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Grimms Fairy Tales 030 FREDERICK AND CATHERINE 003

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 030 – FREDERICK AND CATHERINE – 003

So she turned round; and as she had run a good way and was tired, she walked home leisurely to cool herself.

Now all this time the ale was running too, for Catherine had not turned the cock; and when the jug was full the liquor ran upon the floor till the cask was empty.
When she got to the cellar stairs she saw what had happened.
‘My stars!’ said she, ‘what shall I do to keep Frederick from seeing all this slopping about?’ So she thought a while; and at last remembered that there was a sack of fine meal bought at the last fair, and that if she sprinkled this over the floor it would suck up the ale nicely

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So she turned round; / and as she had run a good way / and was tired, / she walked home leisurely / to cool herself.

    그래서 그녀는 돌아섰다; / 꽤 먼 길을 뛰었고 / 피곤했기 때문에, / 그녀는 천천히 집으로 걸어갔다 / 자신을 식히기 위해.

  2. ⦁ leisurely: 느긋한
    – They walked leisurely through the park. (그들은 공원을 느긋하게 걸었다.)

    ⦁ cool: 식히다
    – He drank some water to cool himself down. (그는 자신을 식히기 위해 물을 마셨다.)

  3. Now all this time / the ale was running too, / for Catherine had not turned the cock; / and when the jug was full / the liquor ran upon the floor / till the cask was empty.

    이 모든 시간 동안 / 에일이 흐르고 있었다, / 왜냐하면 캐서린은 꼭지를 돌리지 않았기 때문이다; / 그리고 주전자가 가득 차자 / 술이 바닥에 쏟아졌다 / 술통이 비워질 때까지.

  4. ⦁ cock: 꼭지
    – Turn the cock to stop the water. (물을 멈추려면 꼭지를 돌려라.)

    ⦁ cask: 술통
    – The wine was stored in a cask. (와인은 술통에 저장되었다.)

  5. When she got to the cellar stairs / she saw what had happened.

    그녀가 지하실 계단에 도착했을 때 / 무슨 일이 일어났는지 보았다.

  6. ⦁ cellar: 지하실
    – They stored the old furniture in the cellar. (그들은 오래된 가구를 지하실에 보관했다.)

    ⦁ stairs: 계단
    – She climbed the stairs slowly. (그녀는 계단을 천천히 올랐다.)

  7. ‘My stars!’ / said she, / ‘what shall I do / to keep Frederick from seeing all this slopping about?’

    ‘이런!’ / 그녀가 말했다, / ‘프레드릭이 이 모든 난장판을 보지 못하게 하려면 어떻게 해야 할까?’

  8. ⦁ slop: 난장판
    – The kitchen was a slop after the party. (파티 후, 부엌은 난장판이었다.)

    ⦁ keep: 막다
    – Keep the door closed to prevent heat loss. (열 손실을 막기 위해 문을 닫아둬라.)

  9. So she thought a while; / and at last remembered / that there was a sack of fine meal / bought at the last fair, / and that if she sprinkled this over the floor / it would suck up the ale / nicely.

    그래서 그녀는 잠깐 생각했다; / 그리고 마침내 기억해냈다 / 지난 장터에서 구입한 / 고운 밀가루 자루가 있었고, / 만약 이걸 바닥에 뿌리면 / 에일을 / 잘 흡수할 것이라는 것을.

  10. ⦁ sprinkle: 뿌리다
    – Sprinkle some salt on the pasta. (파스타에 소금을 좀 뿌려라.)

    ⦁ suck up: 흡수하다
    – The sponge will suck up the spill. (스펀지가 엎질러진 것을 흡수할 것이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)