooking skills. (그녀는 점차 요리 실력을 향상시켰다.)

    ⦁ shovel: 삽
    – He dug the hole with a shovel. (그는 삽으로 구멍을 팠다.)

  11. Then the small peasant was brought / before the mayor, / and bidden to say from whence his wealth came.

    그러다가 작은 농부는 / 시장 앞에 끌려가게 되었고, / 그의 부가 어디에서 왔는지 말하라고 요구받았다.

  12. ⦁ bring: 데려오다
    – They brought him to the police station. (그들은 그를 경찰서로 데려갔다.)

    ⦁ wealth: 부
    – His wealth increased over the years. (그의 부는 수년간 증가했다.)

  13. He answered: / ‘I sold my cow’s skin in the town, / for three hundred talers.’

    그는 대답했다: / ‘나는 도시에서 내 소의 가죽을 팔아서, / 삼백 탈러를 얻었어.’

  14. ⦁ sell: 팔다
    – She sold her car last month. (그녀는 지난달에 그녀의 차를 팔았다.)

    ⦁ town: 도시
    – He moved to a small town. (그는 작은 마을로 이사했다.)

  15. When the peasants heard that, / they too wished to enjoy this great profit, / and ran home, / killed all their cows, / and stripped off their skins / in order to sell them in the town / to the greatest advantage.

    농부들이 그것을 들었을 때, / 그들은 또한 이 큰 이익을 누리길 원했고, / 집으로 달려가, / 모든 소를 죽이고, / 그들의 가죽을 벗겨내어 / 도시에서 최대 이익을 얻기 위해 / 팔려고 했다.

  16. ⦁ profit: 이익
    – They made a huge profit from the investment. (그들은 그 투자에서 큰 이익을 얻었다.)

    ⦁ strip: 벗기다
    – He stripped the wallpaper off the wall. (그는 벽에서 벽지를 벗겼다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)