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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 029 – THE LITTLE PEASANT – 011
After that the peasants went home, and as they were entering the village, the small peasant also came quietly in, driving a flock of sheep and looking quite contented.Then the peasants were astonished, and said: ‘Peasant, from whence do you come? Have you come out of the water?’ ‘Yes, truly,’ replied the peasant, ‘I sank deep, deep down, until at last I got to the bottom; I pushed the bottom out of the barrel, and crept out, and there were pretty meadows on which a number of lambs were feeding, and from thence I brought this flock away with me.’ Said the peasants: ‘Are there any more there?’ ‘Oh, yes,’ said he, ‘more than I could want.’ Then the peasants made up their minds that they too would fetch some sheep for themselves, a flock apiece, but the mayor said: ‘I come first.’ So they went to the water together, and just then there were some of the small fleecy clouds in the blue sky, which are called little lambs, and they were reflected in the water, whereupon the peasants cried: ‘We already see the sheep down below!’ The mayor pressed forward and said: ‘I will go down first, and look about me, and if things promise well I’ll call you.’ So he jumped in; splash! went the water; it sounded as if he were calling them, and the whole crowd plunged in after him as one man.Then the entire village was dead, and the small peasant, as sole heir, became a rich man.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
After that / the peasants went home, / and as they were entering the village, / the small peasant also came quietly in, / driving a flock of sheep / and looking quite contented.
그 후에 농부들은 집으로 향했고, 마을에 들어갈 때 작은 농부도 양떼를 몰고 조용히 들어와 매우 만족스러워 보였습니다.
⦁ peasant: 농부 – The peasant tilled his field every day. (그 농부는 매일 자신의 밭을 갈았습니다.) ⦁ flock: 떼, 무리 – A flock of birds flew across the sky. (한 무리의 새들이 하늘을 가로질러 날아갔습니다.) -
Then the peasants were astonished, / and said: ‘Peasant, / from whence do you come? / Have you come out of the water?’
그때 농부들은 놀라서 말했습니다: ‘농부야, 어디서 오는 거냐? 물에서 나온 거야?’
⦁ astonished: 놀라다 – She was astonished by the news. (그녀는 그 소식에 놀랐습니다.) ⦁ water: 물 – The water in the lake is very clear. (호수의 물은 매우 맑습니다.) -
‘Yes, truly,’ / replied the peasant, / ‘I sank deep, deep down, / until at last I got to the bottom; / I pushed the bottom out of the barrel, / and crept out, / and there were pretty meadows / on which a number of lambs were feeding, / and from thence I brought this flock away with me.’
‘네, 정말이에요.’ 농부가 대답했습니다. ‘나는 매우 깊이 가라앉아 마침내 바닥에 닿았습니다; 통의 바닥을 밀어내고 기어 나왔으며, 그곳에는 여러 마리의 양들이 풀을 뜯는 예쁜 초원이 있었습니다. 그곳에서 이 양떼를 데려왔습니다.’
⦁ sank: 가라앉다 – The boat sank to the bottom of the sea. (배는 바다 밑으로 가라앉았습니다.) ⦁ meadow: 초원 – The deer were grazing in the meadow. (사슴들은 초원에서 풀을 뜯고 있었습니다.) -
Said the peasants: / ‘Are there any more there?’ / ‘Oh, yes,’ / said he, / ‘more than I could want.’
농부들이 말했습니다: ‘그곳에 더 있나요?’ ‘오, 네,’ 그가 말했습니다. ‘제가 원하는 것보다 더 많습니다.’
⦁ more: 더 많은 – She wants more time to finish the project. (그녀는 프로젝트를 끝내기 위해 더 많은 시간이 필요합니다.) ⦁ wanted: 원하다 – He wanted to travel the world. (그는 전 세계를 여행하고 싶어했습니다.) -
Then the peasants made up their minds / that they too would fetch some sheep for themselves, / a flock apiece, / but the mayor said: ‘I come first.’
그러자 농부들은 자신도 양떼를 한 무리씩 가져오기로 결심했지만, 시장이 말했습니다: ‘내가 먼저 갈게.’
⦁ fetch: 가져오다 – Can you fetch me a glass of water? (물 한 잔 가져다줄 수 있니?) ⦁ apiece: 각자 – The tickets cost ten dollars apiece. (티켓은 각자 10달러입니다.) -
So they went to the water together, / and just then there were some of the small fleecy clouds / in the blue sky, / which are called little lambs, / and they were reflected in the water, / whereupon the peasants cried: / ‘We already see the sheep down below!’
그래서 그들은 함께 물가로 갔고, 마침 그때 작은 구름들이 파란 하늘에 있었으며, 그것들은 어린 양들이라고 불렸고 물에 비쳤습니다. 그러자 농부들이 외쳤습니다: ‘우리는 이미 저 아래 양들을 보고 있어!’
⦁ reflected: 반사되다 – The mountains were reflected in the lake. (산들이 호수에 반사되었습니다.) ⦁ cried: 외치다 – The baby cried loudly. (아기는 크게 울었습니다.) -
The mayor pressed forward / and said: / ‘I will go down first, / and look about me, / and if things promise well I’ll call you.’
시장이 앞으로 나아가며 말했습니다: ‘내가 먼저 내려갈게, 그리고 잘되면 너희를 부를게.’
⦁ pressed: 밀다, 누르다 – He pressed the button to call the elevator. (그는 엘리베이터를 부르기 위해 버튼을 눌렀습니다.) ⦁ promise: 약속하다 – She promised to help me. (그녀는 저를 도와준다고 약속했습니다.) -
So he jumped in; / splash! / went the water; / it sounded as if he were calling them, / and the whole crowd plunged in / after him as one man.
그는 뛰어들었습니다; 첨벙! 물이 치솟았고, 그가 그들을 부르는 것처럼 들렸습니다. 그러자 모든 사람들이 한 사람처럼 그를 따라 물속으로 뛰어들었습니다.
⦁ splash: 첨벙 – The dog made a big splash in the pool. (그 개는 수영장에 큰 물보라를 일으켰습니다.) ⦁ crowd: 군중 – The crowd cheered for their team. (군중은 그들의 팀을 응원했습니다.) -
Then the entire village was dead, / and the small peasant, / as sole heir, / became a rich man.
그러자 전체 마을이 죽었고, 작은 농부는 유일한 상속자로서 부자가 되었습니다.
⦁ entire: 전체의 – He spent the entire day reading. (그는 하루 종일 독서했습니다.) ⦁ heir: 상속자 – The prince was the heir to the throne. (왕자는 왕위의 상속자였습니다.)
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