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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 029 – THE LITTLE PEASANT – 010
He said to him: ‘I set you free from the closet, set me free from the barrel.’ At this same moment up came, with a flock of sheep, the very shepherd whom the peasant knew had long been wishing to be mayor, so he cried with all his might: ‘No, I will not do it; if the whole world insists on it, I will not do it!’ The shepherd hearing that, came up to him, and asked: ‘What are you about? What is it that you will not do?’ The peasant said: ‘They want to make me mayor, if I will but put myself in the barrel, but I will not do it.’ The shepherd said: ‘If nothing more than that is needful in order to be mayor, I would get into the barrel at once.’ The peasant said: ‘If you will get in, you will be mayor.’ The shepherd was willing, and got in, and the peasant shut the top down on him; then he took the shepherd’s flock for himself, and drove it away.The parson went to the crowd, and declared that the mass had been said.Then they came and rolled the barrel towards the water.When the barrel began to roll, the shepherd cried: ‘I am quite willing to be mayor.’ They believed no otherwise than that it was the peasant who was saying this, and answered: ‘That is what we intend, but first you shall look about you a little down below there,’ and they rolled the barrel down into the water
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He said to him: / ‘I set you free / from the closet, / set me free / from the barrel.’
그가 그에게 말했다: ‘나는 너를 옷장에서 풀어줬으니, 나를 통에서 풀어줘.’
At this same moment / up came, / with a flock of sheep, / the very shepherd / whom the peasant knew / had long been wishing / to be mayor, / so he cried / with all his might: / ‘No, I will not do it; / if the whole world insists on it, / I will not do it!’
바로 그 순간, 양 떼를 이끌고 온 목동은 농부가 알고 있던, 오래 전부터 시장이 되고 싶어 했던 바로 그 사람이었다. 그래서 농부는 온 힘을 다해 외쳤다: ‘아니, 나는 하지 않을 거야; 세상이 모두 강요해도 나는 하지 않을 거야!’
The shepherd hearing that, / came up to him, / and asked: / ‘What are you about? / What is it / that you will not do?’ The peasant said: / ‘They want to make me mayor, / if I will but put myself / in the barrel, / but I will not do it.’
목동은 그 말을 듣고 그에게 다가와서 물었다: ‘무슨 일인가요? 무엇을 하지 않겠다는 건가요?’ 농부가 말했다: ‘나를 시장으로 만들고 싶어 해요, 내가 그저 통에만 들어가면 될 일인데, 나는 하지 않을 거예요.’
The shepherd said: / ‘If nothing more / than that is needful / in order to be mayor, / I would get into the barrel / at once.’ The peasant said: / ‘If you will get in, / you will be mayor.’
목동이 말했다: ‘시장 되기 위해 그것만 필요하다면, 나는 당장이라도 통에 들어가겠소.’ 농부가 말했다: ‘당신이 들어가면, 당신이 시장이 될 거요.’
The shepherd was willing, / and got in, / and the peasant shut the top down on him; / then he took the shepherd’s flock / for himself, / and drove it away.
목동은 기꺼이 들어갔고, 농부는 그의 위에 뚜껑을 덮었다; 그러고 나서 농부는 목동의 양 떼를 가지고 가버렸다.
The parson went to the crowd, / and declared that / the mass had been said.
목사가 군중들에게 가서 미사가 이미 끝났다고 선언했다.
Then they came / and rolled the barrel / towards the water. When the barrel began to roll, / the shepherd cried: / ‘I am quite willing / to be mayor.’
그러고 나서 그들은 와서 통을 물 쪽으로 굴렸다. 통이 굴러가기 시작하자, 목동은 외쳤다: ‘나는 기꺼이 시장이 되겠소.’
They believed / no otherwise than that / it was the peasant who was saying this, / and answered: / ‘That is what we intend, / but first you shall look about you / a little down below there,’ / and they rolled the barrel / down into the water.
그들은 이 말을 하는 사람이 농부라고 믿고 대답했다: ‘우리는 그렇게 하려는 거요, 하지만 먼저 그 아래 조금만 둘러보시오,’ 그러고 나서 그들은 통을 물 속으로 굴렸다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)