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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 030 – FREDERICK AND CATHERINE – 004
‘What a lucky thing,’ said she, ‘that we kept that meal! we have now a good use for it.’ So away she went for it: but she managed to set it down just upon the great jug full of beer, and upset it; and thus all the ale that had been saved was set swimming on the floor also.‘Ah! well,’ said she, ‘when one goes another may as well follow.’ Then she strewed the meal all about the cellar, and was quite pleased with her cleverness, and said, ‘How very neat and clean it looks!’At noon Frederick came home.‘Now, wife,’ cried he, ‘what have you for dinner?’ ‘O Frederick!’ answered she, ‘I was cooking you a steak; but while I went down to draw the ale, the dog ran away with it; and while I ran after him, the ale ran out; and when I went to dry up the ale with the sack of meal that we got at the fair, I upset the jug: but the cellar is now quite dry, and looks so clean!’ ‘Kate, Kate,’ said he, ‘how could you do all this?’ Why did you leave the steak to fry, and the ale to run, and then spoil all the meal?’ ‘Why, Frederick,’ said she, ‘I did not know I was doing wrong; you should have told me before.’The husband thought to himself, ‘If my wife manages matters thus, I must look sharp myself.’ Now he had a good deal of gold in the house: so he said to Catherine, ‘What pretty yellow buttons these are! I shall put them into a box and bury them in the garden; but take care that you never go near or meddle with them.’ ‘No, Frederick,’ said she, ‘that I never will.’ As soon as he was gone, there came by some pedlars with earthenware plates and dishes, and they asked her whether she would buy.‘Oh dear me, I should like to buy very much, but I have no money: if you had any use for yellow buttons, I might deal with you.’ ‘Yellow buttons!’ said they: ‘let us have a look at them.’ ‘Go into the garden and dig where I tell you, and you will find the yellow buttons: I dare not go myself.’ So the rogues went: and when they found what these yellow buttons were, they took them all away, and left her plenty of plates and dishes
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘What a lucky thing,’ / said she, / ‘that we kept that meal! / we have now a good use for it.’
‘운이 좋군요,’라고 그녀가 / 말했습니다. ‘우리가 저 음식을 보관해두었다니! 이제 유용하게 사용할 수 있겠어요.’
So away she went for it: / but she managed to set it down / just upon the great jug full of beer, / and upset it;
그래서 그녀는 그것을 가지러 갔습니다: 그러나 그녀는 그것을 내려놓다가 / 맥주로 가득 찬 큰 항아리 위에 놓고 / 그것을 엎어버렸습니다.
and thus / all the ale that had been saved / was set swimming on the floor also.
그리하여 / 저장해 두었던 모든 맥주도 / 바닥으로 흐르게 되었습니다.
‘Ah! well,’ / said she, / ‘when one goes / another may as well follow.’
‘아! 그래,’ / 라고 그녀가 말했습니다. ‘하나가 가면 / 다른 것도 따라 나가야겠죠.’
‘Now, wife,’ / cried he, / ‘what have you for dinner?’
‘여보,’ / 그가 외쳤습니다, / ‘저녁으로 무엇을 준비했나요?’
‘O Frederick!’ / answered she, / ‘I was cooking you a steak; / but while I went down to draw the ale, / the dog ran away with it;
‘오, 프레드릭!’ / 그녀가 대답했습니다. ‘내가 당신을 위해 스테이크를 요리하고 있었어요. / 하지만 내가 맥주를 따르러 내려간 사이 / 개가 그것을 훔쳐갔어요.
and while I ran after him, / the ale ran out; / and when I went to dry up the ale with the sack of meal / that we got at the fair, / I upset the jug:
그리고 내가 개를 쫓아가는 동안, / 맥주가 흘러나왔어요; / 그리고 우리가 시장에서 산 / 식량 자루로 맥주를 닦으려 했는데, / 항아리를 뒤집어버렸어요:
but the cellar is now quite dry, / and looks so clean!’
그런데 지하실은 이제 꽤 말랐고, / 아주 깨끗해 보여요!’
‘Kate, Kate,’ / said he, / ‘how could you do all this?’ / Why did you leave the steak to fry, / and the ale to run, / and then spoil all the meal?’
‘케이트, 케이트,’ / 그가 말했습니다, / ‘어떻게 이 모든 일을 저지를 수 있었나요?’ / 왜 스테이크를 튀기던 채로 놔두고, / 맥주를 흘러나오게 하고, / 그리고 나서 모든 음식을 망쳤나요?’
‘Why, Frederick,’ / said she, / ‘I did not know I was doing wrong; / you should have told me before.’
‘왜죠, 프레드릭,’ / 그녀가 말했습니다, / ‘제가 잘못하고 있다는 것을 몰랐어요; / 전에 저에게 말해줬어야 했어요.’
The husband thought to himself, / ‘If my wife manages matters thus, / I must look sharp myself.’
남편은 혼자 생각했습니다, / ‘내 아내가 이런 식으로 일을 처리한다면, / 내가 직접 주의 깊게 살펴봐야겠다.’
Now he had a good deal of gold in the house: / so he said to Catherine, / ‘What pretty yellow buttons these are! / I shall put them into a box and bury them in the garden; / but take care that you never go near or meddle with them.’
그는 집에 많은 금을 가지고 있었습니다: / 그래서 그는 캐서린에게 말했습니다, / ‘이 예쁜 노란 단추들 좀 봐! / 내가 그것들을 상자에 넣고 정원에 묻어둘거야; / 그러나 절대로 그 근처에 가지 말고 간섭하지 않도록 조심해.’
‘No, Frederick,’ / said she, / ‘that I never will.’
‘아니에요, 프레드릭,’ / 그녀가 말했습니다, / ‘절대로 그렇게 하지 않을게요.’
As soon as he was gone, / there came by some pedlars with earthenware plates and dishes, / and they asked her whether she would buy.
그가 떠나자마자, / 몇몇 행상인들이 도자기 접시와 그릇을 가지고 지나갔고, / 그녀에게 살 의향이 있는지 물었습니다.
‘Oh dear me, / I should like to buy very much, / but I have no money: / if you had any use for yellow buttons, / I might deal with you.’
‘오, 저런, / 너무 사고 싶지만, / 돈이 없어요: / 만약 노란 단추에 쓸모가 있다면, / 거래할지도 몰라요.’
‘Yellow buttons!’ / said they: / ‘let us have a look at them.’
‘노란 단추요!’ / 그들이 말했습니다. / ‘우리에게 보여주세요.’
‘Go into the garden / and dig where I tell you, / and you will find the yellow buttons: / I dare not go myself.’
‘정원으로 가서 / 내가 이르는 곳을 파보세요, / 그럼 노란 단추를 찾을 수 있을 겁니다: / 저는 감히 가지 못하겠어요.’
So the rogues went: / and when they found what these yellow buttons were, / they took them all away, / and left her plenty of plates and dishes.
그래서 악당들이 갔습니다: / 그리고 그 노란 단추가 무엇인지 발견했을 때, / 그들은 모두 가져가고, / 그녀에게 많은 접시와 그릇을 남겼습니다.
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